
Dear diary... Monday, 1956 (Alexander,s diary)

After school has ended my mom thought it would be a good idea to go on a "road trip".To be honest I didn't want to go but of course my mom found a way to bribe me into it.My mom told me to pack my things and let's go.My older brother Alec was coming along he recently had came back from college but I

knew he was just going to complain the whole way,once we got our things packed and into the car we were on our way.Dad was in the drivers seat mom was in the passenger and my brother was in the middle while I decided to be in the back.I knew I wouldn't like my moms music so I brought my earbuds and phone,we got on the highway and drove it kinda sucked we got into a lot of traffic!We finally made it to the town we were supposed to be staying for the night.We got all our things out of the car and into the hotel,it's ratting was three stars I didn't have a good feeling about it..

As we entered the building there was a man at the front desk.He gave us the number to our hotel room we were on floor 3, 318. When we got into the hotel room is was nicer than I expected.My big brother and I were sharing one room while my parents were in the other.After we were all settled in we went out for some burgers,when we went back to the hotel we all went to our rooms.