
Selah's Backstory 2

"Okay, obviously something is going on that you are not telling me," Selah groaned. "Just tell me what it is so I can help."

"What makes you say that?" Graeme asked, brows furrowed. Was he that bad of an actor?

"Because you are not nearly enraged enough to have just lost your mate, and you two keep exchanging these weird looks. Something is going on. And I get it! You aren't going to surprise me with whatever it is, okay? You have no idea the kind of shit I have seen both in the portal and outside of it," she explained. "When a vampire gets involved, much less alyko of varying capabilities, things get wonky. But I can't fully help you if you don't tell me what it is."

Graeme and Sam exchanged another look, and Selah rolled her eyes.

"Okay," Graeme relented. "You're right. I… I can't remember anything," he groaned, raking a hand down his face. "I can feel her. I know August is my mate, but I can't remember anything that has happened within the last two months or so."