
My New Life in TBATE

Decided to rewrite the Synopsis as multiple people now have brought to my attention that it makes it seem like MC will just follow Arthur around everywhere and that’s just not the case. Now the synopsis begins. Jaron dies and is given the opportunity to reincarnate into a world of his choosing with one wish to help him along the way. He chooses the world of The Beginning After The End. Born into the body of an orphan of mysterious origins, Jaron uses his knowledge of the books to help himself awaken his core early. He meets new characters as well as familiar ones as he learns about his own origins in this world. He comes to develop a deep bond with his new family and his priories shift. He’s no longer preparing himself just to face the future enemies, but also protect his newfound family. The Helstea’s Hope you enjoy, as I have enjoyed writing this fanfic and it’s changed greatly from what I originally intended for it. I want to try and add some depth to things we just really don’t know. Alright now that the summary is out of the way, here is what you can expect. Upload schedule has so far been fairly consistent with at least one chapter per day and multiple on my days off of work. I can’t promise I’ll always keep that pace, but I will do my best. Also I do not reread or proofread what I have written. I apologize for the many misspellings due to auto correct I’m sure you’ll come across. I’m no expert in writing either, so expect run on sentences and the like, but I do try to keep everything as grammatically correct as possible. Im not the most knowledgeable when it comes to TBATE, so I’ll mostly just be trying my best to make with what I remember. I may even re read the books as I write to keep it fresh in my brain, so if anything is inconsistent with the story I apologize in advance. Oh well, on with the story.

SocioPhobia · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
69 Chs

The First Day of School

I wake up in my bed to see that the sun has still not risen yet, I most likely only slept for around 2-3 hours. Though that's not really been a problem as I've pushed closer and closer to breaking through the white mana core stage, as well as my growing Asuran purity. I mostly sleep every night to rest my constantly in motion brain, always trying to think and prepare for the next part of the story.

I could only be annoyed at myself however, since I hadn't been able to immediately note down what I remembered from the books. I also underestimated the strain holding the memories of multiple people would put on my own. My brain seems to see my last life's memories as burdens that aren't required for this world and we are engaged in a tug of war for them.

As of now I'm only left with bare and vague memories of the happenings, and because I don't remember everything I have taken every precaution I can. I remember a mishap on a class scheduled dungeon dive, as well as an attack on the school. Faint traces of betrayal linger on the memories as well, so it's possible it was a student or even a teacher.

Not that it matters, I've taken the necessary steps to limit any damage that can take place. The badges that every student wears is connected to my own, it will tell me immediately if something is happening. Whether a student is being attacked without a duel being issued, or just their emotional state signifying something more than just the stress and worry of studies. They're badges only possess the shield for the duels though, had I had enough time I could have possibly made them with capabilities similar to the amulets I gave my closest friends and family.

Though that also would have made them draw suspicion from even the untrained eye. There's a lot of power that goes into something like, and if everyone in the school had them it would draw unwanted questions. Lifting the soft blanket from my body I exit the bed and begin my morning routine.

Since I train seriously every night I leave the mornings to just be a quick and light workout. A jog around the school, which if I'm being honest I'm not sure most would consider a jog. I'm also not sure whether it's benefiting me at all at this point, but it's nostalgic. Taking me back to my daily routine at the orphanage and at my family's manor. After the jog are my deep stretched to make sure I don't lose my flexibility and limberness. I finish it off with 1 thousand vertical slashes before sitting and meditating for the next hour.

Like clockwork the sun begins to rise up just above the horizon, and i snap out of my meditation and head back to my room to wash up before the classes start for the day. Due to my shadowing from last year of the previous council president, I'm not required to take the 1st year classes. Which means I actually don't have any classes to attend until after lunch. I figured the least I could do would be to walk Kathyln to her classes.

Unlike me she actually enjoyed studying and took every class that she could, while personally I only took classes I felt could help me progress in becoming stronger. Even in my last life I didn't thirst for knowledge the way she did, I showed up, got the bare minimum required to pass and then rinsed and repeated. I couldn't be bothered with trying to excel in such a mundane exercise of just playing essentially memory games with different subjects.

With a knock on Kathyln's door, I hear a faint response.

"I will be right there." I stand waiting until the door is finally opened by Kathyln in her school uniform and her disciplinary committee badge hung in her uniform. I smiled.

"Good morning, Kat." Her cheeks warmed, but she smiled in return. One that she only showed me when she was truly happy.

"Good morning, Jaron." Slipping her arms through my right we began our walk to her class. We walked in a pleasant melancholic silence to her class. She turned to me with an anticipating look and I just grin wryly.

"You're quite greedy, you know?" Her cheeks flame slightly and she nods her head. Chuckling to myself I lean in close before placing a quick soft kiss on her cheek. She looks simultaneously happy and disappointed at the same time, causing me to chuckle again.

"Haha, definitely greedy. Don't worry Kat, there will be more in the future." She still looks slightly disappointed, but heads into her classroom with a hopeful smile and nod. I see all the students seemingly starstruck stares at the interaction and I wondered briefly what their reactions would have been if they knew what happened last night haha.




It's been a couple hours now and while Kathyln was in her first class I was taking care of a few council duties. However now I'm in a weird position.

"You want me to what?" I asked in more annoyance than any actual confusion.

"Well, Kathyln defeated Professor Geist and according to what I heard he used some attacks that could have been lethal had the Princess not been trained."

—10 Minutes Earlier—

I received an alert through my amulet of Kathyln being in a dangerous situation, so using wind magic I sped to the room to see hundreds of blue fireballs hurtling towards her. Right as I conjured the same amount of mana strings to disperse the fire balls, they blown away by ice shards and the rest were deflected with ice walls. I actually ended up saving Professor Geist as he was about to be skewered by ice that his fire couldn't melt.

He was left cowering on the ground awaiting the countless ice shards to pierce his body, but it never came. Everyone stared at him before he regained himself and promptly left, trying to preserve as much dignity as possible.

"What happened?" I asked Kathyln but Arthur was the one to answer.

"The Professor was being a little excessive in his teaching… If you could even call it that." He muttered with a small amount of venom leaking into his voice. I nod and look to Kathyln before smirking.

"Quite the deadly attack there, Kat. Had I not been here, the Professor would have been a pin cushion. Haha." She blushed wildly at that.

"Anyways I'll go sort this out with Director Goodsky. For now, class is dismissed." Some of the kids cheered while others groaned at not being able to see anymore cool fights, as I began walking towards Cynthia's office. I was quickly flanked by Kathyln and Arthur who followed me to Cynthia's office.

—Back to Present—

"Yes, but what does that have to do with me becoming the new Professor of the Practical Mana Manipulation class." I said with my patience slowly slipping. Cynthia looked at me with a growing smile.

"Well obviously the person who taught the one that defeated the previous Professor is suited to teach the class. Unless you think Kathyln is suited for it?" I look to Kathyln before shaking my head, but when I looked to her I did see someone and a big grin formed on my face. Everyone looked at me confused.

"No, you're quite right. Kathyln would not be suited to teaching a class, but I do know someone who would be. Someone that arguably has a better understanding of mana than even me with his… circumstances." My eyes as well as Cynthia's flicker to Arthur who was standing to the side, and her eyes went wide in realization.

"You're right, who would have a better understanding than Arthur Leywin himself." She said softly still gazing at Arthur and he's looking around in confusion at how all this has happened.

"Wait, wait, wait. Me as the Professor? No, I'm just a first year, Jaron is a much better fit than me. I learned a lot from him after all." He flailed as he tried to get out of this, but I just smiled.

"Oh no Arthur don't worry. You learned all I had to teach. Besides with your special circumstances, I could see no one else being a better candidate for the new Professor position. For Practical Mana Manipulation no less." I nodded safely to myself and Cynthia nodded her head in agreement as well, while Kathyln just kept looking back in forth in evident confusion.

"It's settled then. Arthur Leywin, I hereby declare you as the new Professor of the practical mana manipulation class. Don't worry though, it will only be for that one class period." Arthur could only sigh in defeat at the Director's words and nodded solemnly.

"Fine." Me and Cynthia smiled at our triumph while Kathyln remained confused and Arthur slowly became despondent.

"Well 3rd period is halfway through already, so I guess I'll see you both at lunch?" I say cheerfully and while I get a smile and nod from Kathyln, Arthur doesn't respond. I once again walk Kathyln to her class before heading back to the council room to put some finishing touches on the setup for the tournament this afternoon and the subsequent announcement of the disciplinary committee.

Lunch came quickly and I met Kathyln halfway there as her class had let out early. When we entered we noticed Arthur and Elijah, but there was another girl sitting with them. While Elijah fawned over her, the girl seemed to be fawning over Arthur. This all ceased when everyone seemed to notice my and Kathyln's presence, I sigh inwardly before we both grab our food and sit across from Elijah and Arthur. The girl making room to sit at my right while Kathyln was on my left. This placed her directly in front of Arthur, sorry Elijah but it's for the best.

"So how have everyone's classes been?" I asked before taking a bite of the food, even with it being made in a cafeteria it was quite good. Elijah immediately started a tirade about how Arthur is a professor now, before explaining his own classes. I kept an even face on the outside as I listened, but on the inside I was quite happy.

Things like this are not something I experienced much before, and it's refreshing to see someone with such an innocent view of the world. Wholly blind to the fact that the girl was only pretending to like him to get near Arthur. I was also holding my smiles as the whole time Elijah was talking to me and Kathyln, the girl was chatting endlessly to Arthur. I'm sure he will find a way to get back at me eventually, but for now I'll revel in my teasing of Arthur.

Finishing the last bite of my food, I lean back and stretch widely before settling back down with a sigh.

"Alright it's about time for my first class of the day." I said with a yawn as I looked to Kathyln.

"Do you want me to walk you to the next class as well?" She shook her head softly.

"No it's alright. Besides my next class is the complete opposite direction from yours." I nod and then look to Arthur.

"Looks like it's me and you. Lets go." Arthur sighs gratefully to be released from the hell that was Charlotte and her incessant attempts at wooing Arthur.

"Finally." He breathed out and I chuckled in response.

"One would think you would be used to it by now." He sends me a tired, withered glare before focusing ahead.

"Being used to it doesn't stop it from draining you." He responded while stretching.

"You looking forward to this class?" Arthur just nods and after a brief pause he speaks.

"Ya, my other classes while being insightful, were rather boring. I'm looking forward to seeing what an advanced class is like." I smiled at this, but didn't respond as we made the rest of the way in silence. Arthur and Kathyln are similar in this way, every moment doesn't need to be constantly filled with pointless small talk. It's probably why I gravitated towards and enjoy their company.

When we make it to the room, it seems to be just an encased field with a glass cased viewing box. We're immediately met by familiar faces.

"Jaron, Arthur!" Curtis calls as he approaches us with Claire following just behind him.


Author's Note:

Next chapter is the spar, and I hope I can do a good job describing the fight. Won't be until next week though. Sorry! See ya then.

Also don't worry, I won't be describing each day if the academy like this, just did this to give you an idea of Jaron's days will be like in between the parts I actually write later on.

Thanks for reading.
