
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
253 Chs


Lucille realized her mom was angry when she returned and asked,"Mom, is something wrong?"

"Yes! That Mark is so infuriating!"

"Did you two just fight?"


"But why can't you both just get along? You've been angry at each other for years now ."

"Oh sweetie, we would have it's just...he hasn't changed...it's adult stuff, you wouldn't get it."


"Are you hungry?"

"No not really, Adjoa heated some steak for me."

Ms. Lucy nodded and said,"Why don't we go somewhere to forget about Mark?"

"Like where?"

"Like the Statue of Liberty."

"Really mom?! Thanks!"

She hugged her.

"Run and block, then jump right in front of me."Mark said to me.

I was learning the front flip.

I did exactly as he told me, I ran, hopped and landed diagonally (blocked) and jumped right in front of him.

He held my back and belly and spun me in the air, it felt so cool!

I was walking on air when he said,' again'.

I ran again and he spun me. I tried one more and he spun me, then said something,"You did that one by yourself."

"What?! So soon?! You left me?!"

He nodded and said,"You just have to work on your landing."

I nodded...

I could do a front flip!

Right after those last moments in the mansion, we drove to the Villa.

Mark inputted the password right before something penetrated his back, he looked in the direction it came from and saw a sniper.

I quickly pulled the dart out but the sniper kept shooting him, Mark opened the door, fell on his knees and told me to run.

"No! I can't leave you!"

"I said go!"He yelled, pushing me into the Villa and locking the door.

I banged the door, screaming his name but to no avail.

Mark was on his knees and was breathing heavily with his hands supporting his upper body.

The sniper came closer and he quickly stood up and elbowed the sniper down, despite his double vision and heavy eyes.

He felt darts penetrating his skin from all directions and finally fell down.

I cried as I banged the door then the guards came to pull me to safety, I struggled and yelled,"Leave me alone! I must help my brother!"

"We're sorry master Tommy, but we have orders to ensure your safety first."

I couldn't believe them, I was safe in the house, they should be rescuing Mark, not me!

All of the sudden, I smelt candy and the guards said,"Chloroform, don't breathe!"

I held my breath for as long as I could but eventually breathed, I couldn't hold my breath any longer so I kept breathing.

I looked at one of the guards as he wore a gas mask, before I closed my eyes.

I woke up and saw...


"Tommy..."He said weakly.

I wanted to get closer to him but I was handcuffed to a railing.

I had to wait for several hours before he was fully awake. Then he said,"I thought you escaped."

"One of the guards was working for Mr. Nelson."

Mark was furious, especially as Mr. Nelson walked forward.

"Nelson, this time you have gone too far, take me and leave the kid!"

"Actually, I'm not Clark, he is."The imposter said, pointing.

"You have a twin?"I asked.

"Oh no, heavens no...friend, why don't you show them who you really are?"

The imposter slowly removed the mask and my heart almost failed.

"What?!"Mark and I simultaneously yelled.

"Hello snookims, it has been far too long."She said, caressing his cheek.

He moved his head away and said,"What are you doing?!"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm winning you back."

"Are you crazy? Why on earth will I date you again after all you've done."

"Because that's the only way to ensure your brother's safety...Clark has some fun torturing toys that I can't wait to use on a child."

"Leave him alone!!"

"I'm sorry Marcus but you don't give the orders around here. Omar, take the kid."

As the heavily tattooed individual walked towards me, I yelled for help but he still came closer.

No matter how Mark yelled and threatened, he came closer. He unhand cuffed me and took me towards the torture chamber.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, but to no avail.

"No! I'll do it!!"

"What did you say, snookims?"

"I'll accept you back."

"And what about the deed to Aqua?"Mr. Nelson asked.

"Yes you can have that too, just spare the child!"

"Mark, don't do this!"

Omar covered my mouth so I couldn't be heard.

"Where's the deed?!"Mr. Nelson asked.

"It's in a safe in my room in the mansion, the password is 0982gh."

Mr. Nelson rubbed his hands together and sent a team to go and get it.

Oleh was impatient for them to free him and they dropped me and handcuffed me to the railing again.

She walked with Mark and said,"We have so much time to make up for snookims. We have to go on dates, move in together..."

Mark looked back, not hearing a single word the supermodel said.

I'll get you out of here Tommy...

I was sitting on the floor as the guards were watching me. One of them brought some carrot soup for me to drink but I rejected it. He then forced my mouth open and poured a generous amount inside.

It was too spicy, my mouth was burning. I asked for water and he left.

He brought the clear liquid and I gobbled some in my mouth, immediately spitting it out.

"This water is salty!"

"You didn't specify."

I frowned but kept calm, my plan was going into action.

A few minutes later, the troop came back with the deed.

Mr. Nelson was going to sign it when a glass was broken, before they could react, F.B.I. agents broke through the windows and held all the criminals at gunpoint.

They tried to pick the lock of my handcuffs but I told them to leave me and go save Mark.

They got to him but he was alone.

"Mr. Hawkins, we have to get you to safety."

"Where's my brother?"

"He's being freed sir."

"Keep him safe."


He ran and jumped out of the window and safety rolled on the fire escape.

He climbed down and jumped on a car and it followed a black Porsche.

When it took a wrong turn he jumped off it, swung on a traffic light and landed on a truck.

The car got stuck in traffic and he did precision jumps over the tops of the stopped cars.

He finally got to the black Porsche...