
Chapter 06: "Must Be Fate"

"Today is a new day!" I jump off bed and went to the bathroom.

"This day will be the day that Zen Liang will bow down to me!" I claimed while looking at the mirror.

After taking a bath, I enthusiastically put on my uniform, comb my hair, and fixed my overall look.

"Ah~ I love being young!"


"It's Saturday." Jia said while mewing on her toast.

"What? Why didn't I know that..."

Right, it's already Saturday. It turns out I lost track of time.

"Well, since you're all dress up, why don't you buy the groceries. Here's the list." My mom ordered as she gave me the list of items I need to buy.

"Ugh... I should've slept longer..."


After grocery shopping, I stepped out of the supermarket.

"I still can't figure out how I travelled back to the past... Does that coin really have something to do with this?" I thought to myself while walking.

I stopped for a moment when I saw a familiar figure. Even when I can't see her face, her voice and figure alone brought me familiarity.

"What? Seriously, this is the real thing!"

A familiar, annoying, and loud voice.

"Tsk, it's your lost bro if you don't get this, trust me."

Brunette hair tied in two buns.

"Geez, fine. I'll purchase it." The guy she was talking to answered.

"You wouldn't regret this hehe."

I know who this is...

"Riri Yunha!!" I shouted, loud enough to make her turn her head towards my direction.

This is Riri in high school. Finally, I found her. I might get an answer.

She paused for a second and suddenly sprint out.

"This rascal!" I chased after her.

"Ahh!" She shouted as I was about to catch up to her.

She's pretty short and her legs are not that long either.

"What the hell do you want?!!"

"I just want answers!" I finally caught up to her and grabbed the back of her shirt causing her to stop from running.

"The hell?! Then why were you chasing me?!!" She furiously complained.

"It's because you were running, idiot!"


She sipped her bubble tea before opening her mouth. "So, you're telling me that my future self transmitted you to the past?"

I nodded as an answer.

We're sitting in a cafe shop nearby to talk about how I came here and what really happened.

"And... You're from the future?"

I nodded once again, "Yes!"

She smirked. "Do I look like an idiot to you?!!" Her expression suddenly changed.

"I'm telling the truth!!"

"Man, are you taking illegal drugs huh?!"

"What the hell do you take me for?!!"

It looks like she's doubting me. I can't really blame her. If someone you know were spouting out that they came from the future, you'll either think it's some sort of prank or that they're insane.

"I know it sounds unbelievable, but I really did came from the future."

Riri raised her eyebrows on me.

I sighed, "Here." I placed the coin future Riri gave me before the time travel happened.

"What's this?" She asked as she picked the coin. She examined it thoroughly.

"You gave that to me. You said that if I flip it and think about where I want to go, I will get there."

"This oddly looks familiar..." Her eyebrows cross as she examined the coin.

"See? Do you believe me now?" I took a sip on my bubble tea.

"Nope. I don't believe you, if my future self really had something that can make anyone travel through time, then she wouldn't just give it away! She'd at least ask for down payment."

"This stingy rascal..."

"Anyhow... Let's assume that you're telling the truth. Then, why did you choose to go back in time?" She continued.

"I... I guess I had a lot of regrets from the past." I bitterly answered.

It's true. There are a lot of things that I really want to change. The future for me had been rough and lonely. I just want to change it a bit...

"Well, whatever." She stood up and took her purse. "Keep that for now."

Riri tossed me the coin.

"Just enjoy what you have right now." She said and left.

"I'm glad she didn't asked for money."

She is right though. I was given a chance to redo my life. I should cherish it.


"I want to play games after this." I thought to myself while walking.

I was walking on my way home when I saw Zen Liang.

"Huh? That's strange. I didn't know that guy actually has a life outside of school."

He was wearing a plain white shirt and pants. I had never seen him wear anything casual. I only saw him in school uniform.

He is carrying two paper bags on both of his hands.

"Is he grocery shopping too?"

I decided to approach him, "Hey! Council Pres!"

He looked at me with hose emotionless eyes.

I also noticed that he was actually with an old lady. It seems like he's carrying her paper bags for her.

"Oh, let me help you, ma'am!" I smiled and took the third paper bag the old lady was carrying.

"Thank you, dear." Her wrinkles formed as she smiled back.

"Ahh! Old people are cute!"

I took a glance on Zen Liang for a moment and I caught him staring at me.

"What is he looking at..?"


"Thank you for the help." The old woman thanked us after taking her home, carrying her stuffs.

"No problem!"

"Lend me your hand for a second." She ordered. We put out hands the air.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth after, okay?" She softly said as she poured the candies on our hands.

"Oh! Thank you, ma'am!"

Does she think we're still a kid? Hehe... I love this candy though.

We bid our farewell and went on our way.

"See you around!" I enthusiastically waved at her.

"Young people..." She smiled and waved back.

Zen Liang was walking ahead of me. I caught up and tried to have a chat with him.

"That old lady was nice, right?" It was like I'm talking to a brick wall.

"My grandma used to buy me these candies too! It's a bit hard but it's delicious."

I wanted to break the ice between us, but this guy is not cooperative at all.

"You should try the purple one!"

I searched the flavors I have on my hands, and luckily I had the purple candy.

I took it and unwrapped it.

"Oh, here I got one—" I tried to feed it to him when suddenly he caught my hand.

I didn't noticed that he was already facing me, as his face gets closer to mine.

"What are you doing?" His hand is still on my wrist and his eyes were fixed on mine.

I couldn't move my body. I don't think it's fear that's controlling me right now. Rather, it was nervousness. I'm nervous that if I move even an inch, I might regret it.

"Hey! Do you know whose territory is this?"

The tense between us broke as a group of gangsters approached us.

There were 4 guys in total. They looked like somewhat a year older than us. They have visible tattoos on their arms and piercings on the nose and ears. Two of them were smoking, the other one is holding a thick metal stick, and the biggest guy among them is holding a pocket knife.

"This looks trouble."

Before anything big my happen, I quickly took the initiative to escape from there.

"O-oh! Sorry about that, man. We just happen to pass by here. Haha." I lightened up the atmosphere and grabbed Zen Liang with me.

"We'll get going now—"

"Hold on..." One of the guys had spoken.

"Seriously... I don't want to fight anymore. I promised that I'll begin a quiet and honest life!"

They went closer to us.

"This guy is familiar." He was looking at Zen Liang.

"Isn't that the council president?" One of them recognized him.

"This doesn't look good..."

"Hell yeah! It is him!" The biggest guy went towards him. "It is the shitty president who got me expelled and repeat a year." He added as he crack his knuckles.

"Zen Liang was it? My girlfriend broke up with me because of him!" The other claimed.

"I got my hair shaved because of his stupid school rules!"

"It looks like these guys are from our school. Damn it, how many people has this jerk messed up with?!"

I slipped in between him and Zen Liang.

"Y-yeah! This guy is such a scumbag!" I interfered.

"He even won't let me keep my hair red! Like who does that? We have freedom of choice, y'know?" I tried to talk my way out and it seems like it's working.


"I mean look at mine bro! I want to keep it long but the dean shaved it because of him!"

"Your hair looks cool, man! Why would he do that?!"

"That's what I'm telling him!"

Got them! I think we're good to go now.

"You look homeless—" I quickly covered Zen Liang's mouth with my palm.

He looked too laid-back and relax in this situation! Isn't he afraid to get beaten up? This guy is freaking crazy.

"Would you look at the time! Haha. I'll deal with him on my own! O-oh man, I think we really should go now, right—" I was about to turn my back along with Zen Liang when suddenly the four of them surrounded us.

"You're not going anywhere."

We really got ourselves in trouble now. There are no people passing by because most people don't use this street.

"Can't we just talk this out—" I didn't finished what I'm saying when one of the guys slammed his metal stick on the trash can beside him.

"I guess not..."

Trying to escalate the situation wouldn't work. I guess I have no choice but to fight back...

"Give that guy to us or else we'll have to beat the crap out of you too." One of them had spoken while pointing on Zen Liang.

"Oh crap..." I put my grocery bag on the side to keep it safe.

"Hey, pres! I'll get the two from here and you handle the other two. Sounds good?" I glanced at him and positioned to fight.

He sighed and nodded, "This is so troublesome."

As we clash, I quickly kicked the guy's hand that was holding the stick.

"Shit..!" He tried to attack me but I avoided him and kicked his stomach.

He eventually fell down on the ground.

"Alright. Who's next—" when I look back, the other three were already passed out.

"What the hell?! I said I'll go for two and you go for the other two!"

It turns out Zen Liang is also good in physical combat. He easily took out these guys without a scratch.

"Are you even human. What are you bad at?" I mumbled to myself.

He went through his pocket and took out a sticky notes and a pen.

"Is he going around carrying a sticky notes and a pen?!"

He was writing something on it.

"This is your first offence." He stuck the sticky notes on each of their foreheads.

"Erase that temporary tattoos and those piercings on your bodies." He added.

I was left speechless upon this guy's actions.

He's a psycho...


"I can't believe it took me almost the whole day just for grocery shopping!" I yapped while holding the grocery bag.

"It's your fault for following me around."

"I told you I just happened to see you there, okay?!"

He still thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, it was purely coincidence to meet him but I really did want to hang out with him in order for us to get close.

"Why didn't you just left me there? Or team up with them?" He asked out of the blue.

"Huh? Why would I do that?"

"Don't you want to get back on me?"

Of course I do! You're my rival.

"You're a jerk sometimes. No, most of the time!" I stopped and pointed my fingers on him. "But... Wouldn't it be fair to fight five against one? Besides, I have a dignity. I'll handle you with my own hands." I smirked as I crossed my arms.

And the fact that you could beat them up without breaking a sweat... I don't want to be like them and wake up on a street with a swollen face.

"You're..." He looked at me with a more relaxed face.

"You're a stupid red head." He continued and walked away.

"Hey! How could you talk to me like that when I just saved your butt?!!"

I guess this day went well regardless...

I still have a long way ahead of me!