
Chapter 185

Upon reaching the portal which was now open, Lucky who had woken up had instructed them to slit his hand and pour a little blood on his longtube before throwing it in the portal.

They did so. 

Though Daniel had been a little reluctant on slitting Lucky's hand but he had to do so if they wanted to get out of the evil woods. But in exchange, Lucky's new injury didn't close up to heal. 

He kept on bleeding and that worried Daniel the most. 

His breathing became ragged and his heart beat accelerated all the more as the minutes passed by while he bled more. 

To say that Daniel was worried was an understatement. He was more than worried but the hope of Lucky healing once they left this place was what he held on like a lifeline. 

Weakly uttering a spell, the portal which was greyish changed it's colors to purplish blue.