
Our First Meeting

I clearly remember our first meeting. It was the first day of our class during our junior high. I arrived in our classroom thirty minutes earlier than the supposedly time. I need to find a spot in front because my eyesight is not that good. I was wishing during that time that our adviser will not arrange us alphabetically because I will be sitting at the back. I was a new student. No, not really new. I was in section 2 during grade 10, but since I got a high grade, I was transferred to the Star Section. You arrived early too. You sat beside me. You look at me, and ask, "You're new? My name is Nat." I answered, "Russel here." You smiled at me. When you smiled, my heart fluttered.

I looked at your face. Yours is not that outstanding. But what attracted me the most is your eyes.. You have the most expressive eyes.. You sensed that I am still looking at you so you asked, "something wrong?!". I blushed and replied, "Uhm, nothing".. Then our classmates arrived one by one. Soon the bell rang and our first subject teacher arrived. He's still young and very jolly. He introduced himself and he told us that he will also be our class adviser. He also informed us that we can choose our seating arrangement so I felt relieved. Not only I was sitting infront, I was also sitting beside a very interesting girl. Very interesting indeed..

Our first subject is mathematics, my weakness.. I am good in philosophy and other social science subjects, but never good at math. But I was amazed because you can solve all the problems even those lessons that our teacher asked us to do at home. You knew that I was looking at you so you said, " I do advance reading and I love math subjects. Also, all of my siblings are taking engineering courses so they taught me during summer break.". "Wow, you're really good!", I said... "You want me to teach you?" you said.."please..", I said.. and that's the start of our beautiful friendship..