
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
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302 Chs

Episode 248: Dream in the game becomes reality


55. Expected Scenario (2)

The Duke of Lawrence's castle is a perfect fortress that will never collapse due to a simple earthquake, as it has been reinforced and reinforced and even plastered with various magic.

However, the abnormal phenomenon occurring now was not a simple natural disaster like an earthquake.

Because mana, which was unstable and swirling like a storm, was the core of the abnormal phenomenon.

Thanks to this, the magic that protects the castle is unstable.

The expressions of Arsia, a swordsman and me, a wizard who was inevitably sensitive to mana, became stiff.


Arcia and I walked hurriedly.

We arrived at a nearby balcony.

I went outside to see with my own eyes what was going on.


And we could see.

The Aurora, which can only be seen in the northern and southern glacier regions, decorates the sky in broad daylight.

No, I don't know if it should be accurately called an aurora.

Unlike regular aurora, the color changes frequently.

From green to blue, yellow to purple, red to gray.

If that were something that could be seen in general, I would have draped my arm around Arcia's shoulder, thinking it was romantic, but this was the first time I had seen this phenomenon, at least within my knowledge.

I immediately used clairvoyance and area search magic to confirm that this phenomenon was only occurring in the principality's capital.

As a result, we learned that not only the capital of the principality but also the situation in neighboring countries was the same.

Maybe the whole world is in this mess.

"Oh, Your Highness the King."

Among the people who were looking up at the sky and absentmindedly observing the aurora, some of my subordinates spotted me and hurriedly lowered their heads.

However, without receiving their greetings, I took out the magic staff from subspace.

Aurora is Aurora, but she decided that she needed to calm down the rampaging mana and earthquake first for the safety of people.

Although there is no magic to calm the rampaging mana, it was believed that using the magic to isolate space would naturally calm the internal mana that was disconnected from the outside world.

So, the spatial isolation magic was spread over a wide area.


The magic that started around me spread in all directions like blue light waves, encompassing the capital of the principality and nearby satellite cities.

Then, as expected, the rampaging Mana began to calm down.


After using magic to absorb vibrations, the noisy atmosphere regained peace and earthquakes were restored to a level where there were almost no earthquakes.

Of course, the outside of the isolated space was so noisy that I could still feel slight vibrations, but it wasn't difficult to do my daily work.

Arcia asked me with a serious expression.

"Is this a sign of the unification of the two worlds?"

"Then maybe time is tighter than we thought."

I immediately contacted Gregory of Blue Moon and Count Elfrid, head of the Brigham Empire's Intelligence Department, through the terminal.

Both of them were affiliated with the Rondel Peace Organization as my assistants.

"Please investigate and inform us in detail about what is currently happening and whether there are suddenly disappeared lands or new lands or characters."

[Yes, Chairman.]

[All right. My lord.]

The two people answered in calmer voices than anyone else.

The mentality of not being shaken even by ominous omens is truly amazing.

"Let's go according to schedule."


And I started walking again with Arsia.

The location is a joint meeting place where the leaders of the Republic of Prius, the Allied Powers of Elysia, and the Kingdom of Lucias gathered.

Today I planned to negotiate to bring them into the Rondelle Peace Organization.

"I think today's meeting will end easily."

Negotiations seemed to be easier than expected, thanks to the unusual phenomenon that seemed like a sign of cataclysm.

"Oh, Prince Lawrence! "What kind of situation is this?"

"The large-scale magic that was just performed was used by King Kong, right?"

When I arrived at the conference hall, the leaders of the three countries hurriedly approached me, looking as if they were about to run away at any moment.

I spoke with a calm face to those who were confused.

"I have a lot to say. "Please everyone take a seat."

"Now is the time… ."

"No, this is a meeting that must take place because it is now."

* * *

Prince Lawrence quickly regained stability thanks to Adrian's actions.

However, the expressions on the faces of those who had something to say about the abnormal phenomenon that was currently occurring became serious.

"no way?"

In particular, Lord Exceed, the reincarnation of Archduke Lucas, who followed Adrian to Rondel to watch over him, saying it would give him time to think, took this as a big threat.

"calm down. "Because nothing has happened yet."

Blake, who was with him, spoke to calm Lord Exceed down.

Clearly, as he said, it cannot be said that something has happened yet.

But would such a large-scale strange phenomenon occur if nothing happened?

Naturally, Lord Exceed's expression was not good.

"Wouldn't it be better for you to step forward and persuade Adrian?"

"What does that mean?"

"If we take this long and still don't get the answer we want, a war could easily break out. Even if Adrian has achieved the 9th Circle and obtained my power, even if you and the dragon are together, you will not survive if you turn the Elyos and Demons of Earth into enemies."

A warning that is no different from a threat.

But Blake could see impatience in his appearance.

"I don't quite understand. "Are you really the Manuel Lucas I know?"

"Because the environment and the time I lived in are different from back then. "It's natural for things to change."

"no. "I think it's not just that."

"You're trying to change the topic with useless words."

In response to Blake's sharp question, Lord Exceed opened the balcony door and went outside.

Blake isn't just staying by his side because he's a close friend.

He was a watchdog just in case.

That's why I followed closely behind Road Exceed.

"I guess I was wrong. "I thought you were the kind of person who wouldn't be able to form a serious relationship with someone, but now I see that you've completely become Adrian's subordinate."

"You are a friend, not a subordinate."

"like me?"


Road Exceed looks somewhat empty.

At the same time, a sharp sense of anticipation emanated from him, and Blake unconsciously placed his hand on the sword at his waist.

He warned Lord Exceed in turn.

"It would be best to refrain from sudden action. If it becomes known that Adrian has brought in the Demon King, Rondel, which is united around him, will fall into chaos. If that happens, cooperation and everything else will disappear."

Lord Exceed looked at Blake intently and then burst into laughter.

"Okay, let me try to understand."

And he took a step back, looking at Aurora.

Blake internally sighed in relief at the unexpected appearance.

However, he narrowed his eyes again at Lord Exceed's subsequent remarks.

"I will calculate everything. "If you don't get the answer you want, the cost will be very high."

How did these two people become so wary of each other and make threatening remarks?

Blake made a bitter expression as he recalled memories of the past.

And at the same time… .

'I think there's something more to hide. 'I need to talk to Adrian.'

I had this thought.

* * *

"Fortunately, the abnormal phenomenon disappeared within an hour."

"There was no particular change in the topography of Rondel."

I was relieved by the reports from Gregory and Count Elfrid.

At least the two worlds were not merged right away.

Of course, I couldn't just relax.

"However, there are quite a few missing people."

"It looks like that number could easily reach 1 million."


As the two people continued their explanations as if competing, I could feel that the time was getting closer.

'Is this some kind of countdown signal?'

But I let go of unnecessary worries.

In any case, the outcome of the integration of the two worlds will not change, and even if the schedule is delayed a little, what I have to do will not change.

Rather, because of this incident, the countries participating in today's consultations have decided to participate in the peace organization, so the work will speed up.

"It is only a matter of time before the remaining countries join. "I think we can now proceed with the second phase of work."

The two people nodded seriously at my words.

A plan shared between us.

Among them, step 2 was something that could be somewhat controversial.

Dealing with entities that are likely to become obstacles.

The second phase included the purge of agitators, politicians, and nobles with different political beliefs, as well as the cleansing of countries with a high potential for hostility.

* * *

Holy place Everhill.

The saint, who was forcibly rehabilitated after being beaten by Adrian, felt like dying every day these days.

From now on, no matter what he did, he had to ask the saint for advice, and he could never do anything that would harm Adrian.

Because of this, his stress has reached its peak these days, and he began to pursue special hobbies that he would not normally do, perhaps out of repulsion or an instinct to relieve stress.


The hobby he is currently obsessed with is... .

"Our Asuka is so cute. "What an angel."

It was idol fandom.

The target is a three-member girl group called Aggeun, which has been gaining popularity recently.

Among them, a girl named Asuka, with flaming red hair and eyes that sparkle like rubies, was the target of criticism.

As much as I wanted to use the saint's power to meet them, I couldn't easily approach them because their agency was Adrian's Lawrence Magic Tower.

I don't know if that's why my heart ached for him and became even more earnest.

"I want to get married."

The problem is that the identity of his favorite Asuka is the Demon Lord Ark Scarlet.

The saint, who did not know that the opponent was the devil, looked for Ark Scarlett's video again today.

"Seo, Holy Eminence! "Outside now!"

"It's noisy, go out for a moment!"

However, he was so focused on the video that even when the leader of the Holy Knight, who could be said to be the Saint's closest associate in the Holy Land, shouted, he did not stop the video, but rather scolded him and chased him away.

It was really serious.

Thanks to this, the leader of the Holy Knights, who came to see the saint for important business, but was rolling around on his feet because he did not dare to disobey his orders, was able to see his face only after five minutes.

"What's going on?"

"Now in the sanctuary… … ."

"In the sanctuary?"

However, the Holy Knight leader was once again speechless.

The reason was that someone came up behind him and roughly pushed the leader.

As a result, the Holy Knight leader hit his butt on the floor.

Except for saints, saints, and saint kings, no one can command a holy knight this vastly.

However, despite the humiliating situation, the Holy Knight leader only hastily stood up and retreated.

Next, the figure of an unfamiliar man caught the saint's eyes.

"That poor-looking guy is a saint?"

"How cruel! How dare you say such mean things to me... ."

As usual, the saint raised his voice at the other person, but after looking closely at the person with a deep and low voice, he trailed off.

"under! "You may have been chosen by Sepia, but you say such things to a mere human being."

The reason is because I discovered a golden crown floating above the head of an unfamiliar man and four pairs of wings spread out behind his back.

"My name is Heriel. "One of the seven heavenly kings of the Elyos."

And at his continued remarks, the saint swallowed his breath.

"I descended to slay the demon lord hiding in Rondel."

My eyes widened at the unexpected news.