
My Lovestruck hubby

"Zihan, do you have a secret girlfriend you don't want us to know about?". Li Yan (Zhu Zihan mom). said happily. Huh?". Zihan looked very confused with his handsomely frowned brows. "There is a bright red lipstick on your right cheek, which clearly meant a girl kissed you. Come on sit, I want the full gist". Li Yan dragged his to the couch abandoning her poor husband again who was glaring furiously at his son.

PJade_4k · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chapter 12: Jealous Hubby.

"What a jealous hubby of mine". Guo Min mocked.

"I am NOT jealous". Zihan said coldly making Guo Min stuck out her tongue before saying "You are...".


" Don't give me that look. What are you capable of doing anyway, I am the superior here". Guo Min smiled cheekily.

"Really now huh?!!!". Zhu Zihan smiled wickedly.

Gulping, Guo Min nodded with confidence, and just a few moments after that she suddenly jumped with a gasp before glaring at him while trying to adjust her irregular breath.

Zihan's hands was under her skirt, and the only thing she could do was to try pulling it out but his hand didn't even budge as he kept playing with her inner thighs and panties while he used is other hand to eat as if nothing was happening under the table.

Finally managed to push his hands out. Guo Min suddenly turned to grandpa Zhu and asked "I want to ask you a question".

"Go on dear".

"Why did you want me to marry your grandson out of all girls". Guo Min was curious.

"Why?, are you insecure or you think you aren't fit to be the Zhu family young miss".

"No grandpa, I am more than fit. I am hot and perfect, so yeah all boys would want me". Guo Min confidently crossed her legs but gasped when she felt Zihan pinching her right cheek.

"Your a narcissist". Zihan commented.

"Hehehehehe, yes son. Your wife is indeed what she claims to be and the evidence will be that she captured your eye". Zixuan answered for grandpa Zhu.

"Huh, y-you are kidding. This guy over here has a heart of stone".

" Hmm, ask him". Grandpa Zhu said.

"No. He won't answer. instead I will praise myself. You know what?".Guo Min asked Zihan who turned to face her.


"I'm a goddess... ...hmm". Zihan lightly place his lips on Guo Min's. Even though it was a light kiss Guo Min still wanted to die of embarrassment. He could have kissed her in secret but no he chose to kiss Infront of her in laws.

"You were talking a lot".

While they stopped chatting and started eating, Guo Min's phone suddenly rang. Looking at the screen with the name Asher imprinted on it. Guo Min answered it and put it on speaker with a smile and dropped her cutlery.

" Zaoshang Hao". Guo Min greeted in Chinese dialect.

"Good morning pretty". Asher said and Guo Min smiled at her new family awkwardly, then she tried to put off the speaker mode, but Zihan grabbed the phone and put it on his other side where his mom was sitting.

"Asher can you call me back later".

"Why lovely, are you sending your future husband away right now. Come on tell me what you want, I really want to be with you". Asher whined which made Guo Min face palm herself as the Zhu family kept looking at her.

"Asher, didn't I tell you that I want a single perfect life with no boys, no children, no Mr dominating". Zixuan, Li Yan and grandfather Zhu suddenly looked at Guo Min shockingly.

" Yes, But we can try". Zihan was clearly glaring at the phone as if he could destroy the person who was talking through the phone.

"No, especially not with a player. And let me announce to you that I am married now so... no chance for we and no chance for us". Guo Min mocked.

"Seriously Minnie, How did you get married in two days".

"Arranged marriage, trust me I was forced, I had to look for Mr right to settle down with and bear his beautiful babies". Guo Min chuckled and Zihan who was quite finally flared "Get lost, I can take care of my own wife". Saying that he hung up.

He turned to Guo Min and gave her a cold stare and she looked away from him.

" Ugh, this is why I didn't want to get married. No more freedom, no more healthy flirting" Guo Min murmured.

The Zhu family facial expressions suddenly turned serious as they looked at the couples "The two of you should go shopping this week we are holding a bridal welcome party for Guo Min on Saturday".

"Umm, grandpa it is not that necessary". Guo Min tried to disagree with the idea but they didn't even give her the chance as they immediately shook their heads.

"It's is a festive party in our family for every new bride after their marriage. It's going to help announce who was lucky enough to be Mrs Zhu. Don't worry there would still be a wedding ceremony but that is after we become sure that your marriage and love life worked". Zixuan said while playing with Li Yan's slender fingers.

"Zihan you can just focus on your work, I will go shopping with my daughter in law". Li Yan smiled cheekily leaving Zhu Zihan dumbfounded. She always begged him not to stress so much with work. What changed!!!.

After having breakfast Zixuan and grandfather Zhu left for the Zhu mansion and Li Yan stayed since she told the men that she want to have fun with Guo Min for a while. And Zixuan had office work to do even if Zihan is now the one heading everything, he was still the chairman who didn't like too much of lazing around so he still did little office work and attend meetings if his son is not available.

"Minmin come and have fun with your mother in law. Come-on go and get ready let's go shopping for a while". Li Yan squealed happily.

"Wait mother, why are we doing unnecessary shopping and we will still go shopping for the party, we should not squander so much". Zhu Zihan suddenly felt a proud swell in his heart, his wife is a money saving machine even though he wanted her to spend so much. At least he married the person who knows the value of money and not squandering like some spoiled brat.

"Oh that, ...don't worry your husband is a money making machine, he has a lot of money. Come on now go and change". Li Yan said which made Zihan's lips twitched as he walked to his study.