
Hearts full of Moxe

[I've been thinking about which world to start on for along time, I might just use this as a hub world after CP2077 comes out I can then adjust things on the fly. Anyway, I had these ready-made, for the most part. I like to retype the sentences a lot in this story to make everything flow perfectly so I wasn't sure I was going to post it but decided to eventually. Chapters in this story and Paradis travels might come out slower but that's mainly due to 'this' which has gotten worse, vision and hearing on the left side have decreased a lot, almost all the way, and so has feeling but oh well.]

A woman was trying to crawl away as a man repeatedly wailed into her with kicks from his metallic boots that ran up and over his knees. He looked like the sort you would meet at night, not someone you would see so brazenly beating the shit out of someone during the day. Ink spread across his whole upper torso in a traditional yakuza style, and neon blue pants held up by a yellow sash, but that was just the normal part. With a singular mechanical blue eye that sat right over his nose and mechanical devices running down his spine and arms, he looked positively menacing to Aki.

Watching as the woman tried to grab the man's foot for the second time and failed as the kick caught her ribs, Aki winced. Thankful his sister was still asleep, and as he looked down, he saw a clear bottle filled with some kind of filthy liquid that he had tapped with his foot. Setting his sister down against the alley wall as quietly as he could, Aki picked the bottle up and waited patiently for the perfect chance to strike while thinking that this should be some entertainment for Mori.

The techniques he had gotten for survival weren't just some normal survival things. It was also how to fight dirty and how to be a [Survivor]. Gripping the bottle by the neck, he waited and held it in the perfect stance to throw.

When Aki saw the thug lift his foot to throw another kick at the struggling woman, he brought his hand forward and flicked the bottle at the man's face, concentrating hard on hitting the blue, glowing target. Granted, he was throwing from the man's right side, but a bottle of dirty 'juice' to the face will do something all the same.


"GAH! Which fucker just did that!?"

The bottle sped forward and broke on the man's cheekbone, flinging the gunk all over his face. Grabbing his face in pain, he didn't have time to react as the woman latched on to his leg that was about to collide with her and pulled it under her taking him to the ground. As the man fell, he had already started reaching for something concealed underneath the sash, so Aki had moved forward with his pipe to strike.

The dirt-covered woman had mounted on top of the man and was ready to start wailing on him when he pulled a glass knife out of the sash that held his pants up, Aki having seen his hand reaching for something was already prepared.

Aki brought the pipe over his head and brought it down on the man's wrist with a *CRACK*


*CRACK* This time, he brought it down on the man's eyepiece, shattering it and hopefully blinding him. "ARrgh, you fucking dwarf! The Claws don't forget!" The man managed to scream in a rage, with his face twisted and covered in gunk.

About to yell it a bit more before the woman shimmied up to his chest and started beating his face in. When the man finally stopped struggling, the woman sat on his chest and breathed in deeply for a bit. Aki guessed in an effort to calm down, but he was more interested in that knife. Searching for a few seconds, he managed to find it a few feet away; grabbing it and using his tarp as a holder like his sister, he got his first real weapon.

For now, Aki was more concerned about his sister. He had let her out of sight for a whole thirty seconds! For a doting guy like him, that was worrying. But he didn't believe she would wake up through all that anyway, and he was right. With his sister on his back again, he was in front of the woman. After she had calmed down, she had just stared at them with a curious expression on her face.

"Oh, and what the fuck do you want? No one helps one of us without wanting something in return." She said with a sneer as she started patting down the guy she was sitting on. Aki watched her go through his pockets and the insides of his sash before opening his mouth.

"Um, ca-"

"Woah! How young are you!?" She shouted in surprise. Reaching over and yanking his hood back, she saw a face that couldn't be more than ten. "Jesus Christ, I thought you were a dwarf looking to get laid or some shit. What's a tiny little kid running around? Where are your parents, huh? You cant be wondering around Night City, you'd have your organs stolen, or worse, some crazy pervs would love to chain you up!"

"Uh, we don't have parents, or anything really."


"My sister is on my back."

"Ahhh fuuhuuck, I didn't even see her. Ah well, a Mox pays their debts, and besides, I can't leave some kids on the street. I'll take you to Lizzie's, and then we can sort everything out." She groaned. She stood up and dusted off her hot pink leather pants and once white but now black shirt, and finally ruffled her black hair to knock all the grime out of it. "Alright, follow me, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes if we take a taxi. 'Sides I took that assholes eddies so that should pay for the cab."

Aki just nodded his head at her words and wondered how his sister was still asleep. Watching the woman groan and wince in pain as she finally started walking, he realized she must have taken a bigger beating than he originally thought. Following her out the dark alley and back into the bright light, he kept close so he wouldn't lose her in the crowd of very different people.

Standing at the side of the road, the woman held up her hand, flagging down a black taxi. How she did it, Aki wasn't sure. He didn't even realize it was one until it pulled up in front of them.

Climbing in the back was a chore with his sister dead asleep; when she falls asleep, it was next to impossible to wake her up, or at least when she was younger. Now that she is younger again, he will have to deal with it all over again. In fact, he was thinking about how they were both going to have to grow up all over again.

The car ride felt like it was over in the blink of an eye to Aki since thoughts and worries had consumed his mind. Pulling up by the sidewalk, the taxi finally stopped, and the woman finally stepped out. "Come on, we're almost there. It's through this alley, but this time it is a safe alley, so we don't need to worry here, well, as safe as you can get in Night City. Ha!"

Following her once again, after moving Aiki to his back, he trudged after her. His legs were already lead before they got in the car, but after resting them and having that chance to sit down, they no longer wanted to move at all, and it was taking a lot of his willpower to push them forward.

After making their way to a steel door guarded by some more women, who talked for a few minutes to their guide, they finally let them in after using a wire that came out of her fingertip.

The door led to a darkened staircase with smaller lights giving just enough glow to let you see each step and led you up a narrowed stairwell that Aki couldn't see the end of. Following his guide yet again, he slowly started trudging up the stairs letting out involuntary groans every now and then. By the time they had reached the destination, he felt like his head had an extra ten pounds on it. His eyes felt fuzzy and unfocused whenever he blinked.

The woman he helped opened up another door and gestured them inside, as Aki followed her into a brightly colored office, he saw another woman sitting behind the large desk.

She had a light brown skin tone and dark hair pinned up with some chopsticks, which really made her very regal looks pop if it were to be described by anyone. Taking one last drag of her cig before smashing it against her tray, she started speaking with smoke leaking out of her mouth "An' what tha fuck happened to you, Ray? It looks like you got in a butch blender."

Snorting in disgust before she crossed her arms, Ray, the woman Aki had rescued, sneered before answering, "Those fucking guys you sent me to negotiate with threw me to some Claw after they didn't like the bottom line. He was gonna deadline me in a back alley if it weren't for this little squirt here. Don't let his looks fool ya' though, he's got a mean arm and aim. Not to mention he won't need any mods to look like a hunk when he grows up. HA!"

"Oh? So, what was this little guy doing over there? Is he a bug sent by Tyger because it seems awfully suspicious that he happened to be there?" Said the Desk Lady, "Take his hood off and let me get a good look."

Ray reached over and gently tugged his hood down, unlike last time when she snatched it down. "See, Star? A hunk in a few years, and that's his sister on his back. He hasn't put her down once he just carries her everywhere since she has been sleeping. How long you been carrying her kid?"

"Uh... I'm not sure, and I think at least a few hours. We had to walk from that oil place outside the city yesterday, so she was tired..." Aki answered a bit haltingly under the stares of the two women.

"Fuck! Kid, you're telling me you've been walking from the Oil fields up north since yesterday?!" Ray shouted

"Uh, yeah? We just hid whenever people passed and used the tarps to act like trash bags."

"Hold on a minute, pipsqueak, you walked all the way to Night City, right?" Asked Star

"Yes, ma'am."

"Where are your parents?"

"That's part of why I brought them here, Star, and they said they don't have any, so I was going to see if we could do something for them."

Star just leaned back in her chair and stared at the people in front of her for a moment before her arm opened and dispensed a cigar. Cutting the end off and lighting it with the tip of her finger, which glowed white-hot, she continued to remain silent while thinking. A moment later, she typed something on a popup keyboard before she finally spoke up, "I'll get to you in a minute, squeaker, first I want you to tell me about the meeting Ray."

"Those chupski wannabes want ten percent rev and free nights for three years. Fucking brain cell donors, corporate gold diggers, honestly I wish we could just off them. Anyway, so I was like 'NO WAY' just way more polite and brought them down to something within our expected area. Obviously, it didn't happen, and when I look back, they never wanted it to since they must have sold me to the Claws." Ray said while pounding her palm with her fist. "Anyway, I come out into the alley and get bashed in the back of the head, the Gajin is kicking me left and right, plus tormenting me till Kid over here smashes a dirty bottle of scud on his face, blinding him, and starts beating him with a pipe while I wale on him with my hams. Then I brought them back here since I owe them." Ray finishes with a shrug

Star chewed in her cigar for a few more seconds before opening her mouth, "Alright, then they can stay in your apartment. But since yours is so dinky and garbage, I'll get you a new one with some more room. But before that, I want to know where you came from, Kid, what the fuck is your name even?"

"WOOOAH, MY PLACE?! Come on, that ain't funny. I don't 'work,' but I'm not a mother or anything! You can't fucking do this to meee!" Ray said yelled this with a mortified expression

Ignoring her, Star gestured with her cigar, "Alright, child, tell me about yourself."