
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
253 Chs


We tried everything but to no avail, that man's records hadn't even been updated to say he was alive, talk about tell of his location.

I just groaned then slumped on my chair and looked at one of my first pictures with Mark, I really needed his help right then.

And then I realized, I had been a terrible brother, not once had I visited his grave.

I immediately took my keys, went to a florist and took his favourite flowers then drove to the cemetery he had been buried in.

I walked towards his tombstone and saw someone watering it.

The old man turned back to see me and dropped the watering can.

I looked my dad in the eye, then slowly walked past him and took out a white rose from the bouquet then took off the flower and the leaves and planted it into the soil, then said,"White roses were his favourite flowers..."

My dad was speechless for a few seconds then finally said,"Right, thank you."

I brushed off a tear then stood up and said,"You're welcome, well, I've gotta go before everyone misses me, it was a pleasure meeting you."

Then I left.

He didn't know whether it was the note or an enchantment but he felt more dead to me than Mark did at that moment.

He just looked at the remains of his son, then pushed the rose cutting deeper down and said,"See son, I told you they didn't forget you, they love you just as much as I do...if only I had loved you earlier..."


Luis kissed Lucy's rosy lips then moved to her neck as she moaned in pleasure, then he flicked his distracting hair back and was about to tie it in a bun when Lucy said,"No, I like it better that way."

He smirked then continued to kiss her when there was a loud banging on the door and she immediately pulled back, Luis clearly annoyed.

Lucy went to meet Lucille at the door, asking what the two were doing together.

Lucy looked at Luis for support, who said casually,"Don't look at me, what could I say?"

Lucy looked back at her eldest daughter then said,"Oh sweetie, we were just planning a surprise for you."

"Really?!"Lucille asked, sequins embedded in her already big eyes.

"Really?!"Luis asked.

"Yes, really and we are giving it to you tonight."

"Eeek!"Lucille squealed,"I'm getting my very own room, I'm getting a big one..."

Lucy closed the door when she was gone and went to sit right by Luis again, who asked,"A surprise, really? And what do you plan on giving her?"

"Don't worry, she's gone now and I'll make sure to give her something she'll really love."

"Then why don't I give you something you will really love first?"

"I locked the door."

"Then you're all mine..."

She giggled as he gently kissed her again...


Rose was having a video call with her sister when I walked back in so she hung up and asked,"Where have you been? You haven't answered any of my calls or..."

I just kissed her passionately on the lips and when I pulled back, she asked,"What was that for?"

"I just learned to treasure those you love while you still can."

She smiled then said,"I did some digging and was able to find some people who said they had seen a man who looks just like Uncle George."

"There's no need, I already found him."

"Really? Where?"

"At the cemetery, taking care of Mark's grave, I kinda feel sorry for him, he always felt he was to blame for what happened to Mark."

"And so did you, so, what are you going to do about it?"

"...I...I don't know."

She cupped my cheek then said,"But I know my little Tomcat will find something eventually, because he always does."

I growled to continue the act as she smiled then walked away.

I had to go back to college the next day, so I wanted to get the family together for a small toast on our blessings but found out Lucy already had it covered, in fact, she went overboard making a huge party just for Lucille's growing big enough to get her own room I just went with the flow.

The lectures after that day were relatively easy, not to me since I was too focused on thinking about my dad, but the topics were a cinch.

I went back to my room which I shared with a guy named Roderick Smith.

He was also from a rich background which was basically the majority of the pupils in the school's reason for being there and not because of their intellectual capacity being able to handle what was taught.

His being of pure Red Indian descent made him one of a kind at that, with his pink skin, long, silky black hair and hazel eyes, I always found him in the shared room with some girl poking around my own stuff who began doing other stuff in accordance with him the moment I was out of sight.

I just slumped on my bed and when he asked the problem, I answered simply,"Your existence in my life has brought nothing but havoc and misfortune to the once peaceful utopia of my subconscious mind."

"I missed you too."

I grinned and gave him a fist bump and took one root beer from his float and opened it with my teeth before gulping down and he said,"You really need to get away from it all, don't you?"

I wiped my lips then said,"Yeah."

I snatched the one in his grip and gulped down that one too, burped in his face, then walked back to my bed and he chuckled to himself.