
Painful Memory

The smell of burning oak wood filled my nose, pain struck my body awakening my form sleeping, trying to get up as my vision faded and returned. Realizing I wasn't in my warm bed but tied up to wooden posts, breathing hard I was struck again feeling my blood running slowly down my back, the warm liquid turning cold and sticky. Wanting to scream but when I tried no voice remained in my throat, tears filled my eyes, running down like a waterfall as my hair plastered to my face. After he whipped me a few more times each with more force then the last, a voice, raspy and hoarse spoke from behind me, " It's all your fault" shaking and scared I managed to get out a few words, " I-I didn't d-do anything." Struggling to get free from the ropes that help me up, but they tightened with each movement cutting into my skin making me bleed more. The voice behind me chuckled evilly and whipped me once more, " You killed her, by you being in this world she was willing to die for you and leave me, you're not my daughter but a monster." hearing the breaking in his voice I cried in silence losing more and more blood till darkness met my eyes.