
my lucky encounter from the game turned into Reality

Player_Undead · Fantasi
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302 Chs

Episode 116: Dream in the game becomes reality

29. Goddess Sepia (3)

[Goddess Sepia who descended after 300 years. Everyone was mesmerized by her sacred appearance.] [A visit to celebrate the birth of a new saint and saint? There is also an opinion that the meaningful warning that the goddess gave at the end was the real purpose... … .] [If it were simply for her advice, she would have given the oracle as usual. It is true that he came down personally because there was someone who had his eye on it.] [The 'fall of the black star' mentioned by the goddess means an invasion by the devil? The church is currently investigating and has strongly requested that Sepia not make comments that would inflame her anxiety, as her advice may not mean war.] [A fierce contest for saints! Ivril Barnett was chosen by the goddess! She will assist Saint Sylvester for a year, learn her work, and succeed her status as a saint!] [The insight of Duke Adrian L. Laurence, patron of prospective saint Miss Barnett! The entire kingdom of Reinharts is in a state of celebration!] 

Due to the appearance of the goddess Sepia, Ivril felt like she was pushed to the background, even though she had the honor of being selected as a saint.

However, it did not matter much because the value of the saint did not decrease just because she was pushed out of the spotlight.

Rather, too much attention will only put a burden on Ivril, who was born as a commoner.

"Can I really do this, even though I'm still young?"

I nodded to Ivril's question full of concern.

"Sure. Everyone will be around to help Everil."

Unlike on Earth, where there are many corrupt religions, it is impossible to imagine religions in this world committing injustice for personal gain.

As has become an issue this time, Goddess Sepia is very interested in the earth and has even been directly involved.

But how can they leave alone a priest who uses his name to do foolish things?

Corrupted priests lost their sacred power and were ultimately judged by the church, so committing injustice was an act of suicide.

So, no one will try to prey on the new saint just because she is young.

"What about you, my lord?"

It is inevitable that Ivril is very dependent on me.

There was almost no action in the contest that I did not have influence on.

I reassured her not to worry.

"I am the reason why Ivril became a saint, so I must do my best to help her."

"So, even if I become a saint, I can still see it?"

"of course."

Ivril finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"But how do you know the title 'Ivril'? "I can't get used to it."

Each and every one of the saints, saints, and saints is a being who does not bow down even to the imperial emperor.

I could no longer comfortably call her 'Miss Ivril'.

"You have to get used to that. Now, Ivril is someone who does not need to bow her head even in front of the Emperor of the Bringham Empire."

Although she cannot be referred to as 'Your Majesty' because she has not yet officially inherited the position, she is a prospective leader who has more firmly established her position as successor than the crown prince of any empire.

It was natural since he was a person appointed by God.

If anything, if she were to change the title, it should be her, not me.

Because I was no longer her lord.

"Don't call me lord? "Then what do you call it?"

"You can call me the Duke of Lawrence, or just add the letter 'nim' to the name."


"Yes, like that."

She must have thought that it was better than simply calling him 'lord', so she twisted her body and let out a heartless laugh as if she was embarrassed.

"Hmm! It's a very nice scene. "If it's okay, please call me by my name too."

At that time, the Crown Prince, who had come to my castle to see Ivril, instead of being treated like air, joined the conversation.

Ivril said with an awkward expression, as if it was not easy to deal with the crown prince even though she had already seen him once.

"Mi, Michael… … ."

"Yes. That will be fine."

"Crown Prince Michael van Reinharts."

The crown prince's title was decided to be his full name.

Her social level was still insufficient to act like a friend.

Prince Michael looked at Arcia while scratching his cheek with an embarrassed expression.

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mahael van Reinchatz."

He was only called by his full name, which included the title of His Highness.

The crown prince, unable to overcome the iron wall of the kingdom's best women, covered up the situation with an awkward smile.

The crown prince then changed the topic.

"Is there anyone who can guess the intention of Goddess Sepia's words?"

Now that I see it, was that really the business?

It was clear from that statement that the Crown Prince did not just visit Ivril to say hello.

Although Ivril is currently receiving training from Saint Sylvester, it was clear that she was a core member of the church.

Therefore, her information is bound to be of very high quality.

The crown prince spoke as if he was asking all the people here, but he realized that his target was Ivril.

"The title Black Star has never been used in the oracle, so no one can make a confident prediction."

And the innocent Ivril revealed what she knew.

"Hmm, really?"

"But usually, if the words 'black, black, darkness, shadow' are included, there is a high possibility that it has something to do with the devil."

"But if the target is the devil, is there any need to give a flashy title like 'star' to a color as ominous as black?"

"That's what everyone is questioning, even in the Holy Land. "At first, I looked into it to see if star was a word referring to some kind of devil, but that wasn't the case."

The bottom line is that she doesn't have any information.

I suddenly became curious.

"The oracle comes down quite often, right?"

"It usually comes down once every two to three years. "It's like making some preparations before a disaster occurs."

It was the crown prince who answered my question.

"But are the contents of the trust originally this ambiguous?"

"no. Not really. "General oracles are not that difficult to understand."

"Why is it a mystery this time?"

"That's right."

Suddenly, a possibility passed through my mind.

'Oracle refers to the goddess's advice to the world. 'Is this not an oracle?'

Wouldn't it be possible to think of it as advice given only to a single person, not to the world?

In that case, the goddess' ominous words are not advice about the world's threat, but concern about someone's personal threat.

As I felt like I had made eye contact with a goddess at the event, I couldn't help but narrow my eyebrows.

"What are you thinking like that?"

However, I could not reveal these thoughts to others.

An individual who is worried about the goddess... … .

No matter how much it was a guess, it was too much of a guess.

"no. "I don't think it's worth informing."

"I don't want to hear anything the Duke of Lawrence says."

The crown prince gives a serious look.

But I shook my head.

"We just took a different approach. "There's not much to reveal, so I'll let you know once the information is organized."

Until now, I just didn't think much of it, but I will continue to investigate it through the blue moon.

Prince Michael nodded, saying he was disappointed to see me avoiding an answer until the end.

"One thing is clear... … "If the world were to turn upside down, the goddess would not stop at this level of warning."

"Well, that's right."

If the real world were in danger, dire warnings would be issued such as 'The wrath of hell will burn everything' and 'Prelude to destruction'.

But what the goddess said.

[As the chaos in the world continues, we must be careful of the fall of the black star.]It was like this.

Just looking at the flow, it doesn't feel like 'You're all dead now!', it's just 'Be careful!' Isn't it a bit of a feeling?

So everyone goes about their day as usual and just spreads speculations.

"The reason I came here was to seek answers because I couldn't control my curiosity, but there was another purpose for my visit."


"Can't we just keep the two parents of the prospective saint as servants?"

"I was already planning to give you the title of baronet and a mansion?"

Do you want to impress Everil?

The Crown Prince continued by asking if that would be enough.

"I will grant you the title of baron and a fiefdom. In addition, we provide soldiers, knights, vanguard equipment, and even a sky fortress."

Everil widened her eyes at that.

It was a story about his family becoming nobles.

"That is a generous gift."

"Aren't they the saint's parents? "It worked out well because there was a lot of land left and a lot of equipment forcibly collected by the royal family."

It was a kind of investment to make the relationship between the royal family of the Kingdom of Reinharts and the saint closer.

Since I had no reason to refuse, I told Ivril to accept it.

She must have been worried too.

No matter how honest the saint or saint was, there were quite a few relatives who would cause trouble by mentioning their name, so it was customary for family members, excluding the person involved, to stay in their home country rather than a sacred place.

Ivril's expression, who was secretly worried about her parents' treatment, brightened.

However, her subsequent remarks were embarrassing even for the Crown Prince.

"Instead, I think the territory around the Duchy of Lawrence would be good."

If he were the crown prince of the Serpent, he would naturally have thought of separating her from me by giving her a title to her parents.

Even if I were to control the saint's parents, it would not be good for the royal family.

"All right. "Let's do that."

However, the crown prince could not refuse her request, so the plan ultimately failed.

"and! thank you!"

There is no opponent as difficult for politicians to control as a naive person in power.

* * *

A month has passed since the advent of Goddess Sepia and Ivril's selection as a saint.

In the meantime, nothing special happened to me or those around me, and the world was peaceful.

In the meantime, holy places and major countries investigated the goddess's remarks, but no significant clues were found.

And even though the saint and saint walked the path of the goddess and sought an answer, there was no response from heaven.

Because of this, the media also began to think that it was not really a big deal.

[What the goddess pointed out was an environmental problem?] [There is also speculation that it was actually a warning about wars that have become more frequent in recent times... … .] [It is clear that the goddess's words are advice on human behavior.] 

However, all of this was just speculation, and since the person involved did not provide the correct answer, everyone just continued their daily lives as before.

For your information, daily life to me means time to hand over all tasks to my vassals and level up in Chronicle Online.

No matter how busy I have been, this is what I am most passionate about, so much so that I never miss playing the game.

But now that there are no more big things to worry about, I can spend more time playing games.

Since the current level-up pace is 1 level per week, I decided that if I did well, I could raise it to level 1 in 6 days, and I set that as my goal.

"Huh, this can't be happening."

But my goal was soon distorted.

Not in a bad way, but in a very good way.

I was definitely hoping for a 1-level up pace on the 6th, but surprisingly, I'm maintaining a 1-level up pace on the 5th.

Currently, level 249 has been achieved.

Now there is only 1 level left until the next Giyeon Quest is cleared.

The reason this is possible is because we have a new companion in our party.

There is a healer called 'Bug'.

"Just bringing in a healer makes such a difference?"

The reason why I never add party members even though the level up speed is slow.

That's because you can never trust the humans you play with.

Our party is different from regular parties in many ways.

Not only will you feel pain if you get hit, but anyone who watches the supporters Arsia and Black Eagle closely will realize that this is not an ordinary program.

He had already become famous for the money he made in the PK incident, so it wouldn't be good for anyone to see that he was different from everyone else.

That's why we play on our own without involving party members, and we happen to have someone we can control without anyone noticing.

The bug wearing Isabella's shell had no problems playing the game at all.

So, by purchasing and using top-quality items on the healer account I paid for, combat speed and safety improved dramatically.

"Praise! "You poor people."

At Bug's words, Arcia kicked the guy's butt out of habit.

"evil! What are you doing! "It hurts!"

"Pretty words."

"You're wagging your tail at that guy, but you're only talking shit at me."


"Ahh! sorry!"

Well, he's not all-powerful.

To clear the final quest, you have to fight a named monster, but I heard from Chester that no one except me, Arcia, and Black Eagle can enter this place.

In other words, he only helps level up.

'But where is it!?'

I was very encouraged by the faster level-up speed alone.