
Irene of Red Velvet

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Irene), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This is Irene. She's 31 years old. She's a member of a popular girl band called Red Velvet. Irene is super shy and doesn't talk much but to her close friends, she has a cute habit of being clingy to close friends like linking arms and holding hands.

She's good at cooking, baking and makes seaweed soup for birthdays. She likes house chores like ironing and doing the laundry.

Irene is nicknamed "Baechu." Baechu in Korean means cabbage which is also the same meaning as her name, Bae Joo Hyun.

She loves to collect anything that is purple. She dislikes coffee and also gets sick whenever she eats chicken recipes.

Her nose is sensitive and loves nothing more than the smell of freshly cleaned clothes that's why she loves cleaning.

Despite her matured habit, Irene is very easy to startle and she's cute at it. You will see her get scared when fireworks start at concerts or even when someone touches her without her knowledge.

Irene comes from Greek mythology meaning "Goddess of Peace." But her peace doesn't comes always.

Irene fell off from a Cruise ship. She didn't have life jacket on her and she was struggling to keep afloat. It was almost night time. If she won't be seen soon, she might be in danger.

Luckily, a cargo ship was passing by. Joshua, a seaman was keeping a watch on bridge (The location where the steering wheel is located). He was reading a comic book when he saw something in the horizon.

"What's that?" And he gets a binoculars to see it.

Joshua initially mistook Irene for a mermaid, as she was wearing a purple dress and holding a bundle of seaweed. But as he got closer and clearer, he realized that Irene was struggling to keep her head above water.

He sounded an alarm on the ship immediately. He was following the rescue procedures but when he saw Irene disappeared from the surface, he dived without hesitation.

"Where's she?" He couldn't see her and the other crew said,

"She submerged sir!"

He quickly jumped into the water and pulled her to safety.

Irene was unconcious.

The rescue boat of the cargo ship picked them up immediately but Irene was not breathing.

Joshua did a CPR immediately.

*Cough cough*

"Are you alright?" Joshua asked.

She was startled by his heavy breathing and wet look.

Irene kicked him and he fall out to the water.

Everyone in the rescue boat was stunned.

Later on, it was explained to her that he saved her.

Irene was embarrassed but Josh just laugh it off.

From that moment on, Irene was grateful to Joshua and the two became friends. They exchanged numbers and regularly chat each other. Irene loved hearing about Joshua's adventures at sea, and Joshua loved listening to Irene sing. They spent many afternoons together, sharing stories and laughs. Joshua sends photos at sea and Irene also sends some photos from work, studios and anywhere which is cute.

As their friendship grew, so did their feelings for each other. But Irene was hesitant to start a romantic relationship with him, as she had been hurt in the past but she couldn't also imagine without him. Joshua promised to always protect her, and Irene finally agreed to give him a chance.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'll be your girlfriend."

After the initial shock and awkwardness, Irene and Joshua continued to date and explore their feelings for one another. As they grew closer, they learned more about each other's passions and quirks, creating a deep bond that felt almost effortless.

One day, while on a weekend trip to the countryside, Joshua surprised Irene with a picnic under the beautiful stars. As they snuggled under a blanket and enjoyed the foods that he made for her, Joshua took Irene's hand and asked her to be his girlfriend officially since he couldn't believe that Irene is his girlfriend. Overwhelmed with happiness, Irene eagerly said yes.

"I'll always be your lady." Irene smiled and giggled.

As the weeks turned into months, they fell more in love every day. They went on adventures together and shared their hopes and dreams. Irene couldn't believe she had found someone who loved her just the way she was, insecurities and all.

It wasn't always easy, they had their fights and misunderstandings but they always found their way back to one another, stronger and more loving than before.

Eventually, Joshua invited Irene to officially meet his family. She was nervous at first, but excited to get to know the people who had shaped the person she loved. To her surprise, they welcomed her with open arms, and soon she felt like a part of their family too. Her nervousness and insecurities faded right away.

As the years passed, they continued to grow together.

Joshua brought Irene to a cabbage farm.

Irene was laughing about it since her name is translated as cabbage also.

"I want to be with the cabbage forever and I will take care of her as best as I could." Joshua said.

"You want to be a farmer?" Irene asked.

But suddenly, Joshua kneeled and opened a box with a ring in it.

"All the cabbage in this area shall be our witness of this moment. Irene, my love, will you marry me?" Joshua's heart was beating so fast.

"You really like cabbage. I do. I'll marry you Joshua." Irene was so happy and they kissed.

They married in a small ceremony at the Philippines, surrounded by their loved ones. Even after marriage, Irene did not disclose to the public about it and continued her career.

Their love story was not without obstacles, as Joshua's job kept him away for months at a time. Irene missed him terribly, but he always made sure to stay in touch and send her letters and gifts. One day, Joshua surprised Irene by showing up to one of her concerts. He had flown in from halfway around the world just to see her perform on stage.

As Irene took the stage, she saw Joshua smiling back at her from the crowd. She dedicated a song to him, singing about the love and support he had shown her. The audience did not know that it was for her husband. They could feel the emotion in her voice and cheered loudly when she finished.

After the concert, Joshua took Irene to the beach near where they first met. He got down on one knee and asked her to marry him again. Tears streaming down her face, Irene said yes. They exchanged vows on a ship, with the ocean as their witness but this time, it's a wedding for three. Irene is pregnant. Irene finally announced to the public her marriage and her pregnancy.

Unexpectedly, the fans were cheering and happy about it. They even made a party for her.

Years later, Irene still thinks of Joshua every time she smells the sea air or sees a purple sunset. She knows that he is her soulmate and that their love story is one for the ages. Irene and Joshua are now living with their two kids and one incoming.

The End