
My Lovestruck hubby

"Zihan, do you have a secret girlfriend you don't want us to know about?". Li Yan (Zhu Zihan mom). said happily. Huh?". Zihan looked very confused with his handsomely frowned brows. "There is a bright red lipstick on your right cheek, which clearly meant a girl kissed you. Come on sit, I want the full gist". Li Yan dragged his to the couch abandoning her poor husband again who was glaring furiously at his son.

PJade_4k · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chapter 23: Couple vacation.

After answering another call Zihan finally went to his room, Bai was placed in another room and Guo Min was in the closet getting changed. Looking across the room, Zihan got up and walked to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, he came out with a towel hanging dangerously low on his waist as he walked up to his wife who was standing in front of the mirror and spanked her ass a little hard.

"...ZHU ZIHAN!". Guo Min glared.

Smirking Zihan said seductively while sneaking his hands into her pus*y, and licking and biting her on her sweet sensitive neck "Don't gimme that look wifey, you deserve a little bit of punishment".

Actively responding to his touch Guo Min bit her lips to avoid lewd sounds from getting out.

"Hu... hubby. pl...ese stop. ... Ahhh!". Guo Min moaned.

"Should I?". Zihan asked with a smirk on his face.

"Ugh... Ahh...Ahh. Pl...ese". Guo Min tried to get the words out as her body kept twitching uncontrollably.

"Ok". Zihan stopped just as she was finally about to have an orgasm.

"ZHU ZIHAN!!!. Why did you stop huh?, You are unbelievable. I am your wife and you are to take care of my needs". Guo Min yelled in annoyance.

"Huh!. Didn't you ask me to stop wifey, or were you enjoying the feeling already. We can continue if you want". Zhu Zihan replied with a very innocent smile which made Guo Min turn ripe like a tomato due to annoyance and his shamelessness.

The couple went to bed, Zihan with a smile and Guo Min with annoyance.

(Next Morning).

"Good morning Uncle". Bai greeted immediately Guo Min sat her on the dinner table and he nodded. Just as Guo Min was about to serve breakfast, the doorbell rang before opening with Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhu walking in together.

"Good morning children". Mrs. Wang greeted the confused couple at the dinner table as they walked towards them.

"Good morning Mum and Mrs. Wang". Zhu Zihan greeted back and Guo Min did the same.

"Pack your bags, you are going to Maldives next week, We have prepared everything for you guys over there, just go and chill. Leave the company to us.". Mrs. Wang said.

"Mom you can't do this to me, Zhu Zihan and I with each other a whole two weeks!. This hubby of mine is a cold CEO, who will I be chatting with". Guo Min pouted and Zihan was emotionless.


"Mommmmm, see he just gave me the cold look again". Guo Min complained.

"Who cares?. You two need to get used to each other so that the love thingy happens and I get my grandchildren". Mrs. Wang smiled mischievously.

"Mom, why are you rushing, I am still too young to give birth, We haven't even enjoyed our married life yet". Guo Min complained.

"And that is why you have to go on a vacation so that you have fun in your married life". Mrs Zhu said making Guo Min sigh.

"Zihan baby, come on tell them we can't go, you have to take care of the office ". Guo Min looked at her husband with pleading eyes.

" ... Mom, we will go on vacation, you can leave we will start packing". Zihan finally responded and both moms were ecstatic but Guo Min's mouth dropped to the floor as she looked at her hubby and pouted.

Zihan stood and walked to his wife who was not in the mood to even look at his face and turned to the side to avoid him, but her hubby was faster.

Zihan's long arm grabbed her tiny waist, held her chin with his other hand, and kissed her, At first she didn't give him an entrance but Zihan bit her juicy lips and he was quickly invited in.

Just as things were about to get hotter, Bai screamed "Grandma ewwwwwy".

Guo Min quickly pushed Zihan away and ran straight to the bedroom with a red face.

After toying around, they left for the office and dropped little Bai back at the orphanage.




" Sir, these are the documents you need I will take my leave now". Meng Lin said as he bowed and walked out after receiving a nod.

Time passed and it was dark but Zihan had no intention of leaving because of the huge stack of papers on his table, he didn't know if he was just very slow today or if there were just a lot of files he hadn't gone through lately.

Zihan sighed and dropped his pen before pressing his delicate long finger on his temple. He needed to speed things up before next week or else he would be testing death if he were to leave it and go on a vacation.

Seeing it was almost 8 pm Lu Han walked up to Zihan's office to remind him of the time.

Feeling exhausted, Zihan packed up some documents to go through at home.

'I have been feeling lazy lately '. Zihan thought inwardly as he walked to the car and they drove back to Green Life's residence.

Meanwhile... (In Paradis Celeste).

La Paradise Celeste (meaning heavenly paradise) is the residence owned by the three forever brothers (Zihan, Yufan, Xiang). This villa was a place of calm, fun, and peace for them, even if they were sad and wanted to get heavily drunk this was the place.

"Yang Yufan, why don't you want to accept me? I love you". Wang Lixi sniffed as she stared into Yang Yufan's eyes.

Yang Yufan frowned before massaging his temples with his long and delicate fingers and said "Wang Lixi, you are my friend's sister, how can I....".

Before Yufan can complete the sentence he is interrupted by Lixi. "Please Yufan I know this is just an excuse to make me stay away, please just give me a chance".

"Okay, I won't stop you from pursuing me but I can't give you hope". Yang Yufan said as he sat on the single sofa behind him.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Lixi's eyes lit up before throwing herself into his arms but she was disappointed when Yang Yufan did not hug back.


Meng Lin(Zihan's secretary).

Lu Han( Zihan's driver).