
My Ability is.......

Okay Ability, What kind of ability do I want? Back to my childhood days I always want to have Time Manipulation powers. So I can slow down time for when me and the kids in the neighborhood are always playing street games like Basketball, Tag, Hide N Seek, Prison Break, Dancing Dragon and many more.

Those are the good days, Until Computer games become popular when an Internet cafe opens up nearby. Since then a lot of the kids only like to play computer games, and only a few who like to play street games back then and all those kids have to move away. Because their parents have a new job elsewhere or a relative died and left a house for them to take care of it.

Okay! Enough of that, so time powers are because it can be put on the OP list. Too bad i can't have it, like the reset features where you can just redo your action. Like you got dared to do stupid things like dance in the middle of the street with your underwear only? Or that you want to avoid some awkward situation? Or how about knowing the lotto numbers today draw and you just reset to yesterday and Boom instant millionaire!

Anyway, so no time powers. How about…..damn it's been a long time for something like this, because i have a force responsibility to do. Okay there's an ability to control fire, an ability to control water because i can't swim i don't want to drown and all that, ability to fly? Everyone likes to fly, right? Then there was the one I like, to run super fast like the Flash or transform to any animals like Beastboy, I can turn to small animals to make my escape in sticky situations.

Then there's an ability to be mastery of magic or every kind of magic. Every kid wants to have that ability and for edgy, cool and mysterious ones like Spawns, The Specter, Danny Phantom, Doctor Strange, Ben10, Power Rangers, Blue Dragon, Dragon Ball, Beet the Vandel Buster, Godzilla, Avatar, Static Shock, Wolverine, Magneto, Zenki, Inuyasha, BTX, Law of Ueki and many more.

So many to choose from and only one I can have and I can't just write to have a System, Sharingans, Zanpakuto (Senbonzakura! Kyoka Suingetsu!), Ultimate Blade Works, God/Dragon/Devil Slayer, The Seven Deadly Sins, Devil Fruits, Customize Quirks, and many more from anime today. Those are already a no no because of the ones after me! I don't know what to choose!

You know what? I'll just go with the ability to create. [Creation - this ability is not god like ability where the user is just thinking the items they thought and will just appear on thin air. Instead everything I create the normal way where I need tools, materials, ingredients and etc. But here's the twist on this ability everything I create will be from Common (White), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), Masterwork (Orange), Legendary (Gold) and Artifact (Red). Whether it's blacksmithing, cooking, potion making, tailoring, enchanting and other kinds of professions that the user needs to create or need by the user.

And not just that i will also have the knowledge of every recipe, blueprints, instructions, original/alternate ingredients and materials and where to find them. So I can make the items with alternative ingredients and materials if I can't find the original ingredients and materials anywhere else in the world I'll be reincarnated with.

Then the knowledge and techniques of how to make, upgrade, modify, customize and the authority and how to destroy the creations I made and every technology/weapons and other things that were made by any sentient beings in the world i'll be reborn to. So in case if some bastards/bitches get a hands on of my creations or they are made by them I will know how to destroy it with just a snapped Thanos style. (N/A: No one wants that to happen, killed by your own creation.)

Next every Weapon I make once it is equipped the user will have the knowledge of how to use it, maintenance, techniques and the fighting style and martial arts compatible with it. Has for consumables and edibles it will depend on the rarity.]

Hmmmm...i think this should do it now let go and let see what Mr. Grim thinks about this whether it's approved or not. Looking at the working reaper he put the paper he was finishing signing on. Willed the screen to him and in the flash of light a paper appeared on the reaper's hand and he started reading it silently.

"The ability you choose is Creation by your hand? And not just that but there's also something about making items you created from common to artifact and also the armors/weapons will pass the knowledge of what and how to use them by either techniques, fighting styles or martial arts and how to maintain them. Also to have the knowledge and techniques of how to create them and what kind of materials, ingredients or alternate ingredients if the world you're going too didn't have the said materials for the said item. Also the knowledge to to improve and destroy your creation or whatever technology/weapons in the world your to be reborn too. Okay let's see what are the restrictions your ability is going to have." he said and suddenly a holoscreen appeared to his left of his desk. I have to lean to my right and left to see what's on it because the towering paper work is blocking the view.

On my endeavour to know what is in it I just give up and wait for Mr. Grim to Finish. A few moments later Mr. Grim finish of what he's doing and now going to tell me the restrictions of my ability. Let's just hope there's not so much restriction on it.

"Okay I'm going to make this quick so can go to what world you'll be going, okay? The first restriction is: you can only use ten items if they're be going to be a legendary and artifact items." He said and I can agree with that it means I can make a set and equip them helmets, chest, gloves, pants, boots, accessories(earings and necklaces), main hand and off-hand weapons, and wings/cape. Just like Dragon Nest Ragnarok online and World of Warcraft those are the only mmorpg games I been like...wait a minute is this...?! You know what, nevermind let's just Mr. Grim continue.

"The second: you can't use instant learning on the fighting styles or techniques on the weapons your going to make. The higher ups doesn't want to make easy for you to become OP with instantly learning the fighting styles and techniques from the weapons your going to make and you have to "equip" any said weapon to use this fighting styles and techniques for example Darth Maul's fighting style and techniques with his double bladed light saber or master Yoda's fighting styles and techniques while using a dagger or kitchen knife. In other hand you can use and learn them the normal way."] Okay, so I can still fighting style and techniques has long I have a weapon in hand? Too bad I can't use instant learning to have those techniques and fighting styles, oh well on third restrictions please.

"The third: is that you can't make any shape and form of weapons that has a world ending level that will destroy a world or universe or else your consequences will be your worst nightmare. Because the higher ups doesn't like that their "entertainment" had been ended and they have to build it from scratch, as I told you earlier the gods or higher ups has been lazy and when they're lazy about that WE the grim reapers will do more work understand? Those kind of work is more hustle work than our curry one. So, NO.WORLD.ENDING.WEAPONS."He said to me with a look on his eyes that he's not kidding around, so I just nodded my head and always remind my future self to NOT build or make things that have a potential to destroy worlds and universe on a note or tattoo it on me. With that Mr. Grim looks like had calm down I didn't notice he change his size that make cover the whole room with that episode of his.

"Anyway let's go see which world are you going to." He said and left me confuse because there's still two restrictions left.

"Um, don't I have two restrictions left Mr. Grim?" I asked.

"Yes, you have but as I said earlier the higher ups are lazy. So they just put three restrictions on this ability of yours, so just take it and lets go see what world your going to end up to, okay?" He said to a little announced and impatient on his voice. They did say 'Don't look the gift horse in the mouth', so without further ado we look to the last roulette and wishing balls.

The ball was bouncing around the roulette that remind me of a dancing bean from that cartoon show. Was it looney tunes or disney mickey mouse cartoon? As the ball's slowing down from bouncing I can see only numbers on the roulette and finally stop on number 462? Before I can say a word, a holoscreen appeared in front of me and the name of the world I'm going to and that world is....

A little heads up I am an AMATEUR. OK.

Dialga_Blackheartcreators' thoughts