
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
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253 Chs


He yelled her name and she looked back innocently, so much so even I didn't want to believe what I saw.

Xander asked,"When is it my turn?"

I yelled,"What?!"

He casually said,"I don't mind sharing."


He's disgusting!

Then again, half the population of girls in the school shared him, so, it makes sense.

Rose giggled and said,"Soon, babe."

Then she continued kissing that guy.

After a few seconds, she just walked towards Xander and took his hand and they were leaving, but before they did, she ruffled my hair and said,"Big mistake."

Then they left.

When Mark was driving me home, we almost got into a car accident because the car somehow got hacked.

Mark held me and jumped out of the car before it flew off the dock into the ocean, using his body to shield me from getting hurt.

He got up and I wanted to see if he was hurt. He said he wasn't but I knew he was.

We knew it was Rose because our phones got viruses which made their screens project ones and zeros which drew a rose.

That girl was an evil genius!

School went on but I never once saw Ruby, till the day arrived.

I went into the posh building which was like the Taj Mahal, no expenses spared.

There were golden chandeliers every few meters and the walls were ivory and gold themed.

The design of the place was mostly traditional Irish, Kemet and Chinese.

The seats were actual green jade apart from the two for the bride and the groom, which were white jade.

Ms Lucy and Lucille were wearing the clothes Ruby bought for them from Dubai and they looked just as beautiful as she always did.

I sat down next to Mark and Ruby walked forward as the piano played.

I felt a hole in my heart, a deep, possibly bottomless one, as Ruby walked down the aisle.

She was in a gown which looked like a peace lily and trailed behind her, but for some reason, it was familiar to me.

Her grandfather had his arm bent and her's was passed through his. Everyone was on their feet as they progressed and I had the weirdest feeling of dé ja vu.

Ruby—right before she got to the pastor—looked in my direction. Even with the veil over her beautiful face, I could see the tears in her eyes as she mouthed,"Help me Tommy."

I felt like the hole in my heart had widened and I fell into it...

This was exactly my dream!

But I couldn't help her!

Then this isn't my dream, because I will...

I stood up and ran out of the hall.

I slid down the stairs to get to the room filled with black opal columns.

I ran through them and had to use location, as the place was that big.

I got out and saw Mack getting out of a silver limousine with his best men.

I ran to him and yelled,"Mack, you can't do this to Ruby!"

He asked,"What are you talking about?"

I blurted out,"You can't marry her!"

"And why not?"He asked.

"Because she doesn't want this, I'm not saying this so I'd get another chance but so she'd be happy, please, do the right thing."

He looked at me intently and said,"I...I can't go against my family's wishes."

Then he pushed past me. I burst into tears as the very sight of Ruby crying stabbed me to the heart.

Mark found me and came closer to me then asked me,"What happened?"

I just hugged him without a word and he stroked my back as I mumbled,"I couldn't help her, just like my dream... I'm a failure, a terrible friend."

"No you aren't Tommy, the fact that you tried shows how loyal and brave you are, you are a wonderful friend."

"But why is it good people like Ruby who have to suffer their whole lives? While others like Rose do whatever they want and get away with it?"

"...I don't know Tommy."

He took me back inside and they had already begun their vows, Ruby said,"I do."

The pastor said,"And you Mack Song, do you take Ruby Welshes to be your beloved wife? For better or for worse, in riches and in poverty, till death do you part?"

Mack whispered something to Ruby and she looked at him, surprised. He told me later on what he said,"Ruby, I love you with all my heart and marrying you is the only thing I want in the whole world, but if loving you will hurt you so much and marrying you will be your worst fear, then I hope you forgive me Ruby..."

He said to the hearing of the crowd,"I don't."

There was a large crowd gasp and the reporters watched even more intently. His father stood up and yelled,"What?! You fool! This is the opportunity of a lifetime and you are wasting it?! Take her back, right now or I swear..."


Everyone looked at Mark who was now standing up. He continued,"What kind of families are you?! You raise your children so they fear and possibly despise you and you ruin their lives by making a decision they should have made for them?! How could you?!"

Mr Song yelled,"Get out of here, right now!"

"No father...it is you who has to get out."

His father was speechless as the guards came to escort him out. It was the master of the wedding's word. He was going to fire those guards when this was all over.

After his father was taken out, Mack left the hall.

He was right in front of the gate when he heard someone say,"If you walk out that door, don't bother coming back."

Mack said without looking at him,"I won't."

Then he left. His father was surprised at how those people had spoiled his son.

I went after Mack and asked,"What happened?"

"I did the right thing. I can't stand even the thought of Ruby crying herself to sleep each night, while I boast to my friends that she's mine each day, I care about her too much."

Just then, we saw Ruby, with even more tears in her eyes. She ran and hugged Mack and said,"Thank you."

I felt mixed emotions again. Joy, because Ruby was free, but sorrow because she will never know what I did for her.

I looked back to see Rose glaring at us. She walked toward Mack and said,"I have only been nice because I thought we could be partners, now, you've made me mad."

She walked away.

Mack simply ignored her, but the two of us knew what she was capable of...

I asked Mack,"So, where would you live now?"

He scratched the back of his head and said,"I have no idea, but I'll find some place."

I said,"You already have, you'll be living with my brother and me...but of course we'll have to compete for the best room."

He chuckled and patted my shoulder and Ruby rubbed her incredibly hard knuckles on our heads...we got headaches.

I asked,"How did you get such hard knuckles?"

"I used to punch trees for twenty minutes, everyday for a year."
