
My nerdy stepsister turned into a swan

An accident took away the lives of Isabella's parents, and also made Isabella enter a class she had never imagined. After her parents died, Isabella was adopted by an aunt who had never met and worked as a housekeeper in the richest man's family. Isabella entered a world that was completely inconsistent with her identity. Isabella thought that as long as she listened to her aunt and flattered the heir of the Bush family - Bill, she could successfully enter a prestigious school, join the Bush family after graduation, and enter the middle class from then on. But who knew that after the celebration party before college admission, an unexpected one-night stand, her relationship with Master Bill took an unpredictable turn. When Bill first met Isabella, she hid behind Nancy like a rabbit, looking soft and very cute. In high school, Isabella solved him life's troubles like a personal housekeeper, but on the night of the admission celebration party, he really realized that Isabella was no longer a little girl, but a sexy woman.

Cherryboom · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 5

After the first test, Nancy got her report card and said in disbelief, "Didn't they say your grades were OK?"

Isabella awkwardly sifted through the report card and said, "My grades in public school were OK, but I didn't expect the courses in private school to be so difficult..."

"Since you know where your problem is, you should put more effort into overcoming it. Also, I plan to enroll you in a few interest classes. Is there anything you want to learn?"

"I'm afraid I don't have enough time..." Isabella whispered.

Nancy sighed and said earnestly, "You can find time if you squeeze it. The key is efficiency. Look at your classmates. Which one of them doesn't have two or three specialties? Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Isabella said blankly, "No, I just don't want to compare with them."

Nancy was very angry, and she hated her for not being able to learn. "I provide you with the conditions, but you still don't learn. Do you know how many people want to learn but don't have the opportunity? Fight for it, Bella! Don't you want to move up a level?!"

"I know, auntie, what do you think I should learn?" Seeing that she listened, Nancy patted the back of her hand and said kindly, " Although you are a bit old, I am still going to find you a dance teacher to help you practice your manners. "

"There are also etiquette classes and piano. Don't embarrass me when you go out to socialize."

"Okay, Aunt, I'll learn whatever you ask me to learn?"

"I originally wanted to find you an oil painting teacher, but girls tend to be bad tempered when they learn oil painting. You don't know, there is a daughter of a family nearby who studied oil painting and went abroad to study. Within two years, she insisted on marrying an unemployed vagrant and giving birth to a child for him, saying that he was gifted and talented. Her parents were so angry that they aged ten years overnight."

Nancy said, "What kind of talent can a street graffiti artist have? You should first learn dance etiquette and art, which will benefit you for life."

Isabella nodded, indicating that she accepted her aunt's arrangement. Nancy looked at the time and said, "I have to go out now. Mrs. Soros asked me to go to the beauty salon. I'm leaving now."

Isabella suddenly remembered that she also had to go out, "Aunt, there is a group assignment at school. My classmates and I agreed to do it together."

"Then take my car and go there. Where do you want to do the assignment?"

"XX Park."

When they got there, Nancy took out a few bills from her wallet and said, "Don't be stingy when it's time to spend money. You're a country bumpkin, so you need to be generous, or others will look down on you." 

Isabella responded and took the money to find her classmates.

Iris and Aurora arrived earlier than Isabella. They ordered food and sat down when they saw Isabella being sent to the roadside.

Iris was surprised and said, "Look at her car. Is her family very rich?"

Aurora was also surprised, "It doesn't look like that at school... The things she uses are not expensive. Look at the bag she carries."

"Maybe she is low-key? Some people don't like to spend money on this."

"It's not that they don't like to spend money, but it's not that they can't afford it. You'll know after trying it later." Aurora winked at her, then stood up and called Isabella over.

They were doing a group assignment in Spanish, and they needed to make a PPT to introduce the history of America.

"Isabella, you write the manuscript, and then I'll make it into a PPT. Iris's oral English is good, so she will go up to speak. Is this division of labor okay?"

Isabella thought of her Spanish accent, so she had to nod, took out a pen and paper, and started to write the manuscript according to the information. Iris and Aurora were chattering about clothes, bags and new 3G phones on the other side.

Isabella finished writing the draft, revised it, and rewrote a piece of paper for Aurora. Aurora took it and started translating, and the table immediately became quiet.

Isabella sipped the coffee in the cup, thinking that she shouldn't buy this coffee for cheap, it was so bitter. But it would be a waste if she didn't finish it, so Isabella could only force herself to pour it down her throat, it was so bitter, she wanted to spit it out...

"Okay." After about 15 minutes, Aurora finished the translation.

"Iris, just take it back and memorize it."

Iris put the translation manuscript into her small bag and said, "It's very efficient today, and it's still early, let's go shopping?"

"Okay, okay!"

Aurora pulled Isabella, "Let's go together."

Isabella refused at first, but she couldn't resist the two of them, so she had to follow them.

It was normal at first. After visiting two or three stores, the two began to urge Isabella to buy something.

Isabella said she had already bought clothes and had not worn many of them.

"Then buy a bag. Look, you are carrying a schoolbag when you go shopping. How awkward."

They all carry different bags when they go out, and Isabella is a little tempted. Aurora saw that there was a chance and quickly pulled her into a store.

"This store is positioned as light luxury. It won't be exaggerated for us students to carry it, and the price is not very expensive."

Well, compared with luxury goods worth tens of thousands of dollars, a few thousand dollars is not very expensive. But for Isabella, things over 100 are not something she can decide. Besides, she doesn't have that much money on her.

Isabella was a little ashamed, "I don't like it very much, so I won't buy it."

"Ah? You don't like it, then let's go to another store."

After that, she pulled her to a store that was so famous that Isabella refused to go in. Aurora and Iris didn't want to embarrass themselves in public, and seeing that she didn't dare to go in and take a look, they also lost their temper and walked away hand in hand.