
Chapter two

Haruki POV

He kissed me...

I tried to pull him off.But in my brain told me to kiss him back.

My heart said "Don't take him back"

I pushed him with force."W-why would you do that "I said breathing heavily.

"Because it's been a while"he said making a smirk face.

"This is the reason why my family and I have an argument"I said yelling.

He looked like he have been taken out.

I rush to pack up the mop.

I dash to Daichi and said "Let's walk tomorrow after school,I feel sick'"I said leaving quick.

"Um okay?"He said giving me a questionable look.

I got to my locker,got my bags and got my bike then ride fast as I can.

I rushed to my apartment.

I parked my bike in the garage.

As I opened the door to my apartment.I ran to my room.

I jumped on my bed.

Screaming on the blankets.

Why would he do that again.I though he moved on.

Flashback:(when they were in 8 grader)

Me and Tadashi were dating.No one knew.

I was surprise I like my childhood friend. I have known him since we were babies.

Until one day.

We were at my house making out in my room...

"T-Tadashi "I moan as he kissed my neck.

"Shhh your parents might be home anytime soon"He said as he kissed me.

We keep kissing until the door was fully open.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE "My dad yelled .

"Father it's not it looks likes"I said.

"I see my son and his childhood friend kissing!!!"My mum yelled.


"No sir I love him"He said talking back.

"Young man if I was you.I would leave!!!" My mother yelled.

Daichi talked back "I THOUGH YOU GUYS LOVE ME AS A SON!!!"He yelled.

"YEAH BUT NOT LIKE THIS .LEAVE "my dad yelled.

Then my parents started to yell at me.They threatens me not to visits Daichi.But we moved house.I never get to see him again.

The they kicked me out since" I'm older"now .

Back to reality:

Then that how I move in to my apartment.

I got a part time job as well as a bubble tea worker,as I got home I jump on my bed.


Well I'm going to see him everyday.


I looked up to see a text message from Daichi.

'What happen?'

I texted him back.

'I forgot to turn off the rice cooker'

'Well I will see you tomorrow'



I should go to the cafe to relax.

I change me outfit into.

A black shirt,Black skinny jeans and a navy jacket. With my adidas shoes.

Well it's close by so I was walking.

I was looking at the park while walking.

So many couples.

I wish I have a girlfriend.

Sign as I reach to the door.I went inside the to the front counter.

"Hey Haruki" it was one of the worker I was close with well ever since I been here for the first time.

"Hey Kahoru"I said.

"The usual?"He asked.

"Yep"I said.

I find a table.Waiting for my coffee.

Around five minutes later.

I was served with my coffee.

"Well I'm on my break"Kahoru said happily.

He's like 20.

He has blonde hair.

Blue eyes. Yes his Japanese as well.

He sat opposite of me.

He was talking how was he doing and all.

I was sipping on my coffee.

"Haruki,you okay?You seem slacking off"Kahoru said.

"I'm good"I said.

"Well you seems off"He said.

"Well it's school" I said.

"Oh"He said.

"It's just.My childhood friend came to my school"I said.

"Isn't that cool?"He said happily.

"Not really"I said sighing.

"What happen?"He asked.

"Me and that person.We used to date.But my parents didn't allow us"I said.

"Oh"He said .

"Well probably they didn't want to you guys to ruin your friendship if you guys have a break up"He said.

"Hmm,It just I don't know want to do now.Like that person is in my class.I said.

"Well just ignore that person,I'm sure they will move on."He said.

"What if they don't "I said.

"They will trust me"Kahoru smiles .

"Well I'm gonna get going"I said standing up.

"Oh here's the money"I said handing it to him.

"Nah it's on me"He said.

"Kahoru.Take it!" I said firmly.

"it all good"He said.

"First let me do something"He said.

He kissed my forehead.

"Don't push yourself to hard.K?"He said.

"Okay"I said.

"Bye!"He said waving.

"Bye"I said.

I walked out the door.

"Hey man"Someone said.

I turn and it was Daichi.

"Hey,sorry for leaving you back there"I said.

"It's okay,wanna go to the bar?"he suggested.

"Uh we have school tomorrow"I said.

"It's okay as long we don't drink to much"He said.

"Fine"I said.

Then we headed to the bar.