
My Modern Fantasy

A normal girl working a full time job for a magazine company finds herself surrounded by Prince charmings! Which Prince would she choose? Or will she choose to remain at her dream job?

MaddiexxW · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

[New Mission]


"ugh..why..why do you have to be so loud!" Irene yelled at her alarm clock while putting a pillow over her head to block out the noise.

Irene suddenly jumped up out of bed remembering that she had work. She hurriedly got into the shower only taking a short one. She got her clothes on and did her basic necessities. She then got into her car and drove to her work.


Irene arrived to her job which was the most read magazine company around. upon Celebrities and royal princes posted onto the front covers of magazine's.

The magazine was called, 'Little Hot Newz' It features several gossip articles which the people craved.

Irene was busy looking at the photos she took of celebrities at a red carpet event. She scrolled through all of them but couldn't find a good one. Suddenly, she saw a celebrity with one of the princes! Now this was news worthy.

Irene printed out the photo and started speed walk to her bosses office. She bursted through her boss's office.

"Mr. Thario! Mr. Thario! I finally have something you can put in the magazine" Irene put the photo on her boss's desk and waited for what he would say.

"well, it's news worthy but it has already been covered by Lisa and James" Mr. Thario looked uninterested.

"well, do you have anything else? I mean there's a Gala in the castle correct? If I went maybe I can get something that could really be news worthy!" Irene spouted

Mr. Thario looked at her, "not a bad idea I mean I was invited but I would be too busy to go..alright then it's decided. You will go in my stead and in return you better get something juicy that our fans would go crazy over and bloggers would talk about for ages!"

"I definitely can do that! I promise I will do everything in my power sir!" she said enthusiastically.

Mr. Thario looked pleased with Irenes response and gave her the invitation which was in an envelope. He then excused her and got back to work.

Irene was overjoyed at a chance to please her boss. She was ready to give readers what they wanted! Her mission was set and she was ready to attend the Gala.