

We had driven into town and looked around to see everyone frozen.

"Everyone in towns been frozen" Hannah said. Then Champ looked at one of the people.

"Oh my god! Oh my, Dad?! Dad what happened to you..." We all looked at each other I felt bad for him.

"Wait.. Oh, oh thank god. Guys false alarm. Its not my dad" we all rolled our eyes and I let out a sigh.

"What are we going to do!" I asked.

"Without those manuscripts there's nothing I can do" Stine answered.

"If...if you wrote the monsters off the page maybe there's a way you can write them back on" Zack suggested.

"Wait... Yeah yeah why don't you just do that" I said agreeing with Zack's plan.

"You have any idea how many stories I'd have to write to capture every monster I've ever created. I already have carpal tunnel in both hands" Stine said.

"Dad just listen to him it's a great idea" Hannah said defending Zack.

"Just one, one story to capture them all" Zack said

"Hm simple. One story, one story with every monster I've ever created. Brilliant. Great idea" Stine said and then he turned to Hannah and said "He's a keeper"

Hannah gave him a look.

"You have a better idea?" Zack and I asked in unison.

"Mhmm mhmm a much better idea" Stine said. We all looked at him waiting for him to say his "idea". "No, not now I don't" Stine said.

"Okay, then we gotta get you to a computer so you can start writing. Look there's a computer store right over here" Zack started walking towards the store but Stine stopped him.

"I need my typewriter" Stine said.

"What?" Zack and I asked.

"Every story I've ever written was on that Smith Corona. Its not just me....that typewriter is special" Stine said. "It has a soul of its own. If I write on anything else it won't work"

"Where's the typewriter" I asked.

"Don't worry...Its somewhere safe" Stine said. We all got in the car and started driving. To where? I don't know. Stine just said to get in the car and I really wasn't in the mood to argue.

"I don't know what's going with my phone" Champ said

"Slappy's taken out the cellphone towers that's what I'd do" Stine said. "He's cutting us off...isolating us"

Suddenly I heard a laugh well more like a giggle of a boy.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Ugh! The invisible boy" Stine groaned. "He's a menace!" Suddenly Champ was smacked.


"Shove him out the window!" I shouted.

"Roll up the window" Zack said. The invisible boy grabbed Champs tie and pulled his head out the window.

"He's got his tie!" I shouted.

"Help! Help!" Champ shouted.

"Hold on!" I said and I unbuckled myself and kicked the invisible boy hopefully in the face but I couldn't tell cause he was invisible. He let go of his tie and fell on the road then we sped away.

"NOT COOL" He shouted.

"Are you okay?" I asked Champ as I buckled back up.

"Yeah, yeah thanks" he said.

"No problem" I answered. Suddenly I saw a giant bug in front of the car. It was a praying mantis. Everyone screamed.

"I don't remember writing about a giant praying mantis!" Stine shouted. Then the bug spit green stuff all over the glass in the front of the car. "Oh wait now I remember" Stine said as he remembered.

"Get us out of here!" I shouted. Stine started to use the windshield wipers to get the green spit off the glass.

"What are you doing?!" Zack and I asked in unison.

"Well I can't drive if I cant see!" Stine said.

"Just go" Zack and I shouted.

"Oh my god"

"Watch out!"

"Turn left!"

"Stop driving straight"

"He's catching up turn right!" I shouted.

"Step on it!"

"Does someone else wanna drive cause I'll pull over right now!" Stine said threateningly.

We stopped in the parking lot of a store. We snuck out of the car and ran into the store thankfully being unseen by the giant bug.

"Why'd you have to come up with something so freaky?" Champ asked Stine as we watched the giant mantis mess with the car.

"I just have a knack for it I guess" Stine answered. The mantis stuck one of it legs in the car destroying it in the process.

"Oh no, my wagoneer I had such low mileage on it" Stine complained.

"How far are we from the highschool?" I asked.

"Not to far. We can cut through the cemetery" Hannah answered. I noticed Stine looking at her.

"I'm sorry a cemetery?" Champ asked in fear.

"God, relax. The high schools just past the woods" Hannah said. Stine stopped her.

"And how do you know that?" Stine asked.

"Uh sometimes I get a little stir-crazy and go exploring" Hannah answered knowing she would get in trouble.

"When?" Stine asked in shock.

"At night after you go to bed" she answered.

"You're grounded" He said pointing a finger at her.

"That is so unfair" Hannah complained.

"No, its fair" Stine retorted.

"You're bringing up good points but let's keep moving while you argue" Zack said and I nodded in agreement.

"Sneaking of in the middle of the night with strange boys. Unbelievable" Champ said.

"Shut it" Stine said.

"Hey, hey do you have a dollar I can borrow?" Champ asked Stine.

"What? No why?" Stine asked.

"Im parched" Champ said gesturing to the bottles of flavored soda.

"Well, just take one. I'm sure they'd understand" Stine said annoyed.

"Really? Ha!" He looked at the flavors trying to decide which one to get. "Lemonade, grape, or strawberry" Champ asked.

"Good god, man. Here, orange" Stine said as he took an orange fanta of the shelf and handed it to Champ.

"I don't know what I was thinking there is way more going on here than in New York" Zack said to Hannah. Hannah was looking at his forehead.

"What?" Zack asked.

"Uh you cut yourself" Hannah answered.

"Is it bad?" Zack asked.

"Uh yeah really bad" Hannah said sarcastically, but Zack didn't notice.

"Is my face messed up?" Zack asked.

"Yeah, big time. You look exactly the same" Hannah said as she wiped little amount of blood off of Zack's forehead. Suddenly I heard a growl and it wasn't me this time. I looked around a shelf and saw a werewolf wearing basketball shorts and broken sneakers. Stine grabbed some cologne and started spraying himself.

"What are you doing?" Zack asked.

"That's the werewolf of Fever Swamp he can smell my scent."

Stine said like it was obvious.

"No its not working I have to hide" Stine said as he through the cologne. Then we heard something sizzle we turned and saw Champ had opened his soda bottle and the werewolf had heard it too. He looked towards us and started to run towards us.

"RUN!" Zack shouted. Zack grabbed my hand and we ran down the aisle. The werewolf jumped on the top of the shelf running after us. He was literally right above us. I looked up and noticed he was looking at me. I gulped kind of a afraid but also feeling a little safe. For some reason.

"He's on our tail!" Champ shouted. I broke off from the others and ran to the other side of the store. Hopefully unseen. I his behind a shelf. I looked around the shelf and saw nothing. I let out a sigh of relief then turned around and the werewolf was right in front of me. I wanted to scream but nothing came out I was paralyzed with fear. He put his paw on my face and I was confused. Wasn't he going to eat me or kill me. He growled something but I couldn't understand it.

"ALIVIA!" I heard Zack shout. The werewolf and I both looked towards him. Stine was with him and he was...in a shopping cart? Zack charged at the werewolf while pushing the cart. The cart. ran into the werewolf pushing him away from me. Zack grabbed my hand and dragged me away. The werewolf howled and started to run at us. We ran and found Hannah and Champ at the back door. We all ran our the door and locked it.

"Ha! Lets see him get through that" Stine said. There was a giant bang on the door. Then another bang and he had broken through.

"Mine" The werewolf growled as he pointed at me.

"I knew it" Stine said.

"Um knew what?" I asked as we ran away from the werewolf.

"I'll explain later" Stine said. We ran in between some trucks we were almost at the end when the werewolf jumped in front of us. It dragged its claws on the trucks, cutting them up.

"Mine" he growled once again. Suddenly a car came and ran into the werewolf and it was hit into the garbage can. I don't know why but I felt bad for him.

"I'm okay, I'm still okay" I noticed the woman was Aunt Lorraine.

"Who is that?"

"That's our Aunt Lorraine" Zack and I answered in unison.

"I think I killed that bear" Lorraine said.

"It was actually a werewolf" Hannah corrected.

"What?" Lorraine asked in shock.

"Aunt Lorraine what are you doing here?" I asked.

"This is the back of my store, I didn't know where else to go. I cant get ahold of your mother or the cops or anyone..." Lorraine trailed off as she saw Stine. "Hello"

"Um...hi.. I dont think we've been properly introduced I'm Lorraine" Lorraine said.

"R.L. Stine. We owe you a great debt of gratitude your reckless driving saved our lives" Stine said.

"Oh that old thing." Lorraine said.

"So...Lorraine" Stine started to say.

"We don't have time. I need you to go to the police and tell them to meet us at the highschool. Alright? can you do that?" Zack asked.

"Yeah, I can do that" Lorraine said. We started to run. "Oh did you wanna exchange numbers?" Lorraine asked Stine

"Not a good time but yes!" Stine shouted back.

"Wait Stine! You said you knew what the werewolf meant when he pointed at me and said 'mine' right what did he mean?" I asked.

"Okay when I wrote 'The werewolf of fever swamp' I wrote it to where the werewolf a.k.a Will Blake had a mate but he didn't know where she was. And at the end I had it say that he was determined to find her. And when the books became real that meant someone in the world was his mate. And even had some werewolf in them and that night you brought the cops and I saw you growl. I knew that it was you and tonight when he pointed at you and said 'mind' I was positive that you were his... Mate" Stine said. My eyes widened

"So your saying my sister is the mate of that...thing" Zack said in disbelief.

"This is unbelievable" I mumbled