
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
253 Chs


Lucille was having a lesson and Lucy was watching her from a doorway when Lucille looked at her and smiled then showed her her test scores from the most recent test, it was an A+.

Lucy smiled and clapped silently for her then Mo appeared at her back and said,"Markella just said her first word."

Lucy gasped and looked at him then asked,"Really? Already? But they're only one and a half!"

Mo moved out of the way and said,"Tell her that."

Markella was waddling to Lucy with outstretched arms and saying,"Ma...mama."

Lucy started crying as she picked her daughter up. She was repeating that word and Lucy played with her and said,"That's right, I'm mama."

Then she turned to Lucille and mouthed,"Your sister just said mama."

Lucille dropped her jaw and yelled,"Really?!"

Her instructor looked at her and asked,"Lucille Lester would you pay attention?"

Lucille frowned then Lucy giggled.

Lucy was walking alone in the garden when she heard a thud. She looked back to see Mr Nelson's brother then she yelled for help, he said,"Relax, I just want to talk."

He then put both his guns away.

Lucy yelled,"Talk?! Are you out of your mind?! Why are you so bent on making my life miserable?! Fine, end it. That's what you want, just kill me now but leave my daughters alone. I..."

"I love you."He said.

She looked at him then asked,"What?"

He said,"My name is Luis and I love you Lucy, with all my heart."

She said,"So you didn't think of that when you killed my brother in law."

"Tommy's alive, I didn't kill him."


"I know when I kill somebody and I held back with him, because of you."

"So what? You've been doing everything Clark tells you to do."

"He's my younger brother, I don't have to do anything he says and I'm sorry for all the harm I've caused you."

Lucy didn't know why she accepted his apology. He then said,"If you are giving me a chance, meet me at the abandoned church, tomorrow night at eight."

She said before he left,"I'm not allowed to leave."

He looked at her and said,"I know you'll find a way."

Then he left.

The night of the next day, she went to bed early.

She then got up and snuck out of the mansion without even the guards seeing her.

A few minutes later, Mo came to kiss her goodnight but realized she wasn't around. He looked everywhere but didn't find her so he tracked her phone...

Lucy arrived at the venue and he jumped down from the first floor and said excitedly,"You came."

She said,"Yes, so now what?"

He said,"Close your eyes."

She did and he gently held her hand and led her somewhere then said,"Open your eyes."

She opened her eyes and her breath was taken away. There was a pond with night blooming waterlilies and fireflies, not just of sparkling yellow, but orange, green and even blue.

But the best of all, dozens of white streaks across the star filled sky.

She looked at him and said,"How did you..."

He said,"I can do anything with you as my motivation."

Then he kissed her.

She felt that same rush of feelings but pulled back and said,"We shouldn't be doing this."

He asked,"Why not?"

"Because what will everyone say?"She asked.

"Lucy, do you love me?"He asked.

"Yes but..."

"Then why should you care about what other people say?"

She couldn't answer to that, just then someone shouted,"Get away from her!"

They both looked at Mo who was pointing a gun at Luis.

Lucy said,"Mo, this isn't what you think."

Mo said,"Lucy, get away from him, he can't hurt you now."

Lucy said,"He wasn't going to hurt me."

Mo looked at her confused then the moment he got distracted, Luis shot him.

Lucy screamed as he fell. She looked at Luis with tears in her eyes then he said,"He isn't hurt, it's just a rubber bullet."

Lucy yelled,"Get away from me!"

Luis said,"Lucy I..."

Lucy yelled,"Leave me alone! I don't want to see you ever again!"

Luis looked at Lucy, confused and hurt, he said,"Lucy..."

She pushed his chest then ran away.

Luis looked at her then wore his mask and walked away.

Lucy knelt down beside Mo who was injured, he said,"Lucy, I'm dying."

Lucy remembered everything and tears poured down her cheeks and she said,"No you aren't, don't say that...I'm going to get help."

He held her hand and said,"No, don't go, don't leave me."

She said,"I have to, to save you, please let me."

He nodded then she ran away.

Mo was taken to the ER and Lucy waited outside.

After a few minutes, the doctor said,"He's in a critical state, the bullet hurt him badly, we'll need to undertake a surgery to get it out."

Lucy was devastated and hated Luis at that moment. She went home, not knowing how to break the news to Lucille.

Lucille was thankfully already asleep.

Lucy went back to the hospital as she couldn't sleep. She went to Mo's room and heard his voice, he said,"And here's the rest, make sure she never knows."

Lucy barged in and asked,"Knows about what?!"

Mo was surprised and she saw him, standing in his normal clothes. She was confused then she demanded he answered her, he said,"I wasn't really hurt, I just pretended and bribed the doctor so you'd stay away from that terrible man."

Lucy was hyperventilating and yelled,"What?!"

He walked closer to her then said,"Lucy, I love you and don't want you with another man."

She slapped him across the face and ran away.

She woke Lucille up and Lucille asked in a sleepy voice,"What's going on mom?"

Lucy said,"Lucille, we're leaving."

Lucille asked,"Mom, why?"

"I'll explain everything later, let's go."

She already had the triplets and they were walking out but met Mo blocking the way.

Lucy said,"Mo, let us out!"

"You're not going anywhere Lucy."

"Yes she is."

Mo looked back to see Luis with a deadly expression on his face, aiming one of his guns at him. He said,"I wouldn't spare you this time."

Mo moved out of the way and Lucy said,"You came back."

He smiled and nodded then she followed him. Lucille asked,"Mommy, who is this?"

Lucy didn't know what to say but he intervened and said,"I'm Clark's brother."

Lucille widened her eyes and looked scared. Lucy said,"Lucille, he won't hurt you."

Lucille looked even more scared and asked,"Then why is he pointing a gun at you?"

Lucy looked at him then he said,"I'm sorry Lucy."

Then he pulled the trigger...