
My Martial Spirit is Nanobot

In a realm where martial spirit reigns supreme, Lin Lee embarks on a journey of self-discovery amidst the intricate power struggles of the civilization. As a member of the prestigious Lin Clan, Lin Lee faces the daunting task of awakening his martial spirit during a crucial ceremony. With each challenge he faces, Lin Lee grows stronger, honing his skills and unlocking the hidden depths of his martial spirit. Alongside a diverse cast of characters, including fellow martial artists, cunning schemers, and wise mentors, Lin Lee navigates a world brimming with danger and opportunity. In a tale that spans realms and dimensions, Lin Lee's quest for mastery takes him on a thrilling adventure filled with twists and turns, where the boundaries between mortal and immortal blur, and the true meaning of strength is revealed.

Chaos_Gray · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
124 Chs

Chapter 34 Holy Son

At this moment, an untimely noise sounded,


Instantly, a small head poked out of his pocket. Liu Rong and Luo Li both froze, looking at little Xing protrude out of his pocket.

"Starry Beast..." Liu Rong exclaimed loudly, in extreme shock looking at Xing.

Lin Lee startled by Liu Rong Voice, his eardrum almost burst. Xing was also extremely frightened, hurriedly flopped inside the pocket again.

"Little brother, if you give it to me as a gift... How about…" Liu Rong's eyes lit up crazily, hurriedly said, acting like a baby, touching her finger.

"I refuse," Lin Lee rejected instantly, without a second thought.

Liu Rong startled by such quick refusal, then bowed her head, became extremely depressed.

Xing popped its head out again and flew behind Lin Lee, sat down on his shoulder, started looking around curiously, hissing.