
My misfortune luck is making me the fated villain

My name is [Kepweng] for which some folks is weird given to me but after elderly couple adopt me they give me the name as [Xiao Yusheng], Becoming a traveller resulting after reading a mancua or manhwa that my best friend recommended me or should I say by force. A total noob in the world of cultivation and the most important to tell you, I'm a very unlucky person for which everyone close to me would bring misfortune. Am I a villain or a son of destiny, In my opinion is neither both but it seems that both heaven and system disagrees with me no matter what I do. What about heroines well it seems the plot given to true son of destiny but not to me. System: (Unknown Stalker is detected) Oh that is just normal discrepancy just ignore that. System: (Unknown Inheritance Detected) What about that one is probably the annoying mysterious voice. Just Scrolling If you think there's more to this synopsis just please straight to this dogshit

KingOfMistake · Fantasi Timur
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9 Chs

Mastering Art of Failure: Triumph from Failure with Comically Dysfunctional System

As dawn illuminates Changming Village, early risers embark on their daily tasks, while others venture into the forest in search of sustenance.

Near the village's edge, where the path to Cloudy Willow Forest begins, lies the Hermit's House. Within its confines, a slumbering youth rests upon a simple wooden bed.

Suddenly, a translucent hologram materializes before the sleeper, revealing none other than Yusheng himself.

System: "Host! What a delightful day to tiptoe through death flags and juggle landmines! But alas, your mood needs a swift kick in the chi, or we'll be spiraling downward faster than a poorly executed flying kick!"

Yusheng awakens groggily, greeted by the sight of dawn and an irritated system hovering before him.

"But seriously, can't it wait until morning?" Yusheng grumbles, still half-asleep.

System: "Host, kindly adhere to the plotline, lest the Heavenly Dao catches wind of our little charade and decides to rain chaos upon us."

System: "Your esteemed title, 'Maverick,' transcends the fate of this world, marking you as the archenemy of greater realms. Quite the prestigious position, if I do say so myself."

Yusheng yearns for a peaceful life, yet finds himself entangled in a web of misfortune and cosmic narrative, extending far beyond the realms he knows.

However, what makes the situation even more bizarre is what occurred last night when Yusheng was abruptly awakened by the Comically Dysfunctional System.

The first thing the system said to Yusheng was...

System: "Host, your misfortune knows no bounds, as the system joyously congratulates you on becoming the archenemy! Hahaha!"

"What archenemy?!" Yusheng exclaimed, still reeling from the system's unexpected display of emotion.

System: "Due to the Host's Misfortune, it's introducing an unknown variable to the path of dao, causing a discrepancy."

System: "It is recommended to follow the plotline of the Golden Path and breakthrough to the pinnacle."

System: "Currently, this system only has basic functions of a [Status] for the host, and will upgrade only after completing randomly assigned tasks."

"How am I supposed to know the plotline if I haven't read any of it?!" Yusheng protested.

The System fell silent for a moment before suddenly materializing a book in front of Yusheng.

"What's this?" Yusheng asked, still puzzled by the purpose of the book.

System: "This book grants the host knowledge of the outline of fates, granting the host's wish to know."

Yusheng's eyes widened at the prospect of such a cheat being given to him.

System: "But... it is recommended to—"

The system was about to say something crucial, but Yusheng ignored it as he delved too deeply into the book, flashes of unknown scenes immediately pounding into his head.

In his eagerness to see the future, Yusheng suffered mental injuries, leading to a starting mental breakdown.

System: "Warning! The host has triggered the easiest death flag! Immediate countermeasures required!"

System: "This System will force the Host's Mental and Character Setting to Stability!"

System: "Stability Complete."

"What the hell..." Yusheng muttered, still feeling a throbbing pain in his head and experiencing a dizzy spell.

Despite trying to recall what had happened, he couldn't piece it together.

System: "Due to the Host's infamous death-clicking, as a result of not following the system's instructions, the host has earned their first death flag. Bravo!"

System: "1/??? Death Flag Achieved."

System: "Due to this achievement, the host will receive a [???] Skill."

"System! Are you telling me I just died?" Yusheng demanded.

System: "To the host, that is indeed correct."

"Then how am I supposed to know the plotline if reading that book could get me killed?" Yusheng protested.

System: "To borrow the host's own words, 'I haven't read a single page.'"

Yusheng was appalled by how the system's counterargument somehow made sense.

Yusheng relinquished his desires and set aside his pride, focusing solely on understanding the single page within the Book of Fates up to this moment.

Venturing out into the garden, Yusheng inspected his [Status], hopeful for a positive change after delving into the book.

To his surprise, he found some improvements: his body had healed considerably, and his comprehension had broadened. But then, he stumbled upon an unexpected discovery...

—Comically Dysfunctional System—

Name: Xiao Yusheng

Luck: -999 [Maverick]

Physique: ???

Cultivation: Not layered

Martial: 1st layer of Core Temper

Skill: [Art of Failure]

Items: Book Of Tiandang Memory [???]

Worn Book [???]

Rusted Sword [???]

Preview: Congratulations on hitting the first death flag, a feat not many achieve on their inaugural journey to another world. Despite your misfortune, you've managed to temper your core to the first layer.

Note: Due to your encounter with the first death, the system has granted the [???] Skill to [Art of Failure], increasing the likelihood of encountering more death flags—a stark contrast to the chosen one.

Note: Thanks to the [Art of Failure] Skill, the host now has the ability to capitalize on opportunities, with a feedback loop magnified a thousandfold.

"This damn system is dragging me through the mud of misfortune," Yusheng grumbled, suppressing his frustration. Nevertheless, he knew he had to challenge the heavens if he ever hoped to find wealth and peace in this world.

Yusheng harbored hopes for a grand adventure ahead, though he soon realized that such aspirations were likely nothing more than wishful thinking.

"Ah, my young disciple, this humble hermit awaits your presence," The Hermit Gu announced, entering the room with two items in each hand.

"Good morning, Master. Your disciple was just preparing his body," Yusheng greeted respectfully with a bow.

"Excellent! It seems my disciple has broken through to the first layer of Core Tempering," the Old Hermit Gu remarked, intrigued by Yusheng's sudden progress.

"This disciple thought it was merely a routine warm-up," Yusheng replied, attempting to downplay his achievement.

"Are you being entirely truthful with me?" the Old Hermit Gu questioned suspiciously, sensing something amiss.

System: Danger detected! Host, refrain from further action to avoid undesirable consequences.

Yusheng protested internally, wondering how to avoid triggering the impending disaster.

"Are you withholding information from me?" Old Gu's voice boomed with anger, his martial essence exerting immense pressure on Yusheng.

Despite the pressure, Yusheng maintained his composure, meeting the Old Hermit's gaze steadily.

As Yusheng pondered a way out of the impending doom signaled by the system, he decided to blend truth with a hint of deception.

"Well... this disciple did receive some insights," Yusheng admitted cautiously.

"Insights? Regarding what?" Old Gu inquired, his suspicion not fully allayed.

"Yes, insights from... a book," Yusheng replied, nodding earnestly, hoping his partial truth would suffice to avoid catastrophe.

The Old Hermit continued to scrutinize Yusheng, his swords still pointed at him, leaving Yusheng uncertain of whether he had succeeded in convincing him.

Suddenly, Old Gu threw one of the swords and a sack at Yusheng's feet, containing provisions for a journey, along with his worn book and rusty sword.

"Boy, head to the Spirit Swan's Pool to the north. You should reach it within a week or two and wait there," Old Gu instructed.

"Pass through Yun Mountain Path, exit North Willow Forest, resupply in Nalan City, then proceed straight there. Do you understand?" the Hermit Gu asked, awaiting Yusheng's response.

"Um, what about you, Master?" Yusheng inquired, still puzzled.

Old Gu hesitated for a moment before composing himself with a laugh. "This old fool is too tired, lad. Just go, and remember to send a letter to Elder Dong, or she'll unleash her wrath upon me!"

"Understood, Master. I will return and make you proud," Yusheng promised, bowing before taking the sack and leaving.

As Yusheng departed, the Old Hermit chuckled and collapsed onto the ground. "Make this old Gu proud, lad, and carve your name into the annals of history!"

Unbeknownst to Yusheng, his simple mention of reading a book marked the beginning of his perilous journey.

System: Main Quest Detected

Entering storyline

[Black Eclipse, Serpent Clan Saga]


Host is now embarking on one of the most treacherous paths, where travelers and non-travelers alike have faltered. Death is inevitable but can be avoided with caution.

Part 1: Arrival in Nalan City

Difficulty: ******* (Hell)

Note: [Art of Failure] activated. This quest increases the chance of death flags tenfold, with opportunities magnified by a thousand-fold feedback to the host.

"No way! Not again! Why does misfortune cling to me like a persistent shadow?" Yusheng exclaimed, his frustration evident.