
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
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302 Chs

Episode 77: Dream in the game becomes reality

22. Monster subjugation battle (2)

"It turns out that permission was granted easier than I thought."

"It is said that Her Majesty the Saint burst into laughter at the Marquis's appointment."

"I can only thank His Majesty Sylvester for his generous understanding."

"But complaints are pouring in from other candidates' camps. "They say this is expedient."

"Are you saying it is expedient even though His Majesty acknowledged it? I understand, but making such a claim now would only offend your subordinates."

"That's how desperate everyone is."

Archbishop Fred, whom I met at a hotel in Everle, a holy place, not in my permanent residence, looked at me curiously and expressed doubts.

"Honestly, I thought it was very unlikely that the Marquis' appointment would be accepted. "What kind of magic did you perform on your Majesty?"

"Could it be an excellent pace, reasonably sensible speech, and the ability to carefully consider the other person's feelings?"

"Sometimes, it seems like the Marquis has a strong sense of self-love."

"Haha, just kidding. Maybe I was judged for showing my wit through such an unexpected action. Or, it could be that His Majesty the Virgin recognized Miss Eve Ril's worth and took a liking to her."

"Ah, I see. That makes sense."

Currently, Ivril, along with the people I assigned, is registering as a mercenary in the Kingdom of Jordi, where she appeared on the broadcast before.

During the saint and saint contests, cameras always follow each candidate.

And the status of the contest is revealed in real time through broadcasts and online, and since each candidate is assigned one channel, viewership ratings can be understood as the number of supporters.

[Current contest channel viewership ratings]1.21% Grace High Elven

1.16% Lloyd High Elven

1.12% Ivril Barnett

0.81% Judy Esther

Currently, Ivril's viewer ratings were third, and she was competing closely with the Elf Saint candidate and the Elf Saint woman candidate, widening the gap with the others quite significantly.

"When I first saw her enthusiasm for appearing on TV, I wondered if it would really be effective, but Ivril's popularity has increased beyond my imagination."

"Yes. Commoners account for most of the viewership, and we focused on raising awareness among commoners. But it seems difficult to broadcast among handsome and pretty elves."

"The popularity of elves is inevitable. It's never been like that before. However, this does not have much of an impact. "Saints and saints are not chosen by popular vote."

While watching Ivril's broadcast with Archbishop Fred and talking to each other, I nodded and made a bitter expression.

Elves are like frauds in many ways.

Not only were they beautiful, but they all had high abilities.

It was a mountain that must be overcome to become a saint.

'Cheer up, Ivril.'

I internally cheered her on and changed the subject.

"The reason I asked to meet you at the shrine today is because I have some other business to attend to."

Archbishop Fred tilts his head, saying that there is something important in the Holy Land other than something related to Ivril.

I said it would be better to see it in person rather than explain it in words, so I took out something that looked like a pure white glass stick from subspace and handed it to him.


Archbishop Fred, who was looking around to see what it was, opened his eyes wide and looked surprised.

"Isn't it Orichalcon? No, it's not just a lump of orichalcon. The divine power that gently emanates from within... … . no way?"

I knew what he was trying to say, so I nodded silently and answered.

"Yes, it is a relic. "It is estimated to be about 20,000 years ago."

This relic was an unexpected income obtained through the last territory war.

[Elyos Sword Handle(?) / Relic]-Presumed to be the handle of a sword used by the Elyos of the mythical era.

-It appears that energy will be condensed, strengthened, and released when magical power or divine power is invested, and it is expected to have a similar shape to the Aura Blade strengthened with force.

-Currently, part of the internal sacred magic circuit is destroyed and does not work.

-If you are a high-ranking engineer in the holy city of Everhill, there is a possibility of repair.

-Material: Orichalcon (350g), Holy Bloodstone (32g)

Karma Viscount, who owned the relic, simply owned it as a lump of Orichalcon with a high refund rate, but with the cheat key called Mangyeong, I was able to understand the value of this relic.

"Well, if that's true, it would have a significant propaganda effect… … ."

As expected, as soon as he saw the relic, Archbishop Fred thought about how to use it to benefit Ivril.

But it shouldn't be written that way.

"There is a possibility that this relic can be repaired if we have a good technician."

"Does this mean you can save the ancient relic?"

"Yes, there is a good chance. Inside, there is a sacred magic circuit that appears to be from the mythical era, but only part of it has been destroyed. The rest is clean."

"Oh oh!"

Unless you're an idiot, you couldn't know why I brought this up now.

"What the Marquis wants from me is to recruit a skilled technician?"

"That's right."

"Of course I have to look for it. "This is a huge discovery."

I asked as I put the relic back into sub-space.

"Do I have to hand over the relics to the religious order?"

"No, you don't have to. Even the royal and imperial families of each country possess at least one sacred relic. However, considering the propaganda effect of Ivril, donating is the best, but if the target is a properly functioning relic from the mythical era, donating for the simple propaganda effect is excessive."

The fact that he does not shout out for unconditional donations is trustworthy.

I feel at ease when you say that.

"And even if you don't donate, there are plenty of ways to get publicity benefits from relics."

"That's true too."

Actually, I never even thought about donating from the beginning, but I wonder if he views me as too kind a person.

"Are you going to stay in this hotel for a while?"

"Yes, I think so."

"All right. "Then, we will find the best technician and bring him in."

"i look forward to."

Archbishop Fred seemed to think there was no need for a long chat and got up immediately.

There are many people working behind the scenes to make Everil a saint.

I will use every means possible to ensure that this effort is not in vain.

So I turned my attention to the broadcast that showed Ivril struggling in the mercenary guild.

* * *

Technology has advanced to the extreme and we have become a world where giant weapons rule the sky, but despite this, numerous monsters still live in Rondel, threatening human survival.

In the past, many countries with strong military power, including Brigham, poured enormous amounts of money, manpower, and time to destroy these monsters.

But somehow, monsters appeared from nowhere no matter how many times you killed them, and as the fight continued for decades, the great Archmage Manuel Lucas came up with a highly probable hypothesis.

'Extinction Prevention System.'

The question was whether, among the Creator's laws that support the world called Rondel, there is a system that prevents the extinction of life.

If you think about it, aren't monsters and people the same creatures to the Creator?

Considering the situation in Rondel, where God's influence is strong, it was a very possible story.

From the perspective of Earthlings, who have lived through the extinction of many lives, it is a truly amazing and great system, but from the perspective of Rondelians, it is an irritating rule that hinders development.

Even as technology developed and military power grew stronger due to monsters, people had to build walls for safety.

To the Rondelians, monsters were nothing more or less than viruses that were eating away at the world.

'The destruction of monsters is not always the best idea.'

But not everyone wanted the monsters to go extinct.

Without knowing how the natural food chain would collapse, surprisingly, we were able to obtain a wide variety of resources from monsters.

Especially for mercenaries who make a living by hunting monsters, the extinction of monsters was no different from threatening their survival.

Therefore, when the plan to destroy the monsters ended in failure, the mercenaries all cheered.

In the end, it means that monsters and mercenaries, which are the basic elements of the fantasy world, have an inseparable coexistence relationship.

"This is it, precious people have come."

Being a mercenary who hunts monsters is a job that can make a lot of money.

However, since they have to fight for their lives every day, their social status cannot be considered high.

Therefore, he was not very pleased with the appearance of a new party made up of knights, wizards, and saint candidates who came to work as mercenaries.

Ivril, who visited the mercenary guild in the Kingdom of Jordi, shrugged her shoulders in fear at the hostile gaze pouring in from all directions.

"Do not worry. No one would do something stupid while the cameras were rolling. And unless they are crazy, there will be very few people who will touch our party, which is protected by the Sepia Church and Reinharts Kingdom."

There was someone who reassured her, and it was the leader of this party, Allen Lopez, a former knight who began studying anew after Adrian revealed his talent as a wizard.

He was a regular knight (Auror user) and a proper magic swordsman with the skills of a regular magician (Circle 3).

And since the other three people except him were hybrids who could use magic and swords together, they were high-level forces that were not easily seen in the mercenary world.

"Well, is that so?"

"Yes, so take it easy and let's do everything we can as a priest and mercenary, a candidate for sainthood, step by step."

"Thank you. Mr. Lopez."

Lopez, the half-penny knight of the Count Otis, was no longer to be seen.

After meeting Adrian and living a second life, he belatedly realized his talent and regained complete confidence.

In addition, Lopez was used to dealing with people as he was the leader of the gifted center where the Marquis of Lawrence gathered talented people.

"You've waited a long time. "A mercenary group is here."

And after a while.

The female receptionist, who could be said to be the representative figure of the mercenary guild, approached them with a very nervous expression and handed them mercenary badges.

[Class B mercenary badge]Name: Everil Barnett

Age: 15

Occupation: Priest

Ivril looked amazed at the mercenary card she thought she would never receive.

"Due to regulations, we had no choice but to give it a B grade. So please do not be offended and ask for your understanding."

"It's unpleasant. Not at all. "Thank you for your concern."

Ivril is also a commoner, so he knows a lot about mercenaries.

Mercenaries have seven levels, starting from F level to S level (F, E, D, C, B, A, S).

Among them, it is said that even a C, which is in the middle, earns more than double that of most office workers.

But I was given a B-level mercenary badge that wasn't even C-level.

No matter how risky the job may be and the future is unstable, there are plenty of people who would be happy to be a B-level high-ranking mercenary.

Among mercenaries, grade B meant a successful person, and it was the position that everyone who entered the mercenary world dreamed of.

"No, fuck. "If you've done something, you're in class B."

So, many mercenaries found this situation unpleasant.

They were fighting to the death, but some flashy-looking people came with a camera and suddenly received a B grade as a starting grade.

In response, Ivril shrugged her shoulders again.

But that lasts only a moment.

Ivril took an unexpected action, approaching the mercenary who had uttered a direct curse with a determined expression.

Her party members, including Lopez, were embarrassed, and the broadcasting station cameraman was also embarrassed.

"W-what is it?"

Is it because a noble woman who is a candidate for sainthood approaches?

The mercenary closed his mouth as if he had never uttered harsh words.

No matter how rough they were, this world was basically a class society, so there was nothing they could do.

"Are you hurt?"

And Ivril's subsequent actions surprised everyone.

This is because he stared at the cast of the man who had cursed and disapproved of him, then placed his hand on it and used holy magic.


The mercenary who was treated by the person who swore at him looked dumbfounded, and the mercenary guild became dead quiet.

"Be careful next time."

"Ah, thank you."

Although she looks all grown up, Ivril is still only a 15-year-old girl.

As the beautifully dressed girl ran towards the group with a shy smile, the mercenary who had cursed for some reason placed his hand on his chest with his hand in a cast.

Ivril's sacred magic did not end with that one time.

This is because before the monster subjugation mission, he fearlessly approached an injured person and used sacred magic.


"Thank you."

Before she knew it, mercenaries who fell in love with her beauty, freshness, and innocence began appearing one by one in the mercenary guild.

And this happens again for one, two, three days... … .

"Ivril! Everil! Everil!"

"Ivril! Everil! Everil!"

Every time she appeared in the guild, mercenaries appeared who chanted Ivril's name.

"Why, why are you doing this!"

The Jordi Kingdom mercenary guild has become a fanatic group.