
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
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302 Chs

Episode 30: A chance in a game turns into reality

10. Time for revenge (2)

Look at Cedric, pretending to be so proud and strong, only to be grabbed by a woman half his size and beaten with a turkey leg.

Is there any comedy funnier than this in the world?

"Stop, stop there."

But it seems that this skit is not funny to everyone.

This is because a person who was uncomfortable with Cedric's humiliation approached and made the atmosphere unpleasant.


"You little master, you keep crossing lines you shouldn't cross."

He was a clone of Viscount Lawrence, the leader of the knights' order.

He pulled out the Force Sword that was hanging on his waist.

It is a rule not to wear the Force Sword, which is vanguard equipment, in public statues, but this does not seem to apply to him, who is responsible for the safety of Anna and Cedric.

'I'm not a knight of the royal guard protecting the king.'

I didn't even blink at the clone leader's threats.

"Crossing the line, isn't that what you're talking about?"

Attempts to poison, assassinate, threaten, threaten, monitor, and even wiretap.

Do you think they don't remember what they've done?

Or do you know no shame?

The corner of the clone leader's eyes twitched at my sharp retort.

"What are you doing! "Lord Clone!"

at that time.

Cedric, who finally succeeded in escaping from Arcia, joined our conversation.

"They are the ones who dared to harm me, the small lord! "He deserves to be killed!"

The sight of Cedric shouting as he retreated with turkey sauce smeared on his face was very unsightly.

However, a knight is meant to protect his master.

Although the choice is snobbish, it can be said that his current master is Cedric.

"Of course I have to kill him."

"okay! "That's how it should be!"

Despite Cedric's ugly appearance, the clone leader responded without wavering.

"However, as a vassal, I cannot harm the second master, who is part of the lord's family."


However, the clone leader doesn't seem to be the type to lose common sense even when he gets angry.

Cedric jumped at his reaction, but you have to listen to what people say until the end.

"But this girl is a different story. There is no room for extenuating the fact that a commoner dared to use violence against a noble. Therefore, we will proceed with summary judgment."

At the same time, the clone leader's force sword was pointed at Arsia.

"Did you think you were a noble just because you became the lover of a noble? "You will die here."

As expected, the sense of intimidation was different from Alley Leader Cedric.



However, the clone leader's sword could not be swung towards Arsia.

This is because all the high-ranking knights included in the expeditionary force, including William, drew their swords at once.

"What are they doing? "Go away now."

"If I had been going to back down at just one word from the leader, I wouldn't have drawn my sword."

The clone leader realized that he could no longer coexist with the opponent's unwavering expression and the resolute point of his sword.

"Please step away from Arcia."


In addition, the clone expressed doubt when he saw that among these people were people who could be said to be Cedric and his close associates.

Among the knights, most of the characters belonging to the Cedric faction have similar tendencies.

'People who put profit before good faith.'

That's why everyone follows Cedric, who has more trust than his father, the current lord.

But even such clever people follow me?

I can't help but realize that this isn't possible thanks to William's persuasion.

So, it was inevitable that the clone leader would feel uncomfortable.


But that lasts only a moment.

"Oh my, reinforcements have arrived."

More than 100 knights armed with weapons rushed to protect Cedric and Anna.

As the saying goes, even hedgehogs love their children, I was wondering why Anna, who is extremely sensitive when it comes to Cedric, was so quiet, and it seems she was summoning the knights over the phone.

A fairly large number, even though it was gathered in a hurry.

Thanks to this, Cedric's momentum was level again.

"It's no use regretting. "You, including William, will be thoroughly punished for your crimes."

Among the knights there were even a significant number of vanguards.

I, who had not lost my composure, stiffened my expression and said.

"The lord is over here. But do the knights of the territory dare to stand opposite their lord!?"

My father laughed bitterly as he looked at the drivers who did not flinch despite my reprimands.

The current confrontation showed the true nature of the self-author.

"Suppress those guys right now!"

At Cedric's shout, the knights all drew their swords.

"What are you doing! "Go ahead and hit it!"

As Cedric's angry urging continued, the knights formed a siege and narrowed the distance.

If you add up the number of soldiers, this side is overwhelmingly large.

However, while the expeditionary force was not properly armed, there were more than 10 Vanguards, and the quality of the knights and equipment was overwhelmingly good.

Regardless of the number, if you consider the strength of the troops, this side was overwhelmingly inferior.

I don't know how seriously the enemies would attack, but if a full-scale battle broke out, it would have been a one-sided slaughter.

"Then why did you do such a useless thing?"

The clone leader clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"It seems you were so intoxicated with victory that you forgot the topic. This family system cannot be changed. "Because of the second master's inhumanity, only strict people will see blood."

And the way he scolded me as if admonishing me was quite serious.

"You won't die right away. But from now on, even if you live, it will not be a life you have lived. "A life that is harsher than now."

An unexpected situation that started with an unexpected action.

Although this is unexpected for everyone on the opposing side, they will probably think that the situation is not that bad.

This will be an opportunity for Cedric to remove the word 'small' from his status as 'small lord' and step forward.

If this incident ends as Cedric and Anna want, an article like this might be published in the territory's newspaper.

[Adrian, the foolish younger brother, committed treason out of jealousy toward his older brother.] [Lord Rayford Lawrence, disillusioned by his son's treasonous act, transfers his authority to his eldest son. The territory is now under the regime of young Cedric Lawrence.]Isn't that a pretty good cause?

"Adrian, use the artifact! And run away at all costs!"

It was sudden, but my father, who thought the situation had already gotten out of control, shouted and surrounded my mother, and my mother looked devastated and asked for forgiveness from an unknown person.

-chuck! chuck!

-Prepare to attack!

Anna and Cedric plan the approach of the knights who have become their enemies and what happens next.

As I watched these changes despite my father's instructions, I let out a sigh that came from deep within my heart.

"You idiots."

And contrary to the other person's wishes, I smiled.

I shouted loudly, glaring at the clone leader who looked like he was asking me if he was out of his mind.

"It's a rebellion! Rebellion! These guys are trying to harm the lord! Everyone protect the lord!"


A shout with a theatrical feel.

The subordinates responded with enthusiastic expressions.

"Why are they doing that… … ."

The reaction of my men and I was not that of those cornered.

I said to the knight commander who was puzzled by this.

"Isn't it clear that you are the one who committed the treasonous act?"

If that side wins, we will become traitors, but if the other side wins, it is they who will become traitors.

"What does that say?"

"I lost my mind."

This was Cedric and Anna's impression.

But how long will this look last?

I decided to stop acting so boring and give them a shock.

Perhaps the situation that will follow will deviate from their common sense.

"Arsia. "Leave the first three to me and take care of the rest."

With that, I placed my hand on Arcia's shoulder.


Then, her appearance became blurred and the appearance of Arcia was revealed, armed with the Force Armor and Force Sword of the Lawrence Territory Army that had been transferred from William.

It was just hidden with illusion magic, but Arcia was prepared for battle from the beginning.

"All right."

Short answer according to my instructions.

At the same time, Arsia's appearance disappeared like fog.


Then, white light flashed, and the five knights who were protecting Anna and Cedric were split vertically and separated into left and right sides.

"Arsia! Even though humans cannot recycle! Because equipment can be recycled! "Blow off your head as much as you can!"

The knights' equipment is not just armor and swords made of iron.

Although it was not at the Vanguard level, it was like a power suit with various magic and techniques concentrated on it.

Since it costs hundreds of millions to billions to fully arm it, it could not help but be a waste.

Therefore, I made a rather difficult request, which created an unrealistic scene where the knights' heads fell off like a joke.

It was a clean job, typical of Arcia.

"Now that I think about it, Clone Leader. "What did you just say?"

I hesitated and asked the embarrassed leader.

"uh? "Huh?"

And he slapped the clone leader, who was preoccupied with Arcia's status.

Not with bare hands, but with a magic staff drawn from subspace.

The Force Armor tried to protect the user, but the magic power contained in the magic staff offset it and penetrated through, hitting him in the face.

I could have blown my head off if I wanted to, but the damage was just unpleasant.

"It's a warning to a traitor."

He seems to have come to his senses after receiving a slap on the cheek.

He, who had been dumbfounded by the sight of his common sense collapsing, grasped the Force Sword with a tense expression.

"Oh, it's the Auror Master! Form a formation centered around the Vanguard and face them! "If you deal with it calmly, you can deal with it well!"

"To give such instructions to your subordinates during this time is quite a knight commander. "Of course, it's useless."

"What the hell are you?"

The clone leader asked about my identity.

The fact that I inflicted damage through force armor was enough to make him wary of me.

"What! "He is the teacher of life who will truly educate you."

A wizard can use magic of a class two levels lower than his or her level without casting.

This means that if you are a 7th circle wizard, you can use 5th circle magic without casting.

I gave myself all buffs below circle 5, including Haste (increased agility) and Strength (increased strength).

As the light flashed and magic was given, and the light flashed and magic was given again, the clone leader blinked.

"Seo, really?"

Seeing that, a possibility seems to have popped into his mind.

The clone leader desperately shook his head and denied the possibility, but I used a technique that was proof of being an archmage and allowed me to overwhelm the wizard killer Vanguard even though the 7th circle was only one level different from the 6th circle.

"Flame Blast."


A 7th circle magic spell that is cast immediately without casting.

This is using a casting save spell called Memorize.

Casting of 7-circle magic varies from 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on the type.

However, Memorise allows you to cast and store magic in advance, and when necessary, recall the saved casting and make it appear immediately.

Only 10 magics can be stored with Memorize at a time, and once used magic is deleted from the list.

Therefore, the battle style of the Archmage is to fight by mixing 5th circle magic that can be used without casting and memorized 7th circle magic, and then continuously cast 7th circle magic during that time to fill up the consumed memorize list.


In other words, the moment you become an archmage, 'casting' means that the magician's weaknesses almost disappear.

Although the defense power of the Force Armor has been raised to the maximum, it is impossible to completely absorb damage against anti-magic magic that explodes at close range.

The clone leader screamed and fell down, and Cedric and Anna behind him sat down in contemplation.

"I think the future will be very enjoyable. yes?"

I gave a refreshing smile to those two people.

Still, he wears the shell of a pretty boy, so wouldn't he be attractive?

However, the eyes of the two people were constantly shaking as if they were facing the reaper.


At that time, the clone leader, who was probably just rolling around on the floor, suddenly got up and launched himself in a surprise attack.

Thanks to his physical abilities being strengthened by Force Armor and Aura, his movements were like flash battles.

Ordinary wizards are often taken aback by the knight's agility.

-Poof! Swish! Huh! Swish! Huh!

At least it didn't apply to me.

The clone leader's attack was nothing compared to the Death Knight we met at the end of stage 7 of the Quest.

I am the one who fought as an evasion wizard against the Auror Master Death Knight.

So, I easily avoided the clone's attack.

"what… … ."

When the wizard evaded the clone leader's famous 5-hit attack using athletic ability rather than spatial movement, his expression became distorted.

No matter how much magic is used to strengthen the body, a wizard is still a wizard.

How will my appearance outside of this common sense appear to him?