
My Ninja System War Love Revenge

This story is about the struggle of a 17 year old boy named Kevin, who is a part of a world of ruthless ninjas, where the weak had no right to live, always grew up with loneliness. At the age of 17, Kevin headed towards the gallows. Because he didn't have any ninja powers. But that day a mysterious incident happened which changed the entire Ninja society and a new sun rose in Kevin's life, when the Ninja System was installed in his body. What happened that day? What is the secret of Ninja system? Who is Kevin? What happened to his parents? Read this amazing story full of action and adventure Ninja System war love revenge.

Mister_legend01 · Fantasi
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25 Chs

terrible Ninja Exams

There was a battlefield, dead bodies were scattered all around, the ground was red with blood, in the middle of the pile of thousands of dead bodies, a three-headed giant green tiger was lying dead and right next to it was a 25-year-old man in black (ninja). He was in an injured condition on his knees, blood was dripping from his mouth.

There was a pink energy arrow through his neck, but despite that he was breathing. Right in front of him, a newborn child was crying on the ground wet with blood. This child's father was David Fox.

In front of his eyes was standing a 10 feet high crocodile glowing like red energy, he looked quite powerful with red angry eyes. This crocodile, which was standing on its own two legs, placed one hand on its face and its condition started changing, now it was back looking like a normal human being.

The man dressed in purple took out the sword and placed it on the child's small chest and said in an angry voice (Thomas Fox) "Little brother, if you had politely given us the heart stone, such a devastation would not have happened, but it is not too late. I am giving you one last chance, give me that otherwise even this little insect will not survive.

David Fox groaned in pain and said, "No, just stop, I will give it to you, but promise me you will not do anything to the last lamp of our dynasty."

At David's statement, Thomas Fox nods his head with a wry smile, on which David places his hand on his chest, red energy appears in his fingers and he tears through his own chest and touches his heart. He takes it out and passes it towards Thomas and he dies at that very moment.

It was not a normal heart but was shaped like a diamond, because it was the heart of a Guardian, the title of a Guardian is obtained only after mastering all magical ninja techniques."

After receiving the heart stone, Thomas laughs an evil and scary laugh "I have got what I wanted, no one can stop us from becoming gods, from now on I am the last god of this new world ".

His laughter was heard echoing all around. He was Thomas, the great ninja of infinite dark powers, in front of whom today the greatest power of the world had surrendered.

After 17 years...

Water Kingdom was once again populated, the world has changed, after working hard since the age of 5, a ninja is prepared, one of whom is Kevin who is orphan since childhood, he does not know who are his parents. , Ninja Academy is his home.

It was winter time, today is the result day, after 17 years of hard work, Kevin gave the exam, he was nervous, and not only him, every student in the class was nervous on his face. Kevin was sitting in the back seat of the class with his face down and trembling.

"I'm scared too, you donkey, you better stop trembling" a tall orange haired young man shouted at Kevin.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm scared, I'm scared," Kevin said nervously.

"Oi Monty why are you shouting at the poor guy, don't you remember that he will be hanged very soon, it was sure to spread" Maya said "She is the most beautiful and bright student in the class, she doesn't care before saying anything." Whether he likes it or not.

Not only in this class but the condition of the students of the entire Ninja Academy was in a bad condition, everyone was scared, the reason for which was not only the result, if anyone fails in the Annual Ninja Exam then his only punishment is "Death".

Kevin came to the class with an old master whose hair was up to his waist, "Dear students, as you all know the result has come today, before telling the result, let me make it clear to all of you, this is the ninja world and here the weak and worthless do not Those who have no space to spread, be prepared for your death."

Hearing the bitter words of the teacher, all the students became more scared, especially Kevin, who was trembling. To pass the academy, one has to master at least one ninja technique, Kevin has not been able to learn even one technique till date, he was certain to fail, Maya came first in the class, her grades were the best, everyone was able to speak their names. Later the master spoke the names of those who had spread out.

"Red, Sneha Thakur, Arbaaz Dewan and Kevin, we are happy to tell that this time only 4 students have failed. Those who have passed, have a party and all four of you worthless people should get out of the class right now."

Kevin was not surprised to hear his name, he already knew that his name would definitely be in the spread list, Kevin got up with a sad face and moist eyes and started walking out of the class, the eyes of the entire class were fixed only on those four students. .

Maya was feeling pity on those people. Maya questioned the master and said, "Why such a strict rule for those who fail in the exam? Is our life worth nothing? If no one is able to become a good ninja then what?" Why is there this rule that he has no right to live?

The master replied, "Maya, you yourself know the answer to this. This is the world of the ninja. There is no place for the weak here, but this was not always the rule. 17 years ago, such a terrible incident happened which put the entire ninja world in fear." There was such an enemy who became a curse for the world.

This rule has been in practice since then, because no one was able to cope with it, so that the remaining students and the coming generations work harder and make themselves the best ninja so that the world does not get into such a bad situation again."

Maya and all the other students are always told about the terrible incident that happened 17 years ago. It is the duty of every ninja to fight against their enemies and protect the country, but no student can digest the fact that if they fail. The person should be given death as punishment.

Kevin and the other three students had come out of the class with sad faces, but there was one among them who had a smile on his face. As if his death doesn't matter to him. Two tall and black-clad soldiers were waiting for them at the gate. They took the four students with them. This was the Land of Water.

A stage was made in the middle of the city where a wooden pole and a gallows were waiting for them. Right near it there was a high throne where King Vikram Diwan was waiting for everyone. It was an old man. There was a crowd of people around. It was gathered that a total of 27 students have been found guilty this year who will be given death sentence.

All those scared students were made to stand in a straight line. Kevin was second to the last among them. Behind him stood Red, a young boy with red hair who was still smiling, he was a little taller than Kevin.

The king said, "Welcome to all of you who have come here to witness the death of these weak and useless students. These people are a joke for the Land of Water. If they are not punished today, then the coming generations will also be like them." You will be weak. There is a simple rule to pass the academy. Learning to control the power of at least one element was all you had to do to master a ninja technique, but this stupid and weak student couldn't do even that. They have no right to live, soldiers. Action should be initiated".

An executioner-looking soldier picked up a student by his hair and put a noose around his neck, and the next moment he was hanged. He died in agony in front of everyone's eyes. All the students were scared. They all wanted to run away from here but they had no option. Because whoever tries to run away, his death will be changed and he will be burnt alive. There are only two options. Either be hanged or see yourself burnt alive plus there were so many soldiers around that there was no way to escape.

Kevin was shivering. He had a fever. Seeing him shivering, Red, who was standing right behind him, placed his hand on Kevin's shoulder and said softly, "Kevin, stop shivering, it's not going to matter, accept your death." The more you are afraid, the scarier it will be. Control yourself."

Kevin said in a trembling voice, "I don't know who I am, I don't know where I came from, I have been in the academy since childhood, I worked hard day and night, sweated every moment, but despite that I could not control any element in it. What a mistake I was. I don't have the quality to become a ninja and today my death is in front of me like a puppet and you are telling me to stay calm, how can I be red, how can I?"

Red became silent after listening to Kevin. He did not have words to explain to Kevin. Red was actually like Kevin. He was also an orphan since childhood but no one ever saw sadness or disappointment on his face. He always kept smiling. Even now that he knows he is next to Kevin, Ho is still smiling.

One by one the names of the second and then the third students were called and they were crucified,

23 students had already been hanged and their dead bodies were scattered on the stage, now only four people were left.

"Arbaaz Diwan, now it's your turn." The king called out his name, on which the executioner moved towards Arbaaz, but the young man with fair complexion and green long hair himself climbed on top of the stage and put the noose around his neck, his eyes were red with anger, hatred on his face. The expressions could be seen clearly. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him. Everyone was silent and were looking at the king with oblique eyes.

The king said to himself, "We cannot believe our eyes, despite being our son he has not been able to learn anything, we are ashamed of ourselves."

What will happen next?

Will the king kill his own son also?

What are the laws of this ninja world?

What would have happened to Kevin?