
Chapter 3: Was this a mistake?

Waking up the next morning, Oli was still sleeping. Our legs were intertwined and his arm was draped over my waist making sure I couldn't leave. He woke up and said

"Good morning baby, how are you?"

"I'm alright MeerKat how are you?"

"I'm good but I have border patrol today"

He groans which only gets a giggle out of me. Crushing me closer to his chest only making me giggle

"Oh do you think that's funny my love?"

He growls seductively. At that moment Aiden knocks on the door and Oli sighs

"Yes Aiden?"

"Oli, we have captured the rogue you asked us to catch. We need you down there as soon as possible."

Oli sighs and says

"We'll have to continue this later my love, you are coming with me so that I can show you what happened and why I wasn't there on your birthday in the morning."

With that we get up and brush ourselves off and get changed. Opening the door Oli picks me up and settles on his waist as he puts his nose in the crook of my neck and takes a deep breath he says

"Even though we've only marked one another you still kind of smell like me and you're in my clothes. My love you have no Idea how happy I am right now"

We head down to the dungeon and Oli explains to Aiden and I why we captured him

"In the morning he was lurking around your house and trying to find ways into the house. I saw him when I was just far enough to not smell Luna but close enough so that I could see him. He must've seen me and ran because he shifted and left torn pieces of fabric in the woods behind your house that didn't smell like you or your siblings. It is possible that he could've been mapping out your house for days."

Shivering Oli crushes me closer to his chest to make sure that I was fine. When we finally got down there was a man and a woman tied up smirking at me

"Thank you alpha for making our job so much easier, you brought the lycan girl with you! Thank you alpha."

The man said as the woman in the dark cloak made eyes at my man. I'm a hybrid but my mother did say that I might be able to give birth to lycans but that would be too painful and would probably knock me out a few times due to the excruciating pain, I mean that did happen when I was 14 so it is possible... But they couldn't have known! Oliver said

"What do you mean she's a hybrid and if she can give birth to Lycans they would and will be mine I will give her a baby one day but that's beside the point why were you trying to get there!"

"Well we couldn't have alpha here have all the fun and plus my daughter wants you to be her mate and I want the girl. We couldn't have our lakeys mess up now could we."

This gets a growl from my chest and I decide to pipe up

"I would and never will be yours and you -i narrow my eyes at the girl and growl- keep your eyes off my man before I gouge them out with my own claws"

She stares at him with pleading eyes and My wolf surfaces and says

"You have one more chance you stupid bitch I will skin you alive he's mine!"

Lia, my wolf slaps the girl and adoration fills Olis eyes as he looks at me. I say

"We can kill them tomorrow but first take down their hoods."

I stumble backwards as I see the man whom I escaped from when I was 15 and his daughter who didn't abuse me sexually like her farther did but still smaked me around. Oli and I growl and position four warriors to block every entrance and exit, window ect. Kaleb Olis wolf is now in charge when he picks me up and carries me back to his house without saying a word. He opens the door and slams it shut as it echoes around the house. He uses his speed to close all the windows and curtains to make sure we aren't disturbed. Kaleb grabs my waist and pulls me on to his lap to straddle him which I would've done anyway. Staring at him confused he chuckles darkly at me

"You said we would finish this later, am I right? so I'm going to finish this right now."

He says hoarsely. At that moment in the dim light two souls became one.

I shower very quickly after our movie date and then I walk into the room. I put on his huge robe and lie down in the middle of the huge bed. He then had a shower and when he walked in he had a towel hanging dangerously low on his waist. Kissing my lips he says

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize! You are my mate and did you not enjoy it? I guess not."

"No my love it isn't like that I told you I'd wait til you're ready and I didn't do that. I really enjoyed it more than you could imagine. Thank you baby I love you,"

"Love you too MeerKat,"

I grab my phone and start scrolling through ticktock for the next half hour with Oli lying down next to me. I fell asleep, phone in hand and Olis front pressed to my back.

I woke up to a very lonely feeling deep inside my chest and then I realized I was all alone. Checking my phone it was only 4 am yet it looked like he had left hours before that. Everything was cleaned and everything was in order, with that I sprinted downstairs. I was alone I started crying when Maddy walked through the door she said

"Oh dear, what happened? Do I need to beat someone's ass?"

Trying to calm myself I say

"He- he left without saying a thing and I don't think he has pack duties this early. I made sure to check his schedule to make sure I wouldn't miss class but still eat with him or something. We're on Summer break and he doesn't have anything today!"

She let me cry into her shoulder for around an hour and then we watched tv the rest of the day. Everytime she offered something to eat I said no and went back to watching tv, then he got home. I was filled with joy but little did I know it was all going to go downhill from there.