
My Olympus Exile (Bara BL)

WARNING: This is is an 18+ Bara style (Masculine Men / Men's Love), medium paced, gay romance. Nothing is held back and is not for the faint of heart. ------------ During a research trip to Greece for the Museum of Ancient History, university student historian Alexander Ward stumbles upon an extraordinary discovery: Drayvos, a living relic of ancient Greek mythology. Drayvos, the long-lost son of Ares, God of War, emerges from the past into the modern world, seeking refuge on Earth. As Drayvos navigates the complexities of the present, Alex becomes his unlikely ally, drawn to the innocence and wonder of his larger-than-life companion. Together, they must find Drayvos's place in a world he doesn't recognize, while Alex strives to protect this ancient being from the perils of modernity.

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41 Chs

My Olympus Exile

Alex closed his eyes tightly, a single tear tracing a path down his swollen and bruised cheek. His body ached with every movement, every breath a struggle against the pain that wracked his battered form. Bound in leather and chains, he felt utterly powerless, his voice stolen by the brutality he had endured.

In the darkness of his torment, Alex found solace in the only refuge left to him: prayer. "Drayvos," he whispered, the name a desperate plea on his lips. "I need you... I am in agony... it all hurts... where are you?" His voice cracked with pain and despair as he reached out into the void, seeking the presence of his savior. "I need you now more than I ever thought possible," he confessed, his words barely audible over the sound of his own ragged breathing. "Where are you, my hero? Where are you, my Ethaaran champion?" The tears flowed freely now, mingling with the blood that stained his cheeks. "Where are you, my my god?... where are you ... My Olympus Exile?"

In the silence that followed, Alex clung to the fragile hope that somewhere, somehow, his prayers would be heard. The hope that in his darkest hour, his cries for salvation would reach the ears of the one who held the power to set him free.

In the stillness of a night shrouded in darkness, Drayvos lay alone in the expanse of the master bed aboard his yacht. Sleeping alone on a ship was a solitude he had grown accustomed to over countless centuries, yet tonight, it felt different—empty, like a void that stretched endlessly into oblivion. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he slept without the comforting presence of his other beside him.

Futilely attempting to coax sleep to embrace him, Drayvos squeezed his eyes shut against the inky blackness, his limbs reaching out for a phantom warmth that eluded him.

Suddenly, in the hushed silence, a sound—a whisper—echoed through his consciousness, bypassing his ears to resonate within the depths of his mind. It was a voice he hadn't heard in ages, yet one that stirred a familiar ache deep within his soul.

"Drayvos… Where are you?"

In an instant, Drayvos was jolted awake, his eyes snapping open as he sat upright in bed, his heart pounding with sudden urgency. "I hear you, Alexander!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief and determination. Casting a searching gaze around the room, he realized with a start that he could still hear prayers— prayers directed to him—echoing within the recesses of his mind. The words carried with them a rigid sense danger, of pain, of agony and anguish.

With a surge of superhuman speed and strength, Drayvos leapt from the bed and bolted out of the yacht, his bare feet pounding against the wooden planks of the dock. "Hold on, Alexander!" he called out into the night, his voice carrying on the wind as he raced with unmatched swiftness towards his beloved's side. "Your Drayvos is coming!"

"I said TAKE IT!" Darrick's voice thundered through the dungeon as he unleashed a barrage of backhanded blows upon Alex's battered form, each strike accompanied by a mocking laugh. In his hand, he clenched yet another syringe filled with a sinister white substance.

Alex lay there, suspended in the chains that bound him, his body bruised and bloodied, his spirit crushed beneath the weight of Darrick's relentless torment. Every strike sent waves of pain coursing through his shattered form, rendering him unable to even muster a cry of protest.

"Heh…" Darrick's laughter echoed off the stone walls, a chilling testament to his sadistic pleasure. "Perhaps I may have... overestimated your stamina this time," he mused, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "But I had faith in you, Alex!" he bellowed over the sounds of Alex's agony, his body gleaming with a sheen of sweat as he loomed over his captive's writhing form. "After all, you've already taken it five times tonight!" With a cruel smirk, Darrick leaned in close, his breath hot against Alex's ear. "But fear not," he whispered, his voice laced with menace, "Your consciousness is of little consequence to me now."

Sprinting tirelessly, his muscles fueled by determination and love, Drayvos surged forward at speeds that surpassed even the fastest vehicles on the road. With each bound, he effortlessly cleared entire streets and crosswalks, his movements a blur of superhuman agility and strength. The bustling streets of Berkeley and Oakland became a mere blur as he raced onward, his singular focus fixed on reaching his beloved in time.

The thought of driving their new truck seemed trivial now; and Drayvos knew he possessed the ability to hone in on Alex's signal, but he needed to get to him with all possible speed. "Faster, Drayvos!" he urged himself onward, the wind whipping past him as he propelled himself forward with astonishing speed. "Run faster!" he admonished, his voice barely audible amidst the rush of air and the distant sounds of traffic.

As he streaked past cars and pedestrians alike, Drayvos's heart pounded with a mixture of desperation and resolve. "Hold on, Alexander!" he called out into the wind, his voice a fierce declaration of his unwavering determination. "I am on my way, and nothing will stand in my path!" With each stride, he drew closer to his beloved, his every movement a testament to the power of love and the indomitable spirit of a hero racing to save the day.

"I was just about to ask if you're ready for round six," Darrick taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he positioned himself between Alex's battered legs, a sinister grin etched upon his face. "But honestly, I don't give a FUCK how you feel!" He shouted as he began once again.

Alex struggled to pry open his one remaining, bloodshot eye; the other swollen shut and bruised, tears unable to flow from his spent tear ducts. Every fiber of his being screamed in agony as his captor callously disregarded his suffering.

"You belong to me... Alex. Completely and utterly," Darrick declared, seizing Alex's ankles once more, poised to inflict another round torment upon his helpless victim. "And there's nothing you can do about it."

But just as Darrick prepared to continue his cruel assault, a deafening crash shattered the oppressive silence as Drayvos burst through the brick wall like a behemoth force of nature.

"Stay away from him, you despicable trojan!" Drayvos bellowed, his voice resonating with righteous fury as he emerged from the dust and debris as the unexpected savior.

Caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, Darrick stumbled backward, his expression morphing from one of sadistic glee to one of shock and confusion. "Who the hell are you?!" he demanded, scrambling to his feet in a futile attempt to regain control of the situation.

Alex, though unable to vocalize his gratitude, breathed a silent prayer of relief as his rescuer revealed himself. "You found me! Oh, thank the gods, Drayvos," he thought fervently, his heart swelling with gratitude and hope.

"Oh hohoh!" Darrick chuckled, "I know who the Fuck You are!" Darrick spat, his bravado undeterred as he prepared to square off against the imposing figure before him, "I've been waiting to meet YOU." he declared, adopting a Krav Maga fighting stance, he prepared to face his newfound adversary head-on, confident in his own prowess and martial skill. "You think you can take me on, huh? Well, let's see what you've got, big guy. As they say, 'the bigger they are... the harder they...BLEGH!!"

Darrick suddenly found the largest fist he ever imagined tightly gripped around his esophagus, as Drayvos held a death grip around his throat. Darrick's world slowly rose up as Drayvos single arm raise the athletic Darrick high into the air, as if he weighed mere ounces.

Holding the fiendish man high above him, Drayvos glared with bloodshot fury in his eyes. "Do. Not. Touch. My. Alexander."

Then "BAM!"

With a resounding thud, Drayvos delivered a single, superhuman gut punch that sent Darrick crashing straight into the cold tile walls on the far oppositeside, crashing into his BDSM memorabilia, all while instantly unconscious and defeated in an unclimactic instant.

Wasting no time on the vile figure unconscious at his feet, Drayvos swiftly made his way to Alex's side, his massive form exuding urgency, concern and tenderness. "Alexander, I'm here," he murmured softly, his voice laced with panic and desperation. "I am here."

Gently, Drayvos removed the gag from Alex's mouth, his touch tender and reassuring.

"I knew you would come..." Alex's voice was barely a whisper, weakened and on the brink of death. "I knew you would hear me..."

With a righteous anger and dread burning in his eyes, Drayvos tore through the leather bindings with ease, his superhuman strength rendering them as flimsy as tissue paper, freeing his love from his confines, and lowering him into his welcoming arms.

Cradling Alex in his massive arms, Drayvos held Alex close, his massive frame offering comfort and protection.

"I heard you, my Alexander," Drayvos whispered, his voice a soothing balm in the midst of chaos. "You're safe now. I am here."

"Drayvos..." Alex's voice trembled, his strength failing him as he struggled to form words amidst his pain and exhaustion.

"Hold on, Alexander," Drayvos reassured him, his fingers deftly dialing the emergency number on his phone. "If we were on Olympus, I'd have you in the regeneration chamber and good as new by morning," he explained, his eyes flashing with hastey determination. "But for now, we need to get you to an earthly hospital. And the authorities to deal with that pathetic excuse for a human." His gaze turned steely as he glared at the unconscious kidnapper lying against the far wall. "Good thing I paid attention to those safety cartoons for the children while you were away at the museum, right, Alexander?" he added with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood in the dark dungeon. 

Alex closed his eyes, finding solace in the rhythmic beat of Drayvos's heart beneath his bloodied head. In that moment, he knew he was finally safe. Safe in the arms of the gentle giant who had come to his rescue.

Several days had passed, the museum Gala night canceled due to the centerpiece statue oddly dissappearing, and Alex found himself standing before his yacht, clad in basic sky blue hospital clothes. It was a moment of profound relief to finally be home. By his side stood Drayvos, a picture of pride and strength, and his dear friend Tiffany, offering silent support.

"Welcome back home, Alexander," Drayvos greeted him with a soft smile, his hands open in a welcoming gesture, inviting Alex to step inside their sanctuary.

Taking a tentative step forward, Alex winced in pain. Suddenly he was swept off his feet as Drayvos carried him aboard, like a groom carries his bride over the hearth's threshold. 

Laughing at the moment, Tiffany spoke gently, "You two go on ahead. I gotta go check on something and join you shortly."

With a nod of gratitude, the two men made their way inside, leaving the tranquil embrace of the outdoors behind.

Setting Alex down in the living room, then setting aside Alex's belongings, Drayvos sank down onto the couch with a contented sigh. "Come, my Alexander," he beckoned, his arms open wide in invitation. "The doctor prescribed rest and relaxation, and I must wholeheartedly agree."

A soft smile graced Alex's lips as he nestled in beside his gentle giant, the familiarity and warmth of Drayvos's embrace washing over him like a soothing balm. "And I couldn't agree more," he murmured, feeling a sense of peace settle over him at last.

Drayvos wrapped his large muscular arms around his beloved, holding him close with a tenderness that spoke volumes. In the quiet intimacy of their shared space, Alex found himself overcome with emotion.

"Drayvos…" Alex began, his voice barely above a whisper, breaking the gentle silence that enveloped them, his head resting on the muscular pecs he loved so dearly, listening for the heartbeat beneath the manly bulwarks.

"Yes, my Alexander?" Drayvos responded, his tone soft and reassuring, a gentle warmth suffusing him.

"Thank you," Alex breathed, his gratitude heartfelt and sincere.

"For what, Alexander?" Drayvos inquired, his embrace tightening ever so slightly, a silent vow of protection and devotion.

"For saving my life," Alex replied, a genuine smile of gratitude illuminating his features.

"You are welcome, my Alexander," Drayvos murmured, resting his chin atop Alex's head, a silent promise echoing in his words.

And then, as if guided by an unseen force, Alex found himself locking eyes with Drayvos, their gazes meeting in a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

"Drayvos…" Alex whispered, his voice trembling with emotion as he spoke the words that had been weighing on his heart.

"Yes, my Alexander?" Drayvos replied, his tone soft and tender, mirroring the love and longing reflected in Alex's eyes.

"I love you, Drayvos. My Olympus Exile," Alex declared softly, the truth of his feelings laid bare for all to see.

"And I love you, Alexander," Drayvos responded, his voice a gentle murmur as he leaned down, his lips meeting Alex's in a tender kiss that spoke of a love that knew no bounds.

In that moment, as they held each other close, their hearts beating as one, Alex knew that they were bound together not just by circumstance, but by a love that would endure for all eternity. Locked in each other's embrace, they knew that they had found their home, their sanctuary, their forever.

The grand climax and finale. I am taking a hiatus after this short project to work on my other novels.

I hope your naughty side enjoyed the story so far as much as I had writing it.

JDStonecreators' thoughts