
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
302 Chs

Episode 180: Dream in the game becomes reality


43. Development of the Duchy of Lawrence (1)

My name is Arca.

No last name, just Arka.

He turned 15 this year, and lives with his younger sister in an orphanage called the Protection School of the Duchy of Lawrence.

Unless Rondel's orphanage is run directly by the Sepia Church, it can be seen as existing simply to fit the bill, because this world is mainly comprised of countries based on a caste system.

Thanks to this, children from orphanages located at the bottom of the social class system were often instructed to do various tasks from an early age and were mobilized to make money.

In response to this, orphanages make the excuse that they have no choice due to tight operating funds, but the pitfall is that the directors of orphanages all wear nice clothes and drive nice cars.

'But the protection school run by the Lawrence royal family is completely different.'

This place provided quality education so that children could later become independent and earn a living.

In an environment where one could not even dream of studying writing, they not only studied writing, but also taught magic and swordsmanship according to various disciplines and aptitude.

The dormitory is nice, the clothes are decent, and the food is so good that it can be considered a sumptuous feast.

Additionally, if you have siblings like me, they showed a lot of consideration by assigning them to the same dormitory.

Therefore, I, Arca, have always been grateful to Adrian, who became the owner of this principality.

"brother Brother."


"His Majesty the King is getting married this time! "You could see the wedding in the square!"

To be precise, I should use the title "His Majesty the King" rather than "His Majesty the King," but I smiled and nodded without hesitation at what my younger sister Armi said.

"Then shall we go and take a look together?"

"huh! "Joa!"

However, not all children at the orphanage were favorable to the royal family.

"Tch, I guess someone said they were children of slaves. "Look at them flattering the invaders."

Due to the current national situation and the nature of the orphanage, there were many children who had lost their parents in the war, and these children had a strong antipathy toward the royal family.

"We are not slaves. "Don't you know that slavery is gone?"

"Once a slave, always a slave. "You slaves!"

"What, what? To hit me? And then you'll get scolded?"

"shut up!"

Just as children sometimes practice discrimination full of evil just as much as adults, the guys in front of me were very aggressive.

To the extent of using violence without hesitation.

"you guys! What are you doing!"

However, protected schools reacted very sensitively to these assaults, and teachers actively punished the perpetrators.

Depending on the severity, if the crime was serious, the children were immediately sent to another school, and if the crime was minor, they were given educational punishment such as social activities and homework bombing.

A sincere reflection is fundamental, and if it is discovered that you have received help from someone else without showing any signs of reflection during the process, you will be transferred immediately.

"Oh my, Arca, are you okay? I'm sorry the teachers came late. "I will severely punish those kids, so don't worry."


Thanks to this, I easily realized that those who approach me with anger and aggression will only cause more damage.

So my trust and faith in the Lawrence royal family was not broken.

Compared to the days of the Croesian Empire, it is truly heaven.

That's how I was able to spend a peaceful day with my sister.

"Brother, welcome!"

We headed to the festival with our pockets full in search of the allowance that the royal family deposited into the orphans' accounts.

The square where the wedding ceremony took place was decorated in an extravagant manner.

So much so that I'm scared to approach it.

"It's okay to approach as much as you want. "Would you like me to stay with you?"

"Gwae, it's okay."

A soldier came up to me and started talking to me as I hesitated, but since I was scared of the soldier itself, I said it was okay and followed my sister who ran ahead of me.

My younger sister was struggling between the adults' legs, and I quickly rescued her.

"Thank you, brother!"

As it is, I don't think I'll be able to see anything because I'm blocked by the human wall.

There are holograms floating here and there, but seeing them with your own eyes and seeing them in the video feels completely different.

I looked around and could see someone gesturing.

Unlike the rugged soldier before her, she was a very pretty sister.

So, as if I was possessed, I led my sister towards the place.

"What about your parents?"

Her question about finding her parents made me pause.

However, he soon revealed it confidently.

"You're not there."

Normally, this would make the other person feel sorry or their expression would be distorted, but the other person's reaction was extremely calm.

"okay? so do i."

"Your sister too?"


Her clothes looked quite luxurious.

I hesitated because she looked like a noblewoman, but when she soon revealed that she was also an orphan, a feeling of kinship emerged.

"Do you want to look closer?"

Her younger sister Armi nodded loudly at her suggestion.

"Yes, pretty sister."

"He speaks so beautifully."

She seemed weak to praise.

So my sister and I followed her.

Soon I realized something was strange.


This is because, without any hesitation, she approached the platform where the knights were standing against the wall and took the VIP seat.

Two small chairs were quickly placed next to her, and I froze as I sat there.

Armi kept giggling that it was good, but this seemed like a too dangerous place for us to sit.

As I was surrounded by people wearing colorful clothes, my shoulders naturally shrunk.

Not only did they look like nobles, but the woman who guided them was a real nobleman.

A nobleman who appears to be quite high-ranking.

"Oh, are you caught wearing a costume?"

"yes? "That is."

"wait for a sec."

She suddenly put her hand on our shoulder.

Then my sister and I's clothes changed into clothes that only noble masters and young ladies would wear.


"Wow! Sister wizard?"

My younger sister just giggled that she liked it.

"Not a wizard, but a subordinate of a famous wizard."


"Yes, a wizard like a gisaeng brother who is getting married today."

At that, I trembled and froze in place.

But that was only for a moment, and I quickly came to my senses and bowed my head to her.

"sorry. "We don't know the topic."

"Hey, don't worry. I'm doing this because I like this kid, so feel at ease. "Would adding two more children be a problem for such an expensive event?"

"but… … ."

"Imitate the guy next to you. "You have to have that level of spirit."

As I continued to hesitate, my beautiful sister pointed next to me.

I, who had not dared to look away until now, was frozen and inadvertently followed her finger and was startled.

"Tch, why should I congratulate these damn kites on their wedding?"

The adorable fox beastman was scowling and swearing.

"Hey, Marignan. "Shut up, there are kids next to you."

When the older sister who dragged them said something to the fox beast, she pricked up her ears and opened her eyes.

"How dare you tell this elder of the Allied Powers to shut up? "A bug bitch with no roots."

"What do you do if you have roots? He's sitting next to me. "There are VIPs from the Elysian Allied Powers over there. Why don't you go and show their faces?"

"What shame do I have!"

"ha ha ha!"

The older sister gets angry and the fox beastman gets angry at her.

I felt like I was dying because I didn't know what was going on, but my sister's eyes sparkled with joy.

"Your puppy is pretty."

"It's a fox, not a dog? Well, a young human has eyes to see. "What is your name?"


"Do you want a candy mug? "A crazy girl who was getting married today gave me a handful."


I almost admired my younger brother who was able to become friendly with unknown nobles without hesitation.

It turned out that the place we were located was a space prepared for Gongwangga's friends.

A space where beings who can be said to be close friends of the King and Queen, regardless of status, can reside.

It was placed side by side with the family seats.

I was out of breath, but the candies and snacks next to me kept popping into my mouth were so delicious, regardless of how I felt.

After a while, we stayed there until the wedding ceremony took place.


A splendid wedding ceremony reminiscent of a divine event was held, accompanied by magnificent music.


Just like my younger sister's exclamation, the only word that came out was 'wow.'

Not to mention the gold dust and jewel dust flying around with countless magical effects, the bride and groom standing at the center were so cool and beautiful that my mouth fell open.

'They are the father and mother of this country.'

Although we've seen them in photos several times, the two people in real life with their full-on make-up were on a different level from other celebrities.

It is truly the greatest masterpiece created by God.

As the pure white and milky crowns were placed side by side on the heads of the two people, the fox beastman called Marignan, who was staring at the ceremony with a dazed expression and swallowing his displeasure, was startled.

"Now, wait a minute. Bug, is that really Orichalcon?"

"Didn't you notice? "Not only the crown, but all the bridal accessories are also Orichalcon."

"This is crazy. "Where did you get that again?"

"I went exploring Dragon Land not long ago."

"what? I thought they were crazy, but they were definitely crazy. And then it goes to goal."

"Honestly, it would be faster for us, who are being manipulated, to get to the goal than for those two to get to the goal, right?"

"I can't fucking refute that."

I know that Orharkon is a treasure in fantasy.

And I also know that Dragonland is a place called hell.

Because of this, the sight of the two people getting married was even more impressive.

"Kiss me. Ne Ne Ne ~ Ne ~ Ne Ne Ne ~ Ne."

I was startled when my older sister, called Bug, who brought me and my younger sister here, smiled lowly and made a finger gesture.

But this time, Marignan asked her again.

"Now that I think about it, I've never seen those two being romantically involved."

"Well, there were already rumors that Adrian was a eunuch because he wasn't very interested in women… … . "I don't know how things will change at night."

I had to cover my brother's ears.

The wedding ceremony lasted about 30 minutes.

Fortunately, this time, there were no boos like at the coronation ceremony, perhaps because the reactionaries were driven away or because the wedding was so beautiful.

The wedding ceremony ended with a kiss between the King and Queen, and colorful fireworks decorated the sky and a festival for the citizens began.

[Unlimited food and drinks will be provided free of charge throughout the principality for one day.] [In addition, wedding congratulatory souvenirs will be delivered to each household during the week, so citizens, please take note.]Parades for the festival were held throughout the city.

It was a wedding where I had no idea how much was spent.

"So cool."

Even though the wedding was over and the festivities had begun, I couldn't get up easily.

This is because the afterglow of the gorgeous wedding was so strong.

And that was the reaction of most women, and my sister was no different.

"Well, that's enough for us."

I came to my senses late and tried to leave without realizing it... … .


"Let's eat together."

"Yes, Jo!"

Berg and Marignan held on to their sister.

Interest from two people who appear to be of high status.

Should I really like this?

* * *

"Whoa, I'm tired."

Did you like the wedding?

Even though the ceremony was over, Arcia remained excited.

"Adrian, the ceremony was so beautiful."

"okay? thank god. haha."

I stroked her back, and Arcia looked up at me and said something.

"Are you breeding?"


But I froze at her unexpected remark.

I cleared my throat and asked her with a confused expression.

"Is it okay?"


The two of us stared at each other with blank expressions.


I lifted her into my princess arms and ran to her room.

For your information, I am not a eunuch.

I just have to be patient.