
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
302 Chs

Episode 188: Dream in the game becomes reality


44. Center of events (4)

"What a guy!"

As if to prove that the scale of the airship was not large for no reason, the number of paladins that could be seen at first glance alone exceeded 100, and there were even more priests than that.

The Paladins pulled out Bless Swords, which were functionally similar to the Force Sword, and the priests took out Bibles with chains.

Each of the Paladins with the Bless Sword had the power of a high-ranking knight, and the priests with the Chain Bible could not be ignored either.

Moreover, since the leaders of the Holy Knights and Priests were Auror Masters and 7th Circle level people, and their divine power had an advantage over dark magic, they were confident that the priests would not lose even if the opponent was a Grand Master level Black Knight.

but… … .

"Push it away."

With a single word from Celine, the black knight wearing a butterfly mask, the number of fish swords swimming in the air began to increase, filling the sky like a school of fish.

That number alone is almost 100.

"What is this?"

Naturally, the priests were mesmerized by the scene that seemed to defy existing common sense.

There was even a paladin who dropped the sword he was holding.

"It's a trick! "A base devil worshiper's trick!"

The Paladin leader shouted in a panic and unfolded his Saint Blade, which was similar to the Auror Blade.

However, with Celine's ridicule that followed… … .

"Experience it yourself."

Fish swords, like schools of fish, flew in at terrifying speed.

"Sephia! "Give me strength!"

Pure white light enveloped the Paladin leader, and he swung his Auror blade toward the rain of swords that resembled a huge stream.

And the Paladin leader realized that the numerous swords were not just a trick.

This is because the moment his Saint Sword collided with the sword protruding most forward, his sword was thrown away by the repulsive force.

The head of the Paladin widened his eyes because he thought that divine power would never be overshadowed by dark magic, and then a school of fish that seemed to be looking for food attacked him.


At that moment, one of the Holy Knight leader's arms was torn off.

Then the legs were torn off, and then the stomach was pierced.

The Saint Shield and healing magic of the priest and his subordinates, who belatedly came to their senses, were poured out to protect the paladin leader.

It was all pointless.

"Compatibility? That's only useful when dealing with someone of a similar level. "It seems like the difference between us is at the level of heaven and earth."

The shield was torn like a sheet of paper, and the speed at which the body was torn apart by the sword was much faster than the healing magic used to restore the Paladin leader.

With Selene's ridicule, the leader of the Holy Knights became a handful of meat and lost his original form.

"Huh, how did this happen?"

The priests, including the priest, had to hesitate.

Although we only exchanged blows, we could feel the overwhelming difference in level between us and the enemy.

"Yes you bitch… … ."

There seemed no possibility of victory at all.

If they were not priests or if the opponent was not a devil worshiper, it would be enough to order the battleship to retreat.

However, the priest and his subordinates in front of Ma did not back down and blocked her with faces prepared for death.

Celine clicked her tongue at the priest's actions.

"It would have been nice to see a face filled with fear, but after all, priests are very noble."

When she waved her hand, a bloody wind blew across the deck of the airship.

A swarm of fish swords swept the deck like a typhoon.

The clergy's counterattacks and defenses were of no use.

The bloody wind stopped and only half of the people remained on deck.

In one blow, 50 Paladins, equivalent to the Vanguard, and more priests lost their lives.

Despite losing numerous subordinates, Director Shin's expression did not waver.

This was enough to distort Celine's expression.


And as if to express her feelings, the fish swords all fell on the deck, destroying the organs underneath.


As a result, the airship lost its balance and began to slowly fall, and Celine raised her hand again to end it.

According to her will, the swords on the deck were pulled out and floated in the air.

Next, the tip of a 100-strong sword was pointed at the priests.

"Goodbye, you fanatics."

When Celine's finger pointed forward, the swords were fired in a straight line like bullets.

The priests thought as they watched the attack.

They don't have any means to stop it.

This was like a death sentence.

"Ah, my God."

But that was then.

-Go go go go go!

A dazzling white light exploded right above the airship, and powerful divine power swirled around.

"this… … ."

At the same time, the fiercely flying swords were unable to kill the priests and fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Celine stared into space and bit her lip.


Soon, a beautiful blonde woman appeared on the deck with a flash of light and landed lightly.

At the same time, the atmosphere around changed.

"Meet Your Majesty the Saint!"

The deeply moved priests all bowed their heads in respect.

"Did you kill your brothers and sisters?"


"You will never die in peace."

An unexpected intruder.

She was the infamous Sharon Sylvester saint even among the demons.

Seeing Saint Sylvester who appeared as if she had been waiting, Celine's expression hardened coldly, but a bitter smile soon appeared on her lips.

"Grandma, aren't you overdoing it?"

At the same time, the fish swords that had lost their strength and fell rose into the air as if they had come to their senses.

In response to Celine's taunts, the saintess took out a dedicated staff from her subspace without wavering.

When dealing with enemies with dark magic, the saint demonstrates level 9 combat abilities.

Just looking at her gave off a spirit that made my bones ache.

"My lord!"

However, Celine spoke with a sad expression as a voice echoed from behind the deck.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to postpone the battle with Grandma."


And Celine's dagger flew in all directions.


One dagger further destroys the slowly falling ship.


One dagger was aimed at the priest's neck.

With as many as 100 daggers running rampant, the saintess had no choice but to move busily to protect the airship and the priests.

But that was only for a moment, while the saintess was distracted by the surroundings, Celine took out a medium sword and pulled out the dark blade.

I rammed it into the deck of the airship with all my might.


Then, the giant airship began to twist left and right and slowly split apart.

Even though it was a non-combat ship, the destroyer-sized airship was split in two with one single blow.

"Hello grandma. "See you again."

The air ship completely fell into chaos.

We cannot allow the priests to fall into the sea like this.

However, the saintess had no intention of letting Celine go, who was escaping on a fish sword while making a fuss about herself.

"It means that someone can just go wherever they want."

The end of her Saint Staff was aimed at Celine's back, who was quickly moving away.

-Go go go go go!

A huge light that turned the sky over the darkened sea into pure white swallowed up the straight space.


However, the attack did not result in a fatal blow.

It just swallowed one of Celine's arms.

Having lost sight of the enemy, Saint Sylvester bit her lip as if her mouth were bitter, and moved to save the falling priests.

"Yes, Your Majesty! "The compass has been stolen!"

And the seriously injured captain approached the saint who had taken care of all the priests and bowed his head.

"The woman wearing the butterfly mask was meant to attract attention."

When was the last time such a powerful devil worshiper appeared?

The clergy realized something was going on.

However, the holy relics used to track down the devil worshipers were stolen, and the clergy who had worked hard to survive looked dark.

"For now, let's focus on collecting the belongings of our deceased brothers."

"yes? all right."

But why?

Although the saint seemed to feel responsible for the fact that so many people died, she did not seem to care much about the theft of the compass.

The priests had to tilt their heads at that.

* * *

"Tsk! "Grandma!"

"Are you okay?"

Celine, whose one arm had turned black, groaned in pain.

The subordinates who succeeded in seizing the compass looked at her with concern, because they never thought the day would come when they would see her face distorted in pain like this.

Common potions and healing spells are poison to devil worshipers.

So everyone had to put their feet up.

"Oh, that won't work."

Finally, unable to bear the pain, Celine called the youngest of her subordinates.

"Antonis. Come on."

"Huh… … . Ah, I understand."

The black knight, whose complexion became pale, reluctantly approached her, and Celine placed her hand on his head.




The skin of the black knight named Antonis began to dry out like a tree in a drought.

"Ugh, I'll live."

Then, the light in Antonis' eyes faded, and he, now completely old, was kicked off the hoverboard.

Celine raised her clean arms.

The Black Knights, who were Celine's subordinates and were in the same position as Antonis, stared at the body abandoned in the sea.

"Give me something."

Celine seemed not to care about Antonis and asked for the stolen relics.


When she picked up the compass-shaped relic, she smelled the smell of cooking meat.

This is because a devil worshiper grabbed a holy relic with his bare hands.

However, her subordinates, the Black Knights, had to worry about whether they would absorb someone else just because their palms were burned.

Each of them became devil worshipers with a goal, but in reality, it was to serve as Celine's emergency potion.

* * *

The compass that was chasing Ma was stolen.

The news was delivered to me through Saint Sylvester.

But I wasn't too upset, because the theft of the item itself was a plan.

'It's called Operation Cockroach Drug.'

There are pesticides like that.

They mistake the medicine for food, so the bugs drag it into their homes and share it with everyone, killing them.

The compass that the devil worshipers stole was the pesticide.

It's a fake item that was initially made to look like the real thing and comes with a location tracking function as a bonus.

We plan to use it to identify enemy positions.

However, rather than the fact that the strategy worked well, I had to look astonished at the majesty of the devil worshiper who appeared to take it over.

"This is crazy… … ."

Saint Sylvester sent me a video of a battle between a black knight wearing a butterfly mask and priests, informing me of the success of the operation. The scene that destroyed common sense made me seek the advice of Blake, the roadmaster.

"Is that possible? "One person firing 100 fish swords at a time?"

The saint not only chased away such monsters but also seemed to gain the upper hand, but I felt like I would 100% die if I got stuck with the butterfly mask.

Blake laughed at my question.


"No, I don't know who he is, but I think he's a very intelligent person."

I tilted my head at him saying something incomprehensible, and Blake expressed his thoughts after watching the video.

"It is a hypothesis that only a maximum of 4 swords can be used. Because no one used more than that. So do I and Arcia. But later, someone who uses 5 or 10 weapons may appear."


"But this woman only uses four swords."

"Four sacks?"

I asked for a detailed explanation, and he continued his explanation by extending the video by 1/100th of a second.

"It's simple, use sword magic to make it fly, and cast the Aura Blade alternately here and there on the flying sword."

"Is that so?"

After hearing it, it turned out to be a surprisingly simple trick.

If it's that way, it's definitely understandable.

Thanks to this, the weight of the fearful being was reduced to a man who uses tricks.

"By the way, the Auror Blade activates very quickly. Is that really the case with the Dark Blade? It is activated accurately at almost all hitting points. "Isn't this really no different from fighting an enemy using 100 fish swords?"

"… … ."

"And this woman is like a magic swordsman. "Black magic also appears to be at a considerable level."

That wasn't the end.

Blake's further explanation left me speechless.

"The greatest enemy has appeared."

I spoke seriously to Blake, who spoke with a cheerful expression as if it were someone else's business.

"Blake, wouldn't you like to contribute to world peace with me?"


But my offer was rejected and I had to massage my temples.