
My Master Is The Strongest But She Has An Inferiority Complex

Variant_Of_G · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

I was woken up from my sleep by the sound of an opening door. Despite this being a shop it didn't have one of those Bells at the door, we used to have one but my parents were too lazy to buy another one. I opened my sleepy eyes and looked at the customer who just arrived. He looked like he had the strength to fight with ten bears and easily win. He was wearing a cloak and was also carrying something behind his back. He looked to be in his sixties and had a long white beard. There was a creature that looked like a dragon sleeping on his shoulder. The dragon-like creature had white scales, between them there were also some bright red ones. The red scales gave it an air of danger. Although the man was physically built like a warrior he didn't look like a fighter, he seemed more like a wizard with all of the stuff he was carrying around him.

"Good Morning, can I speak to Mr. Pilar?"

Said the man with the white long beard.

"Good Morning, my dad is not here right now. If you want you could wait for him. We have some chairs over there that you could sit on." I said while pointing to the right corner.

"Thanks, young man, but it doesn't seem my size. I'll just wait while standing."

I wasn't lying that he was big. A giant would be an exaggeration but in this case, it was the closest word I could think of to describe him. It didn't last long before my father opened the door of the shop and came in.

"Good Morning."

He said with a smile on his face looking at the counter where I was sitting. I was discretely pointing at the right corner for him to notice our guest.

"Oh, good morning Girwald. I wasn't expecting you this early."

"Well Aldous, recently I found a way to break the Curse of Pire, unfortunately if a person has the Curse of Vam it won't break the curse. so we won't be able to help her."

Girwald had a pained expression as he said the last sentence. It was as if he predicted what my father was gonna ask him.

"well, it is unfortunate but I least you broke yours."

"I am grateful for the thought but as you know, I am a busy man so we should start as soon as possible. I would like to continue chatting some more, but that will be for another occasion."

Girwald brought an end to that conversation. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk about that. my father and him had a pained expression.

"Let us go to the back of the shop then. Jan, close the shop will ya. After that come with us at the back of the shop."

I did as I was told. I opened the door to the back. the room was not well lit. You could still see inside thanks to the sun rays coming from a small window. the room was filled with crates of merchandise. the dpace in the middle was empty only thing that was there was a table and two chairs to accompany its existence. The room was spacious enough for the crates only to be stored at the sude of the four walls. Standing near the table was my father and the mountain of a man. The thing Girwald was carrying on his back was now sitting on the table.

"Let's start."

said Girwald. He pointed his finger at the package covered by bandage like things and said "lòs". Inmediately after he said that the cover stated moving an revealed the thing inside. The package he was carrying was a sword, more specifically a magic sword. Magic swords were not easy to make. For that reason one can be considered rare and obviously expensive. What did my dad have to do with this weapon and the man that brought it.

"Jan, it's a little bit early but here is your birthday present. I had it commisioned just for you."

I was speechless. I used my confused brain to try and say something but only a "W..wh.what?!!" came out. My dad looked at me smiling and Grimwald burst into laughter.

"Is this my birthday present?"

I asked barely containing my joy.

"Of course, I'll let Mister Girwald explain the details to you."

Said my dad.

"This sword was made using an elemental dragon as it's base. The dragon's name was Ylnaroth, all of nature. That's why I gave it the same name."

Not only was I getting a magic sword but one from a dragon. I listened to Girwald with surprise. It was incredible. How much did my father spend on this? He didn't even get me the chance to properly thank him. I looked around to search for him and couldn't find him in the room. I guess he left when Girwald started explaining.

"Now I'll give you it's instructions. As all the magic swords this one uses your strength. only relying on it will get you nowhere. Magic swords use the users magical power to manifest their power. Once you master your own magical power you will be able to use the sword at its most powerful. Every week you must fill it with your magic. If you don't do this you'll have to bring it to me for a repair. I hope we don't get to that."

"yes sir."

I answered. He was a man who gets straight to the point. Doesn't waste time with small talk. Starts explaininig without going in unnecessary details.

"Two more things. Here."

He grabbed a book and an empty piece of paper from under his coat. The book was thin with a red cover. He handed me the book and pointed to it. My head moved reflexively to the book.

"In that book you will find more instructions. I hope you'll give it a good read. Now this."

He grabbed the empty paper and stretched it on the table. Then he made a weird gesture with his right hand above the paper. A drop formed at his index's fingertip. The drop fell on the paper creating a ripple effect. This day was filled with unbelievable sights. After the effect caused by the drop ended the paper started to gain colors. The colors cane and made different shapes and lines revealing a map.

"Take this map with you."

Said Girwald. He handed me the map and started heading towards the door. This man is always in a hurry, I figured he had an important job.

"Thank you Mr. Girwald."

I said before he opened the door to leave. I was not gonna let him leave before thanking him like my dad did.

" Don't thank me. Thank your old man. He was the one who asked me. I wish to you safe travels."

With these words he closed the door, leaving me behind in the poorly lit room. But unlike the room my heart was lit, lit with passion abd excitement for the adventure to come.