
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
253 Chs


Rose didn't get far when her father caught up to her and grabbed her by the hair.

She screamed as he turned her to face him as he grinned like a maniac and asked,"You think you can defeat me?! I am Anubis! god of the afterlife! And you are nothing without me..."

He was slowly dragging her to a ledge as she struggled, wondering where that gentle nature he had had gone.

He held her by the neck and said,"Say goodbye..."

Immediately, Mack and Luis appeared and speared him simultaneously.

He dropped Rose as she gaped for air but barely moved an inch, elbowed both of them in the spin, then dropped backwards and let them crash, head first into the floor.

He did a kip up but Ruby immediately gave him a double spinning back kick, then he knocked her down and said,"You think you can defeat me?! I'm immortal!"

He then yelled as a zapping electrode hit the wound on his ribs.

He looked forward to see Lucille holding the Zap gun with death in her eyes.

He tried to lunge forward but she shot him again, and again, till Rose and Ruby simultaneously drop kicked him in the chest while he was weak and Luis and Mack tripped his feet so he almost fell over the balcony.

He held on to the frame and elbowed Mack and Luis as they tried to push him off, till he yelled again when he was shot, with a real gun.

He fell and grabbed the ledge with one arm and Lucille looked at him with that same rage and without a word, shot his fingers and he fell off...


Well, what can I say?

Lucy was able to fully recover from her injuries, so as Luis and Mack, Luis proposed again and of course Lucy said yes.

Mack and Ruby were finally back together, but he didn't feel as happy as she did, he didn't defeat Me Welshes on his own, but Ruby, after smacking and insulting him, said,"Working together doesn't make your efforts any less meaningful..."

I also recently broke my virginity with Rose, she was very skeptical as I said I wanted to wait till we were married, but I figured, what's the wait?

And I made a terrible mistake, I had no idea what I was doing, but Rose did, and she made it look so easy, her expertise was...pleasant...

The rehabilitation of the people who were kidnapped also went quite smoothly though...

"Eeeek!!! Alien space ship!!"A person yelled.

"That's not a space ship, it's obviously an altocumulus lenticularis, a rare but quite possible cloud formation which happens when stable air is disturbed by warm, moist winds blowing down towards an significant relief form like a mountain or tall hill, forcing the air up and making horizontal, overlapping convection currents that cause the circular stacked appearance, educate yourself."The victim victim said and left.

I was also able to expand Aqua bolt and with Luis' help, it became much more successful than ever before, I just knew Mark would be proud, mostly because Lucy said it every other day.

Ruby and Rose became much closer in this time as well, becoming the sisters they never were, and tried visiting their mother in jail, they just hoped she was brainwashed by their possessed father or something...

"Mother, but why would you help him if he tried to kill you?"Rose asked.

"He didn't try to kill me, he only tried to seal the bond of our marriage as is lawful, I regret nothing I did, apart from letting you be tainted by that spoiled, obnoxious and foolish child."

Rose wanted to reach her hands into that cell and choke her own mother to death, but restrained herself as the woman laughed maniacally, then she was met by Ruby, who tried to make her feel better...

As far Forthhold was concerned, no one knew what happened to him, he just vanished, without a trace.

Obviously after all the provided evidence, he was impeached and stripped of all his perks and benefits, but the cops couldn't find him anywhere.

Another strange thing was that all the people in his ' kingdom ' were actually of Kemet descent.

Over half of them were of full Ancient Egyptian descent and the remaining half were mostly genetically of that heritage, which was weird since the empire had fallen centuries ago, so how did he pinpoint all those people in the culturally diverse present Egypt, convince them to work for him and teach them a forgotten language so fluently?

Then again, they had done it before at my college at a much smaller scale, picking people with birth dates that corresponded to the letters of the word ' transcendent ', so what can't he do?

The most annoying part was, the people only said that he was their saviour and we had ruined things, that was basically all they said, since they could actually speak normal languages too!

I need a break...


From the shadows, a man materialised and removed the baseball cap on his head, showing his Auburn locks and sea green eyes and the woman besides him of relatively small demeanor.

He effortlessly pulled the bars of the prison cell apart, then said,"Hello, sweetheart."

Rose's and Ruby's mother, from within the cell, pushed her golden hair over her face, emphasizing her sapphire eyes as she said,"Anubis is never late..."


"Uncle Tommy!"

"Hey Markella! How's my big grown up girl doing?"I said, tickling her.

She giggled and kicked till Thomasina said,"Uncle Tommy, the sky's mad."


She pointed out at the gathering clouds, then I sighed and turned, but Luis said,"Don't drag me into this, it's your turn."

I groaned then turned back to her and said,"Then why don't you try making it a gift card with your sisters? It might feel better."

"Okay!"She said excitedly and left, followed by Markella.

Lucille just passed by, without a word.

I called her but she was glued to her phone, then brought it up to take a selfie which I was in.

I then lifted her up and began tickling her as she laughed, that always worked.

Lucy then called Lucille to her and the girl said,"I miss you already, uncle dad."

A strange, collective noun she used to refer to Luis and me at once, especially when she was in a good mood.

Lucy then said,"And take care of yourselves."

"We will."We said.

"Don't miss me too much."

Rose said, fluttering her fingers and the butterflies in my stomach.

Ruby also said,"And don't do anything stupid!"

"We won't."

As the girls left with...the girls, it was left with us, the three and a half men, Junior included.

I then said,"Okay, now it's time for binge watching Netflix and munching on junk food...we aren't going to do that, are we?"

Loading his gun, Luis said,"Nope."

Mack then said,"Let's go crack down skulls..."

"Okay, high five!"

Luis simply said no and left, but Mack gave me death stares before leaving, and giving Luis a secret handshake...