
The Bite

After following the smell of strawberries Alucard found the person who was emitting it but he only paid attention to his long curly white hair that fell on Jaden's back and those beautiful eyes. Those who were looking at the moon with some tears, as he approached him he was more sure that he found his soulmate so that sad look made Alucard angry, he wanted to know why was his mate so sad? or who made him sad?

He was thinking of asking her that while he was kissing his soft lips of Jaden, his hands were touching his body trying to memorize any corner of it.

Alucard and his wolf knew that they had to protect his mate from the sadness in those beautiful eyes, his Luna was there and he never wanted to let him go.

All saw that moment with surprise because it was very well known that Alucard has homophobic, and he was there kissing a man without any problem. When Alucard puts his fangs in the neck of his mate and bites him without thinking, Jaden shouted plainly for that brutal bite made by Alucard who injected his pheromones in that bite to make it remain on his body.

He was so concerned about his omega that never saw his mate wasn't a girl or the mark of the moon on the other side of his neck, when Alucard left him, less drunk with joy he saw Jaden in his arms closely with those tears in his eyes for the bite.

Alucard turned pale when he turned to the other’s clothes, that pair of trousers with the black boots, the shirt blue light, and that silver roses stamped white coat, he only could be the last son of Elein... Some thin like Jay Winterlane, Alucard pushed him down with a horrified and angry face.

"How could this happen? My mate... Is my mate a boy?"

Alucard mumbled in shock, he was having a panic attack that clouds his mind, he never feels attached to a man. He denied that his mate could be a boy but the truth was a humiliation to his pride. Jaden fell on the cold floor, he was expecting something different since Alucard kissed him.

For a short moment, Jaden thought he could rely on Alucard and find some happiness but that hope died when he was pushed. Jaden raises his head and looks at him.

"Not you..."

"You are... are you...?" Alucard couldn't finish when Alice's voice was heard.

"Jaden, what are you doing? How could you do that to me? Why did you seduce my fiancé?"


When Alucard heard that name he remembers that talk, his nice voice and laughs, and what he said came to his mind "My family wants to get rid of me" Jaden's mask fell revealing his astonishing beauty, and when that happened Alucard left to breathe "how can a person be so beautiful?" That was what he thought while looking at Jaden who was cuter and more beautiful than any woman Alucard had ever dated.

His wolf was growling inside Alucard's mind to make him take Jaden in his arms again but Alucard looked away ignoring that urge to hug him, he was going to talk to Alice and explain she was wrong but when he looked at her she was crying.

"I... I know that you hate me so much... but... doing this is too much"

She has her cheeks red and was covering her mouth while the people were looking at Jaden with disgust, and a lot of whispers were there saying how dirty he was but Jaden didn't say a word to defend himself. Alucard saw Jaden stand up looking at Alice without any emotion on his face, he opened his lips to say something but he didn't emit a sound, Elein came after that noise, she saw Alice crying and without asking she came to Jaden and slapped him fiercely.

"What did you do to your sister?"

Alucard couldn't be angrier even when he despited the idea of having a male as his luna that doesn't mean he didn't feel that horrible pain seeing his mate being hit, Alucard was going to explode but his mother understood the situation and came to his childhood friend to stop her and avoid Elein hitting Jaden one more time.

"Ely calm down"


"We need to talk in private"

"Is there any problem, lady Winterlane?" Mikhail, who hears the commotion priced them, he thought that his son Victor has started a fight but he never expected it was about Alucard and Jaden.

"Duke Rostov, I'm so sorry for making a scene like this, this boy made some trouble again. Can you lend us a room to talk about this more comfortably?"

"Of course, lady Winterlane, follow me"

Alucard saw Elein grab the hair of his mate; he gets angrier but his mother stops him from doing something rash in public and asks him to talk to Alice; however, when he comes to her, she looks at him with her fake tears and intensifies her crying.

"Alice don't cry, your makeup will be ruined"

"I'm sorry... I... I should have advised you... he also stole my first love when we were younger"

"It's not what you think"

"But Jaden likes doing that... he seduced all the boys that tried something with me... I'm sorry Alucard"

"Don't apologize to me, I'm sorry Alice but we need to talk more about this, come with me"

Alucard prefers to have Alice as his wife more than his mate Jaden, he feels sick remembering that he kissed a man even though he hates that kind of relationship between men, he took her hand and smiled at her. Maybe they could break the mark he leaves on Jaden and make the marriage between both of them if Alice still wanted him.

Both families take off the ice skate and entered the living room of the Rostov’s mansion, Elein threw away Jaden who almost fell to the floor but Elizabeth, who was following Elein surprised at her childhood friend's behavior, helped him. She saw what happened and could say that Jaden was the mate of his son because that was the same scene she experienced with her husband.

"Explain this now". Elein pronounced angry and with a cold tone, at the same time Alice and Alucard entered, Alice was still crying but she spoke quietly.

"Mom it's not Jaden's fault, maybe he was so sad to come here alone because of my panic attack"

Alucard was astonished, she told him that he was sent first for that little fight they had but maybe she didn't want her mother to find out how badly he treats his sister, Alucard feels ashamed to have such trash like Jaden as his mate.

"I know that you may have caused a problem but not with the fiancé of your sister..."

"Ely, this could be a misunderstanding" Elizabeth's quiet and warm voice makes them stop.

"What? Liz, how could you say that? This kid seduced your son and ruined the engagement party of my baby Alice"

"I'm sorry lady Elein... but your son Jaden is... is my mate"

Jaden didn't expect anything from Alucard so when he tells the truth, Jaden looks at him, the room stays in a quiet silence while all of them got shocked, nobody was expecting that.

"Wow Alucard, congratulations you've been waiting so long"

His uncle Lucian who came with his husband and his children separately, talked first, he congratulated his nephew because that makes him remember the day his older brother found his mate, he was just like Alucard all serious and grumpy but after he found Elizabeth he shined.

"Tks... don't say something so disgusting, there is a way to break the bite I put on that boy"

The room feels cold with those words that leave Alucard's mouth. His family was astonished, Elizabeth took his son's arm and made excuses for them, she asked Mikhail for a private room and she entered with his son there, after they were alone she slapped him.

"¡Mom! Why..."

"Don't call me mom, How could you throw away your mate like that?"

Alucard saw anger in his mother's face, he had never seen his mother like that in all his life but today she also shouts and hits him.

"That's... mom I hate it...How could this happen? I don't want him... I never wish to have a man as my mate!"

"Calm down Alucard" She was breathing to relax.

"He could not be my mate"

"BUT HE IS and you BITE him, so take responsibility" She shouted the most important words while Alucard saw his mother with guilt.

"I know that there's a way that we can break that mark"

"Are you serious?"

"I'm serious"

She sighs and waves his head. Somehow she was disappointed. "... well Alucard if you want that, I'm going to support you but... only if you try to get to know him first, can you do that for me?"

"..." Alucard didn't answer because he felt his mother was taking advantage of her condition.


"Ok only two months, no more"

Alucard was furious, all of his body felt even more disgusting than before at the idea of spending two months with a man, while he was talking with her mother in that room, the Winterlane family was in another room.

The rest of both families were waiting inside the living room with the host Mikhail who was confused and didn't know what happened.

After some minutes when Alucard felt better came back to the living room with his mother but one of his uncles told them where the Winterlane were, Alucard and Elizabeth went there but when they arrived at the door they heard something that made them stop.


When Alucard and his mother leave the room, Elein asked Mikhail too for a private room but one that was far away from Alucard and Elizabeth, once they were there his older brother, Archer kicked Jaden to make him fall on the floor, he was quiet, something in Jaden's heart hurt a lot since he heard that Alucard wanted to get rid of the bite, he can't cry but he has an enormous hollow in his chest.

"How could a low omega like you be the mate of Alucard?"

Alice was slapping Jaden with all of her straight until his lips had blood but Jaden didn't say anything to stop her like he always does, which made Alice angrier.

"Alice remember, don't leave scars in places where the people could find"

"But mom this bitch dare to steal my man"

"Not really, he doesn't want Jaden because he's a boy"

"How does it feel, my little brother? Even your mate hates you" Alice mocks him with a satisfied smile

"You disappointed me, Jaden" Elein sits on a sofa with that scary angry face.


"I told you all your life to hide well... I thought he could fall in love with your face but who could imagine that he will be your mate Jajaja that's so funny"

"Ugh... I... I'm sorry ... forgive me mom but"

Jaden couldn't finish because Elein raised and slapped him, she grabbed his hair to make him look at her and speak again.

"I'm not your mother piece of trash, I didn't give born an omega like you"

Jaden couldn't say anything, Elein kicks him and press the heel of her shoe in his hand, even when she was her mother she hates him the most, Jaden has tears in his eyes but even though he was crying he keeps silent but it wasn't for the pain in his hand it was more for not have the courage to fight back, he didn't understand why all of them hate him so much.

"If I'm not your son, why don't you kill me when my dad dies? ..."

Elein didn't say anything because she smelled the strong scent of coffee approaching the room and she knew who it was, she left his hand and made a signal to her children who understood very well.

"I hate you... I hate all of you so why? Why if I take Alice's fiancé? It's not my fault that he bites me, is it?"


"Why didn't you throw me away? Why did you stop me when I tried to leave the house? Did you want to sell me to a crazy and old man?"

"How could you say that my little babe, I love you the most, I always said that you have to find your mate and live happily"

Jaden was shocked he didn't understand that change of behavior but when his mother says that their brothers started to break some things in the room and one of the twins imitated his voice so vividly that it scared Jaden.

"Why are you doing that Jaden?"

"Because I hate you... so I'm going to show the true color of this family, if they saw me like this when I leave, do you think they are going to believe that I made this myself?"

To be continue