
Years Pass

Their relationship wasn't quite perfect yet its strong. She is now at her 4th year in high school. Martin and Yhuna still keeps their relationship from her family...

They are doing good.. Until...

At the Mall, while walking hand in hand, "Who is this? "a guy from behind ask them. But as Yhuna heard the voice she felt tense and nervous. That voice surely sounds her Uncle Nel. Her father's brother. Yhuna Let's go of Martin's hand and look at her uncle and smiled a bit..

"Uncle Nel, your here. I want you to meet my friend Martin. We are with a few of our friends. how are you?! "she said. "I'm fine. are you sure,you are with your friends? " He looks at her with doubt. How lucky can she be when a group of kids in her aged step out from a small boutique standing and chatting near Martin and as if Martin knew the way Yhuna's look, he slightly neared himself to the group as if he is with them.

"We have to leave uncle. "Yhuna said as she saw the group leaving going inside the department area. Martin said "nice meeting you sir! " he said and go with the flow. Yhuna step back and as if in hurry to catch the group and wave back to her uncle.

As they are far enough to her uncke's sight, Martin and her hurriedly went to the 3rd floor of the malls building and immediately bought a ticket for two to watch a movie named "Princess Diaries". It was the first movie they will watch together as a couple for quite a long time. All they do. is texting,calling and eating lunch or dinner outside the city boundaries. They watch the movie 2 times until they felt hungry and left the theater. Yhuna was quite relieve that no one texted her regarding the issue her uncle saw.

"what a luck! "she mumbles to herself.

"why? "Martin said. "if my uncle is to find out about us for sure, you will no longer see me... " she said with a low tone. Martin's finger brush her lips with his fingers. "I can't accept that. Without seeing you even for a day makes my heart ache. I love you Babe! "Martin said sincerely. "Hmmm. Thank you Babe for understanding.! "Yhuna replied a little bit teary.

They went home seperately. As she arrive,

"Where have you been? " her mom said.

"your uncle called saying you are holding a hand with a boy?! your father already receive a news about this and he is extremely mad at you. "her mom said in a furious voice. She was walking back and forth the living room. Yhuna, hiding her hand with a phone texting Martin already.

text messages:

"they already know babe! "-Yhuna

"they are very angry at me right now! "-Yhuna

"stay calmed babe. reason out after she said her piece"-Martin

Yhuna stayed calmed and listen to every word her mother said.

"Aren't you going to deny that? " her mom said afterwards.

"No mom! It's true. I'm with Martin mom! We dated a lot. I don't care what dad said or even the whole family. I love him and that's just it. "Yhuna said firmly. "Ohhhh! You better be ready facing your dad.. He will be here a few more days... " her mom said turning her back against her. She on the otherhand was speechless,what will she do... her father is to arrive sooner or later...

Text messages:

"Babe, dad's going home soon! "-Yhuna

"that's good. just stay at ease! be strong for us... if you need me,I'll be there if you want! "-Martin

"I will babe, I'll definitely call you! "-Yhuna

Martin knows that whatever they do theyneeded to be strong for each other. His love to Yhuna everyday was growing and growing...

He couldn't live his life without her...

He already sees his future with her and He don't want to lose such diamonds in his arms ever...

Yhuna, was nervous yet she has to be strong for Martin. Whatever her father decides she has to fight for their relationship. She has to be strong....!!!!

The day her father arrive...

"What's this foolishness you are into now Yhuna?! "her father approach her with an angry expression. "How could you be so stupid?having a boyfriend at a young age is stupidity! " her father said. "stop that ridiculous relationship or I will make sure you stop going to school in an instance and be home tutored instead. "her fathee said with authority. "No I will not allow you to do that! " she exclaimed. "how could you decide that dad.. I'm big enough to decide on my own! I love him that, We know our limits,we never cross our boundaries... how can you say that Im a stupid girl?! "... "you don't trust me dad... I hate you!! "she lastly said about to cry. "I don't care if tou hate me but my decision is final. You are not allowed to go outside without your nanny to follow, you will not be allowed to go to school anymore. Call a tutor to come and teach her in her studies at home.. "her father said. Her heart aches upon hearing her fathers decision...

She immediately texted Martin everything her father said.

"don't worry... we will have a way to resolve this! "Martin said through text.

Yhuna cried as she read Martin's reply.

She feels so helpless now.. She can't just break up with Martin due to this situation. She needed to be strong.

She'll definitely fight for their relation...

Martin made a clear decision... After their graduation in High School whenever college Yhuna will take he will follow...