
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
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302 Chs

Episode 183: Dream in the game becomes reality


43. Development of the Duchy of Lawrence (4)

"I feel like my whole body is full of strength."

"Me too."

My mother nodded her head loudly, saying she agreed with my father's sentiments after taking the elixir.

With this, it seems that there is no need to worry about the mother's health due to childbirth.

Not only has your body become younger, but your physical strength has been strengthened beyond your prime.

My father smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks to my good son, I am even getting rejuvenation. "You really get to experience all sorts of things."

If my mother is younger and appears to be around the same age as me, my father appears to be the same age as my uncle.

Although her face was far from youthful to begin with, my mother looked particularly young compared to her peers.

They were 42 and 47 years old, only 5 years apart, and in Korea, they were so different in appearance that they would inevitably be called thieves.

I pointed to my mother and said to my father, who smiled happily.

"Be careful not to get caught by strict people."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm worried that there are many people who have different minds. "It's so effective that it's embarrassing."

My father was startled by my words.

My mother, who keeps smiling in the hand mirror, feels like she has become even more beautiful than when she was younger.

In addition, she had a strangely pure and fresh aura, which seemed enough to ignite the hearts of many men.

Usually, people who are as beautiful as Arcia are said to have 'beauty comparable to that of an elf.'

However, the current mother looked like someone who could easily be described as 'even an elf would put up with something'.

I knew my mother's actual age, I knew that she was married, and I knew that I was behind her, but she had a beauty that I couldn't help but approach without thinking.

Only then did concern appear on my father's face as he realized the seriousness of the situation.

My father also possessed youth, but he was not at the level of a lively 20-year-old.

My father was so serious that I burst out laughing.

"I'm just kidding, don't be too serious."


"Because my mother is not the type of person to be tempted by other people."

"That's right."

She was a mother who steadfastly stood by Anna's mistress during difficult times.

If she had run away for her own safety, it would not have been difficult for any family to take over the position of housewife.

A mother like that is shaken by a new meeting?

This cannot happen.

"Still, just in case, I guess I'll have to stick close to it so the tough guys can't get to it."

But one thing is clear... … .

Now, my father is a burden to my mother.

The temperament of a public wife was visible from the beginning, but it will only get worse in the future.

I then gave additional gifts to my father and mother.

It was a couple ring and couple bracelet.

"Oh my, you're pretty."

"I'm glad you like it."

My mother was interested in the design of the two accessories, but my father knew that I wouldn't give accessories as gifts for no reason, so he asked me what they were for.

"It's an artifact."

"Yes, the ring has an 8-circle Revive spell built into it, and the bracelet has an 8-circle Grand Shield built into it. "Please think of it as a gift just in case."

"After your sister is born, you can use Revive on Sylvia."

"My mother and father each have one, so it would be nice for my younger brother to use it too."

"Okay, that will work."

Magic is really good.

After giving birth, it even eliminates the postpartum care process.

Thanks to this, the body is not damaged due to childbirth and there are no aftereffects.

Isn't this the true role of magic?

"When is your due date?"

"10 days later."

That means that from now on, it will not be strange when a child is born.

"You haven't heard any news yet, right?"

In response to my mother's question, I smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Yes, not yet."

"I wish I could see my grandchildren soon."

Any further effort than this is impossible.

It's just that it's not easy because Arcia is not an ordinary person.

It is said that the probability of a half-elf being born between a human and an elf is 1 in 10 lower than the probability of being born between a human and an elf.

Arcia and I are in a similar situation.

Even though Arcia has human form, it means that we are not completely of the same race.

But I'm not too worried.

Because I'm working 10 times harder than others.

"Then take care of yourself. If you go into labor, please contact me right away. "Just in case, I will guard the outside of the sanctuary with the Archbishop."

"I feel reassured."

Having given rejuvenation to my parents and given the best foundation to my soon-to-be-born younger brother, I returned to the principality.

* * *

I got 7 root cherries from the ruins of Dragon Land.

I gave two of them to my mother and father, leaving one Grade 1 and 4 Grade 2 pieces remaining.

Among them, the first class is reserved for Arsia and the baby to be conceived in the future.

Then there were 4 root cherries left, and I sprinkled them without sparing anything.

I gave two as gifts to Emperor Michael and the Empress, and one as a gift to the Marquis Walker (Prime Minister) with the hope that he would stay by my side for a long time and lead the duchy well.

I saved one just in case, but the reason I have no hesitation in spraying elixirs like this is because I have a total of 200 elixirs, 17 types other than root cherry.

Among them, there are elixirs that have similar effects to root cherry, and there are also elixirs that help increase one's level.

Arcia and I are already taking our time taking the best elixirs we have collected.

[Word Sealer]-Increases magical power reserves and strengthens magical power circuits to increase efficiency when using magic.

[Lumentra]-Increases the amount of aura held and strengthens the aura circuit, improving the deployment speed and power when using the aura blade.

First, I took Word Sealer and Arcia took an elixir called Lumentra.

This was a safe elixir with no significant side effects, and after absorbing the energy of the elixir... … .

[Cure Epsilon]-Discharges all toxins from the body.

-Has complete resistance to poison.

-To construct an antibody, a large amount of magical power, aura, or elemental power is required.

- Recommended for use by Archmage, Aura Master, or highest level spiritist or higher.

I took Cure Epsilon the second time.

And today, after fully absorbing Cure Epsilon's energy, I decided to take the third elixir.

What Arcia and I held in our hands were golden plums.

Our eyes lit up when we saw it.

[Taegwa]-It further increases the brain's thinking activity.

-Greatly increases physical ability.

-Prevents aging and increases lifespan.

-Because the toxicity and side effects are very strong, preparations must be made for neutralization.


It is an elixir that appears several times in legends, and out of 17 types of elixirs, only three were opened.

Mangyeong's explanation is vague, but the effect is absolute.

If you are at the level before Auror Master, it is an item that will instantly elevate you to the level and continue to help you achieve enlightenment thereafter.

It can be seen that the previous elixirs were a preparation process to make it safe.

"let's eat."


We swallowed a fairly large piece of Taegwa in one bite.

Like other elixirs, Taegwa melted as soon as it entered the mouth and flowed straight down the throat and into the stomach.

'I'm serious.'

I think this is what it feels like when you drink alcohol with an alcohol content of 70 percent or higher.

It feels like the elixir is burning and flowing down the esophagus.

We didn't panic and suppressed Taegwa's energy.

"hmm… … ."

Has it been about an hour since then?

The body was strengthened, the state was high, and the preparations were thorough, so the absorption of the Taegwa was completed without difficulty.


And when I opened my eyes, I felt like the world had become wider.

Is it like taking off the sunglasses that were limiting your vision?

Of course, since we were Grandmasters of the 8th Circle, we couldn't advance to the next level by taking a few elixirs.

However, it can be said that the foundation was laid thanks to Taegwa and the elixirs taken earlier.

In particular, it will be of great help to Arcia.

For me, Circle 9 is a guaranteed achievement, but she had to break down the wall through enlightenment herself.

"oh? "Does it feel like your wife's face has become younger?"

"My husband too."

We are young to begin with, so there is no dramatic change, but if we had to compare, it feels like our appearance has gone from a fresh-faced 20-year-old college student to that of a first or second year high school student.

The height hasn't changed and the body has gotten better, but the face is like that.

"There is no need to take any more elixirs now."

Among the elixirs, I have only consumed S-level or higher.

Blake did that.

Even if you consume a higher-level elixir and a lower-level compatible elixir, it is difficult to see the effect.

So there seemed to be no need to be greedy about the remaining things.

"There's still a lot left, what will you do with the rest?"

"Use it to further strengthen your network… … ."

The elixirs were already delivered to Prince James, who became Grand Duke with me, Queen Cia Lin of the Kingdom of Roberto, President of Israel of the Republic of Prius, and Duke Olivia Riverdale of the Kingdom of Lucias.

Naturally, they were very happy and expressed their gratitude.

Although they had a large amount of elixirs, it was natural that each one was an item that could not be purchased without paying money.

And these elixirs have a designated use other than network management.

"We should also use it to develop talent."

In my principality, there are sprouts that will grow rapidly if you give them a little foundation.

These are the people who belong to the gifted center.

Currently, the number of people in the gifted center is steadily increasing, reaching nearly 200.

If you select particularly talented people and ingest the elixir, it will be like giving jet engines to talented people with wings.

Aren't you already looking forward to it?

As time goes by, how much more will this Duchy of Lawrence and the Reinharts Empire grow?

* * *

3 days after rejuvenating my parents.

-Mites! Mite!

Finally, my younger brother was born.

It was a girl with silver hair and blue eyes, just like my mother and me.

Maybe my father's genes were tainted, but both I and my new born brother picked on my mother.

"Honestly, I feel fortunate."


"It's a big deal if a girl takes after her father."

"… … ."

My father scratched his cheek as if it was difficult for him to deny what I said.

My father wasn't that ugly.

In fact, when I was young, I heard that he was a handsome man.

However, compared to the genes of his mother, who belonged to the heavenly world, his father's genes were extremely ordinary.

Even if looks aren't everything, it definitely helps in life, so I felt sorry for my father, but I thought it was fortunate that my younger sister took after my mother.

The mother, who immediately recovered to her pre-pregnancy state thanks to the 8 Circle Revive magic, smiled as she looked at her younger brother.

"Let's be happy, Emilia."

Emilia Lawrence.

That was my sister's name.

Unlike me, a child was born with a golden spoon, no, an Orichalcon spoon in his mouth.

It doesn't feel too bad.

You're my little sister.

I hope that your personality grows as lovely as your appearance.

* * *

The Duchy of Lawrence quickly returned to normal.

As a country created by absorbing the territory and people of an enemy country, I wondered if it would run properly, but surprisingly, the country ran without much noise.

It seems that the fact that all hard-line nationalists were sent to the border of Dragon Land played a big role.

'A person who does something. If you do what you want, you give generously, but if you don't, you are merciless and cold-blooded.'

This was my assessment among the public.

Of course, the immigrants from the former Kingdom of Reinharts and the former slaves of the Croisen Empire followed me more wholeheartedly than anyone else, but the rest of the people were just scared and kept quiet.

Of course, even among the people of the Croesian Empire, the number of people who think favorably of me for pursuing pro-plebeian policies is increasing, but it seems that it will take a longer time for them to become the mainstream.

Regardless of the feelings and thoughts of each citizen, the country runs well and all is well.

Accordingly, the lords of the Reinharts Empire, which governed the territory of the former Croisen Empire, operated their territories with this reference to me.

"A riot?"

One day when peace lasted like that.

An incident occurred.

The people of the Croisen Empire, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly rioted.

"Yes, that's right."

Marquis Walker, who had become younger thanks to my elixir, looked at me with cold sweat.

But I'm not the type of person to pick on each and every mistake.

So I tried to figure out the cause first.

"Why did they riot?"

"This is a problem with our Reinharts people. The Rheinhatz people are expressing strong dissatisfaction, saying that the Croisen people are treated as second-class people. "The incident began when five men from Rheinharts collectively beat two men from Creusen."

I clicked my tongue at Marquis Walker's report that followed.

Honestly, I would be lying if I said I didn't expect it.

However, it is just bittersweet that things happen exactly as planned without any error.