
Chapter 24: Secrets

Gavin’s POV:


I didn’t mean to grab her wrists, but I couldn’t let Luci keep going.

Not when I hadn’t told her everything.

Stopping was not something I wanted to do. I just couldn’t remove my clothes with the lights still on.

She needed to know why. I never thought of telling anyone here about my condition, but Luci deserved to know who I really was before she showed me a side of her that I wanted to see.

The second after I paused Luci, regret slapped me as I saw her eyes glisten.

“Sorry,” Luci muttered as she dropped the bottom of her shirt.

I quickly released her wrists so as not to hurt her more than I already had.

“Please, don’t be,” I said as her milk chocolate eyes filled with whatever insecurity had just bloomed in her.

Luci was still pressed against me and I was trying to focus my breathing so my jeans wouldn’t rub so much against me. My brain swam in desperation trying to find the right words when I felt some of Luci’s weight come off me.