
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
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302 Chs

Episode 296: Dream in the game becomes reality


62. Crossing the line (6)

The world is now facing an unprecedented crisis.

In order to rule the world, the Sumerian god Ea joined hands with the Elyos and Demons of Rondel, who had been exiled by the goddess.

The Elyos and Demons are the forces that have ruled Rondel since Genesis.

However, the two constantly fought to take control of the world, and in the aftermath, the world was driven to the brink of destruction.

In the end, the inferior goddess exiled the two races to a remote planet surrounded by a strong barrier.

When those two races fled their exile in search of freedom, the world was always in crisis, and there was even a time when Rondel almost collapsed due to a single demon lord.

The Sumerian god Ea brought in such a scary race.

Until now, Rondel and Earth have been competing to keep each other in check, but that is no longer the case.

Everyone must join forces to protect the world in crisis.

"Well, Your Majesty, I have a question."

The lengthy explanation of the Heavenly Demons and Ea above is my work.

The reactions of those who heard the story could be divided into two categories: half had blank expressions and half expressed disbelief.

Then a young blonde woman raised her hand.

I nodded and allowed her to speak.

"Who are you?"

"This is BNN reporter Trisha Watson."

"Please speak."

Please note that we are currently holding a press conference.

It was all a plan to gather reporters out of nowhere and set things up.

The goal is to directly create an atmosphere to instill a sense of crisis in the world.

Among the reporters who looked confused, one reporter named Trisha Watson seemed to have an excellent grasp of the situation.

So I accepted her question.

"I heard that Your Majesty the King and Queen are very strong. It goes beyond the level of humans and dragons, to the point where it takes the king of the Elyos and Demons, whom you just described as a threat, as its subordinate. "Even with people like that, Rondel's military power with high technology, and dragons, is it possible for there to be a crisis?"

It was a key question.

I had to shake my head at that.

What is needed in the current situation is acting ability.

"The number of heavenly and demonic kings currently imprisoned is as high as thirty. If they attack us all at once, even my wife and I cannot be sure of victory. And among the Elyos and Demons, there are many beings who are comparable to dragons even though they are not kings, and there are many who can bring down sky fortresses with just a wave of their hands. In addition, the demons can also supply their own troops from Rondel. Monsters have a tendency to succumb to dark magic. "I don't know if this also applies to hunting grounds and dungeons on Earth."

But were my acting skills too perfect?

Or is it because I finally learned what it was like to fight against Elyos and Demons?

The reporters, who had been in confusion until just now, looked pale.

It was natural.

Even if you say it's a world crisis out of nowhere, it won't feel real.

It was only after a detailed explanation was added that the seriousness seemed to hit me.

I decided to scare them even more.

"And Ea succeeded in creating new power by combining the energies of the Elyos and Demons. This power, called the energy of chaos, is so powerful that Ea now has a power that surpasses that of the Heavenly King and the Demon King. There is no way to prevent more people like this from appearing."

The press conference room became gloomy.

At this level, the atmosphere of the scene would have been faithfully conveyed to each household.

At that time, Trisha, the female reporter who had courageously asked the question, asked again.

"As an Earthling, it is truly sad to say this, but can we help in such a war?"

I curled the corner of my mouth at her serious look.

How is it that you are so good at asking questions like this?

"Of course it helps."

In carrying out this plan, people's active participation is very important.

That way, when we win, we can drink even more valuable rice wine.

I thought we shouldn't just scare them, so I sprinkled a seasoning of hope on them.

"Rather, I think Earth's power could be our trump card."


"Rondel and Earth are playing separately now. "Not only in the economy, but also in technology and military areas."

"… … ."

Everyone expressed doubts.

I guess I don't understand because there are so many humiliations suffered by Rondel.

But their expressions changed again at my next words.

"Have you ever thought about this? "I think that adding just a little bit of Rondel's magic to Earth's weapons will have a great synergy effect."

"What is that?"

"For example, what happens if you add speed increase, penetration, invisibility, and noise cancellation magic to a missile? What if we teleport a nuclear warhead and turn it into a weapon that cannot be intercepted?"

Only then did they realize what I wanted to say and their faces were filled with admiration.

It certainly sounded plausible.

"The fusion of Rondel magic engineering and Earth electromechanical engineering can create great synergy effects. However, they just didn't try because they implicitly ostracized each other because they came from different backgrounds. "Shouldn't we tear down that wall in the face of a crisis?"

"Oh oh."

"It is definitely a major crisis we have never experienced before. But I don't think our odds of winning are necessarily low."

I shrugged my shoulders as if asking if I was wrong, and the reporters started shaking their heads in agreement.

"Of course, it is best to find and kill Ea before the Hell Gate opens. But unfortunately, it is not easy to find him who has become stronger. "As national leaders, we must always be prepared for emergencies, so I hope we join forces to survive."

With those words, I gave a serious Rondel salute.

"Then we will continue to take questions. Please feel free to raise your hand."

And then there was a question and answer session.

Unlike before, I was able to meet reporters who had become more proactive.

'I guess this is enough.'

* * *

Adrian's press conference was enough to throw the world into chaos.

"Did you hear that the world is in crisis?"

"Is there anyone who doesn't know that? "Because of that, hoarding money here and there is no joke."

"What do you think? "Do you think that's true?"

"Then it must be a lie? "To begin with, His Royal Highness Prince Lawrence is not the kind of person to talk nonsense."

"That's right. But even if I suddenly said it was a crisis in the world, it didn't make any sense."

"Is it okay to see another world when you look up at the sky?"

"That's right, we've definitely entered an era where we can't judge based solely on common sense."

"Still, wouldn't His Majesty Lawrence be able to resolve this situation?"

"That is correct. "Because you are someone who does not know failure."

Even in the chaos, the reactions of Rondel and Earth were sharply different, but surprisingly, Rondel, who knew the Elyos and Demons well, was calm as shown above.


"Blessed are those who believe in God!"

"Isn't this what happened because King Lawrence provoked the Sumerian god for no reason?"

"Maybe he just wants to criticize his enemy. "It's not chaos, a crisis in the world, or some kind of middle school illness."

"The government must come up with a solution quickly!"

The Earth was chaos itself.

This is by no means because Earthlings are stupid.

The reason was that he had too much of a personality compared to Rondel, a member of social status, but the problem was the lack of trust in Adrian.

The good news was that although public reactions were sharply divided, the heads of state were quickly attending the World Peace Organization and coordinating their opinions.

However, soon after, Adrian began manipulating online public opinion, and eventually the opinions of the divided people also began to change.

"There is no way the leader of the country would talk nonsense."

"The reason Prince Lawrence tried to capture Ea in the first place may have been because he foresaw this situation."

Rondel's Hollywood System and Earth's Artificial Intelligence Sicily.

The ability to control public opinion using the two systems was very powerful.

As a result, Rondel and Earth were able to join forces without any major problems.

"This is crazy… ."

However, the person involved was embarrassed as he did not expect this situation.

This is Ea, who hid underground.

He had to massage his temples as he looked at the rapidly changing situation of the outside world.

Even though you are the main character, do you feel like you are left out?

Moreover, he couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated goal of 'dominion of the world'.

"So, you're planning on making me a common enemy?"

He had worked hard for the Earth, but now all that was left was his survival instinct and anger.



He gritted his teeth and thought of Adrian.

Adrian only thought of him as a chess piece, but Ea had no intention of ending up as a chess piece.

* * *

Perhaps Ea is gritting his teeth by now?

While receiving a report from my subordinates about the busy Rondel and the state of the Earth, I smiled as I thought of Ea.

If the Elyos and Demons of Rondel join forces to attack, what will Ea's odds of winning be?

No matter how high you set it, it will never exceed 1%.

To be exact, I think it was 0%, but I felt sorry for EA who was working hard, so I assigned it 1%.

'I'm going to take this opportunity to remove some of the wall between the two worlds and get a capable technician who can do the same.'

Once this is over, Ea will not be able to leave my side.

Because you will be completely stigmatized as a public figure in the world.

Then, I will lock him in the workshop and use him as a dedicated blacksmith.

'Oh, that doesn't mean I'll be imprisoned.'

Everything is going as I wanted, everything is going as I expected.

The feeling of being in a dark place in the world wasn't all that bad.


In such a tense time, I was enjoying my leisure time alone, leaving the work to my capable subordinates.

But then.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar, cold voice in my head that chased away my drowsiness.

My expression hardened at that and I jumped up from my seat.


"what's the matter?"

Berg and Marignan, who had been quietly playing adult coloring games in my office after being captured from the United States, looked surprised.

I waved my hand and told him not to worry and headed to the room next to the office.

There, Arcia was singing a lullaby, holding her daughter Calicia in her arms.

"Sephia called."

"Because of this incident?"

"I guess so?"

Arsia's expression hardened for a moment at my words, but then straightened up.

Goddess Sepia decided that there was no way she would harm us.

She nodded and said.

"Let's take Carly too."


"Strictly speaking, Kali is also his grandchild."

I was a little reluctant to take Carly outside, but I quickly agreed.

Isn't Goddess Sepia also my mother?

"let's go."

So I held out my hand to Arsia, and as soon as she took it, I lifted up the energy of the Creator.

Then the scenery before our eyes changed.

A large meadow and a tea table placed in the middle of it.

It was 'Shinyeok', the space where the goddess resides.

[You've come to the right place.]

Next, the goddess appeared with light.

In contrast to her characteristic cold voice, her face was smiling, and I, relieved by that, approached the goddess with Arcia.

"This is my first time visiting in person, but somehow I arrived."

[You can continue to visit like this in the future.]

"When is it?"

[No matter how busy you are, you need time to drink tea.]

She showed great interest in Carly.

He then placed his hand on the child's head and appeared to be praying.

[Blessed the child. You will grow up smart and strong.]

"Oh, thank you."

Since it is the bloodline of Arsia and I, it was natural that it would grow strong by absorbing various elixirs and some of the Creator's power.

However, it was clear that the strength the goddess was talking about was probably beyond our common sense.

Surprised by the unexpected gift, I placed my hand on Kali's forehead and immediately felt a clear and powerful energy inside.

The goddess guided us to the table, and soon tea was served in a familiar manner.

"Didn't you have something to say about the Elyos and Demons?"

But she just looked at Carly while drinking tea and didn't say anything, so I brought up the reason why I called her first.

In terms of timing, I couldn't think of any other reason why she called us.

But the goddess's answer was unexpected.

[They don't care. Do as you wish.]

Is it because he declared that he would no longer be involved in earthly affairs?

He seemed uninterested, as if it were someone else's business.

I had to tilt my head at that.

Immediately, both eyes opened wide.

"Did you really expect this situation?"

I asked just in case.

I wonder if this whole situation was her plan.

You may be wondering how anyone would plan something like this unless they are God.

First of all, isn't sepia suitable for God?

Moreover, since she was the one who created Ea, I thought she had the ability to induce this situation.

Then, Goddess Sepia has one purpose.

The goal is to clean up the two races that are needlessly consuming a lot of resources in Rondel.

Using an agent like me.

[I don't know what you're talking about.]

She pulled away, but my doubts had turned into certainty.

The goddess cannot directly kill her creatures.

I don't know if it's a law or a rule she set, but I've never broken it so far.

Isn't that why they entrusted me with the cleansing of a needlessly powerful race that was imprisoned in a corner of the world?

"Then, I will proceed with my plan."


The goddess's permission must have been granted, so I have no hesitation any longer.

While I was worrying for no reason, I suddenly became curious.

To Sephia, what is the difference between me and other creatures.

One day, I wonder if I will be treated the same way as the Elyos and Demons.

In response to my question, she narrowed her beautiful eyebrows and revealed her emotions for the first time.

[Although the Elyos and Demons are species that have been together since Genesis, if it is a handicraft made by them, then you are a child born with a sick stomach.]


I ended up thinking useless thoughts.

The goddess's reaction made me laugh for no reason.

There was no conversation of any kind between us after that.

Sephia only showed interest in Carly, and it seems like her only real purpose in calling me was to have a cup of tea.

I feel like we were together for about an hour.

She got up from her seat with a satisfied look on her face, as if she had gotten enough rest, and tea time ended like that.

[You have worked hard.]

"Do you want to just do your mother's hard work?"

Those words, which contained many meanings, were our greetings.

* * *

[A ring of blue light appears in outer space between Rondel and Earth. Could it be a sign of a great war?]

[There is speculation that the Sumerian god Ea, who was never found, may be in outer space... … .]

[A blue ring that gradually increases in size. Rondel and Earth are in the midst of preparations for war and evacuation.]

Do you feel like you've reached a climax?

EA faithfully did his best in his duties.

I could feel that it was soon time.

The world is in chaos.

I was the one who caused that situation.

But I have no regrets.

After the events that will occur soon, Rondel and Earth will become a community moving forward together.

There is only one step left to achieve the peace I envision.

Although it is ironic that the process for peace is war.

[The identity of the blue ring was a warp gate!]

[The armies of Elyos and Demons began pouring out of the warp gate!]

And after some time.

"let's go."

At my signal, the combined forces of Rondel and Earth marched out.