
my prince charming

su yan was sitting in a cafe in xx mall.he was so handsome,that the girls in the cafe cannot take eyes off him.su yan's face was expressionless but his dark blue eyes seems irritated.he was there with his soon-to-be ex-fiancee,min jae.she had a dismal in distress expression on her face.su yan and min jae has been engaged since they were in college.but yesterday su yan caught his fiancee on bed with another man.eventhough this was a marriage without love he didn't like the fact that he was cheated.he,su yan,ceo of su corps is not in lack of girls.

"su yan,please believe me.he drugged me".min jae said with teary eyes.

su yan had enough of her acting and this is what he hated most..playing pitiful.they got engaged due to their grandfathers' friendship. so he has been tolerating for so long and it's time to end this show.su yan smirked at her

"you know this is not the first time.since i had no interest in you i didn't care what were you doing.but that's enough.i can't breath the same air with you so not to mention marrying.just stop your acting".seeing her white flower acting he wanted to explode.

seeing he is not falling for her tears min jae changed her attitude and put on an arrogant face,"you think you can break this engagement.no way.this has been decided for decades and whether you love me or not i am going to be your wife.i will be lady of su household.".

su yan felt no use of taltking with this greedy woman.so he got up and left the cafe.he was annoyed and walked fast to leave the mall because he didn't wanted to see that woman's face,atleast for today. suddenly he felt someone collide on him and he caught off gaurd and both of them fell together.he looked up and saw a girl on his embrace.the icecream in her hand was all over his branded tuxedo.he saw two ocean blue eyes twinkling. xi min was looking the man beneath her in 'aww'.su yan cursed his luck'huh now who is this ugly girl'.while xi min was in a dream land.'waahh, so romantic.my prince charming is here!!!'.

hi readers.this is my first time writing a novel..i am just trying to write one.so if you find this intreasting feel free to read..since i am too inexperienced the chapters will be short and there will be no regular updates.

eewtcreators' thoughts