
My Navy Seal: She causes him to lose control

...You turn and see a man like no other, his black hair falls perfectly in place and his piercing blue eyes meet yours. Every muscle in his body sings in perfect harmony as he moves. ...He gives you a cocky smile and slowly removes his shirt. You knew that the man before you was well built but this is a ridiculously, breath-stealing, indefinable masterpiece sitting in front of you. You're trying to regain some sort of respectability around him but you can't control the flush shifting inside the very foundation of your being. You swallow visibly. He sees your blush shining like a beacon for all to see. His cocky smile returns on his face and he knows what he's doing to you... ....You open the door and the smell of the ocean fills your senses. You feel the wind through your hair and the unmistakable stickiness that comes with the sea air. You walk on the deck to the side of the ship. The moonlight is playing on the dark ocean in front of you. It's a warm summer night. You hear the waves crashing against the ship. You take a deep breath of the fresh ocean air. You stare at the ocean and an unfamiliar calmness comes over you. You feel for the first time that you have to be here, that this is where you belong. You've always wondered if you made the right choice and this feeling right here confirms what you've been thinking all this time. This is your home now....

Mrssmithwriter · Fantasi
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130 Chs



He watches as everything happen around him in slow motion. Ever so often things blackout around him and then he loses all consciousness again. He sees the look on Helena's face. He hasn't seen that look before, it almost looks as if she's concerned about him. Then he sees some of his men standing outside the tent just waiting and looking lost but when he turns his head, he sees you laying on a bed next to him. He feels complete happiness knowing you're there, even though he's in immense pain right now.

(Oh god, she's beautiful….)

He doesn't really understand what's going on with him right now. He knows that he can't really move his legs or arms and he feels so extremely tired. He's a man of order and diligence but this feeling, he's feeling now, is like nothing he's experienced before. Yes, he's had a flesh wound or two in his life but never has it been this disastrous.

He tries to turn to his side but Helena stops him.

"You can't do it now, baby. The blood transfusion must first be done, okay?"

He only now sees that there's a tube running out of his arm. He follows the tube and then sees that the end of the tube is in your arm. He recalls somewhere, someone mentioned about someone giving blood to him. Then he realizes that it's you that's giving him blood. He feels clarity coming back to him and the fog that once ruled his mind is being lifted slowly.

(I didn't know it was Kim that's giving me her blood. She must be feeling so weak now. She gave herself to me in a way that only we could ever share. She gave her living blood to me. I'll wait for her, forever, if I need to)

He falls back into his pillow again and darkness overtakes his eyes.


You're laying next to Nick just thinking and wondering if you acted fast enough to save him. You know that blood loss isn't something you play with. When you're busy operating and the patient starts to lose too much blood, you almost always know that there's very little you can do for him. You feel as the blood starts to leave your body. You're starting to feel weak but you know you should stay strong for Nick. You will give him all the blood he needs.

The only hope you get is that Nick finds a bit of clarity ever so often and the look on Helena's face of hopefulness. You don't like Helena so much but having her here right now, helping Nick, is exactly where you need her to be. If you were able to help him, you wouldn't leave his side until you where sure he was out of the woods.

There's nothing more left to do for Helena, except wait for Nick to recover. She bends down and kisses him on the cheek. She then turns to you.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, thanks. Where are you going?"

She looks away for a brief moment and then back to you. "I….I'll be back soon"

She then proceeds to walk out of the tent, leaving Nick and you alone. You can't believe she just leaves him like that. You wouldn't have left him for a second, no matter how you feel. You turn and look at Nick. He just lies there lifeless. You see his chest moving up and down as he breathes. It gives you some sort of satisfaction to see him peaceful and breathing. Then one of Nick's teammates walks up to you.

"Mam, so sorry to bother you but could I have a moment of your time?"

You try to sit upright and then turn to him. "Sure…"

"We just need to find out where you saw this attacker exactly? We need to clear and secure the perimeter?"

"Oh, of course, it's close to the ocean on the far right side"

"Thank you so much for your time, mam"

He turns to walk out just glancing at Nick. "Wait!" He turns around and walks back to you.

"I just would like you to know that Nick will be fine. He might have a little bit of recovery time needed but he'll be back on is feet soon and also….thank you for keeping us safe"

"Thank you for letting me know, mam. You're very kind" Then he leaves the tent.

One thing you've learned in your time with the Navy Seals is, they don't show their emotions and they would never let you know that they're in pain for their teammates but almost always that they care deeply for their friends. You could see the hint of relief for a moment on his face. You always make sure you let the soldiers' friends know exactly how it's going with their friends. They never really say it but they do appreciate it, always.

You lay back down and close your eyes. Then you feel a hand on your shoulder. You open your eyes and Nita stands next to you.

"What did you do?" She smiles at you, softly caressing your shoulder.

"Oh, you know me….can't stay out of trouble" You both laugh.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, I'm more worried about Nick. How's he doing?"

She turns around and looks at his stats. Then she frowns and looks back at you. "He's hanging in there, does Helena know about Nick?"

It's your turn to frown. "Yes, she does, why?"

"That's strange, cause I saw her chatting with Peter from Bravo3 at the food tent? Did she saw him yet?"

"Yes…yes, she's his doctor…Why?"

"She didn't look like it, she was laughing and chatting and so on….Maybe she's just taking a break or something"

You feel something that wants to explode deep inside you. You feel the anger and frustration starting to surface.

(How de hell can she be laughing and chatting with some guy while her man is here fighting for his life?? How can she not care?? How can someone like Helena be with this man laying next to you?? I thought I didn't like her, and now….now I think she's just a damn bitch!!)

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