
my new era

So what are you going to do about it? sit wait for help as a good girl? you're weak, you're nothing without me and you're going to do whatever I tell you... All these statements rang in her head, she inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger against the door, she stretched her other hand and released the trigger on the armed me who were coming from the door, not caring about her life, all she was thinking about at the moment was a sweet revenge. if I can't do it my way, I'll still do it my way, this is my reign! my new era! she shouted as she wasted the last man standing. with blood dropping flowing down her arm she dropped down almost unconscious as she waited for death to envelope her in her red dress as victory was no longer of any use to her. what would a princess be doing here, lying cold and still like death bride? she heard the familiar voice and thought she was hallucinating before death. let me take you home good girl, Mr fine eyes need you alive. Almira the FL of the story gets involved in a life she thought she wasn't supposed to be, only to become immune to the system and taste for power with many mysteries that would be unfolded, death, love, betrayal, longing, sorrow, heart throbbing eye openers. as she's set to get her revenge she gives in again to love which she had banned out her heart. "everyone gets hurt at the end" she always say....but love and friendship is a beautiful thing readers

chinonso_ossai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs

Fear Of Loosing another


Hey, hey wake up! Kay!

Umm, she responded admist the sleep in her eyes.

You have to eat something, get up now.

Hold on, she said holding up a finger, wait, wait let me sleep a little.

Did she....Cassey said not completing her statement and burst into laughter.

Ani was carrying a bowl of water and she poured it all on her body, she jumped from the bed as the water was Ice cold.

Holy shit! Is the roof leaking? She shouted sitting up.

It's leaking silly head, is this how you plan on commiting suicide? Cassey spoke up.

Jeez you should have simply woke me up, this singlet is new, she said getting up, as she stood she staggered a little and stood properly. Her stomach did not fail in disgracing her by growling loudly.

Oh oh, Ani said, looks like your hungry tummy won't get any food now.

Wait, you're kidding right? She said rubbing her eyes with her finger.

They have shorten the supply, they want us to starve. But you're lucky I saved some for you, Ani said and covered the bowl on her head.

So will you tell us, what happened between you and brain yesterday? Cassey asked.

Kay's brain went into reboot again, she gasped upon realization, nothing, nothing really happened, we didn't do anything it's just a misunderstanding, she said avoiding eye contact.

Kay, Ani called looking at her, did you do something stupid? Kay...

No, no, nothing happened, it's just that all that happened was in a drunken state, I can't remember very well so ..so I don't know what really happened.

Hmmm, I see, you f**ked him? Cassey threw the question directly.

Haaa! Kay exclaimed, I never said that, I would never! Nothing happened, it's just that been drunk is embarrassing.....ahh! She exclaimed again looking at the ground.

Cassey that was too much, do you think Brain would do something like that, maybe nothing happened like she said, after all Brain said he only shouted at you, right?

Yea, yea, she said scratching the back of her head realizing she almost put herself in a mess.

Come on, even with that, she's the apple of his eye, can't you smell something fishy?

Ani sniffed the air like she was really finding the smell. No, I smell something cheeky, I believe her.

Kay had already picked up a new top and trouser and went to the bathroom while they talked, she closed the door and sighed. Why were they been nice today? Whats going on or are they playing me for a fool?

'She's the apple of his eye', Cassey's word came back to her head, she hit her forehead with her palm and sighed. Nothing happened, we just bumped into each other, she spoke. After taking her bath and changing up, (both bathrooms were together outside their room) she came out of the bathroom about to go into the room again, she saw Brain sitting, his focus was on a book. For some reason she stood there, admiring his look, broad shoulders and finely combed straight hair.

Brain felt some eyes pairing at him, as he turned to see who it was, his eyes met with Kay's eyes, which she quickly retracted and walked away hurriedly. He thought she was acting strange, or maybe she was hating him already for the words he spoke to her. He felt remorse and walked towards the room she entered, with a gentle knock, the door opened. He met her sitting on her bed, backing the door, he didn't know how to start, in as much as he didn't want to hurt her feelings yesterday, he thought it was only right, but he wanted to make sure they were on good terms.

She sighed, it's because I'm probably stupid.

No you're not.

F**k! She shouted throwing her clothes on the ground due to shock and turning to see Brain by the door. You scared me.

Because you let your guard down, he said with both hands at the back. When you go meet your new team is this how you will always be in shock even if they want to abuse you?

....I don't understand, at one minute you're been nice, another minute you're been rude, why are all of you messing with me?

Brain covered the space between them, he was only few meters away from her and he spoke, isn't it clear, you came to short the food supplies, the supply has been short since you fell ill, now you're back instead of staying there, we have to share what's for four to five.

She swallowed hard, I never knew, I'm sorry, she said not apologizing from the depth of her heart but to fulfill all righteousness.

Nice, we kept food for you, seems you're not hungry, the wine you drank must be a good stomach sealer.

She got up and was now closer to him. Commander, she spoke softly, did I short the food supply or you're pained that another person you care for is leaving?

Brain was taken aback, what do you mean, I care for all of you....

Except me? Is that why you're being harsh, you just wanted to forget me at the head quarters but I stubbornly choose to come back?

Kay, he called with his hands in his pocket, don't you think you're been too forward than your brain.

She moved futher, her body slightly pressing on his sturdy body. The fact you didn't push me away yesterday, I saw it all, you must really like me but you have to keep the relationship mutual, I understand commander, but don't chase me away. She bent her head to slowly sniff him.

This lady, she has a heart, it has been broken before, don't let it suffer another hit. She looked at him and stepped away, with a little smile she turned her back to leave.

Hope you know what you're doing, he said looking at her.

She smiled, forget about yesterday, I know I short the food supply, but it's still nice to be selfish sometimes, if I keep looking at 'all of us' 'me' would die without knowing. She walked out of the room after that.

As she came out she met the others and properly greeted, few seconds later Brain came out, looking defeated. Cassey kicked Ani and used her eye in pointing out.

I told you something fishy is going on, she said.

Ani sighed, it's a once in a lifetime something, let them be.

But Brain acts cocky, like he's a god, probably Zeus.

Do not provoke any entity, and.... Since when did you start gossiping? Ani asked looking surprised.

Whatever, Cassey said and shifted a bit from Ani.

Guys, there are canned foods here, Kay said looking at the table where they dropped her share of food.

Those are raw materials, Will said and the ladies here don't know how to cook.

Like we have seen the do's and go's of a kitchen, Cassey said looking at Will with a bad side eye.

At least Brain can cook.....

Pftt! Ani burst into laughter, swear you enjoyed that sour tasting soup he made the other time.

But he made an attempt.....

That's it, you will always justify him, Ani said clapping.

I'll make food with these, Kay said stopping their futher argument.

Huh! They all exclaimed.

Yea, she said with a smile, Brain was quite while they spoke loading and unloading a gun, still not sure if he was ok or not.