
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
253 Chs


Olivia was scrubbing the floors while I read a magazine then when she finished, she stood up and went to the fridge and I asked,"What are you doing?"

"I wanted a snack."

"Umm, sorry but just like your shallow gold digger of a mother said to me last time she was here, that food is for my friends."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, my friends are coming over for a get together now Mark is away, and you are not invited."

"I don't think Mark would like that."

"That's why he's not going to know."

She looked at me, surprised, nodded and left.

She went to the stairs and I asked,"Where are you going?"

"To my room."

"Oh yeah, that room is reserved for humans, dogs sleep in the garage."

She sighed then nodded and left.

I knew how to read her like a book, she was devastated and I was happy about that.

She lay on the cold floor, looking at the ceiling, she didn't blame me for how I was acting, she blamed herself.

She saw five boys my age arrive and enter the mansion, then closed her eyes.

It was evening and she heard music, she went into the mansion and almost fainted.

There were about hundreds of people of all ages between ten and eighteen.

The stairs had been turned to a mattress slide and there was a disco light hanging from the ceiling. She had to go and confront me.

She walked past the gazing eyes to me and said,"Tommy, what are you doing? Don't you think Mark will be told by the staff?"

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is the trouble you'll get into."

"Like the trouble I got into because of you? Hey everyone! This is the girl who broke my heart and almost got me killed! And she wants to shut down the party! Why don't we appreciate her presence here?"

There was a loud boo as people threw food at her from all sides, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and ran away as I happily drank a soda, in the midst of people telling me how awesome my party was.

Olivia was crying on the garage floor when someone touched her, she looked up and saw a cute blonde guy, with dreamy green eyes, about a year or two older than her.

"I'm sorry for what they did to you."

"Oh... it's nothing."She said, while hiccuping.

"Let's go and get you cleaned up."

She nodded and took his hand and he pulled her up.

He snuck her to her room's bathroom and she washed off while he kept watch.

He took her to the garden and said,"Hi, my name is Xander."


He pushed away the hair on her face and said,"You're very beautiful."

She blushed, looked away and said,"I get that a lot but thank you."

"Why was Tommy so mean to you?"

"You don't know?"

"I'm new in his former school, but rumours about his exciting and dangerous life filled me in on most of the details."

"My mother hates both he and his brother, but mostly him. She sent me to make him fall for me and lead him to her and her boyfriend, and I did...after getting a crush on him. He was rescued and I tried everything to make him forgive me, but he never did."

"...I don't think anyone deserves to be treated how he treated you, but maybe, it's because he's still healing."

"I know, that's why I don't take it personally."

They talked a lot and she really enjoyed his company, just then, I was playing a party game blindfolded when I stumbled onto the window. I peeked a bit and saw...Olivia, with another guy...

I was fuming and boiling with anger but just continued what I was doing, I had other ways of getting revenge than putting that Playboy in his place—which I really wanted to do.

Olivia was sitting on a tree with Xander when she saw Mark's car, heading this way, she was horrified and Xander seemed to understand, then she said,"I've gotta go."

He understood and let her go. He helped her climb down and she ran into the mansion among the booming music.

She couldn't find me so she ran up the stairs to get a bird's eye view and saw me, being bathed in champagne by thirteenth graders.

She ran to me and said,"Tommy."

"What do you want?"

"You have to stop the party, now! Mark came early!"

"Really?! Everyone! She's now lying to get us to stop the party!"

There was an even louder booing and she walked away angrily.

The party went on then suddenly, there was quiet and the main door banged shut.

Mark was fuming and everyone was scared by the look on his face, he yelled,"Party's over! Everyone out of my house!!"

He literally kicked the last people out and walked to Olivia and me.

I was shivering as he asked,"Who's idea was it to throw a party in my absence?"

I began,"It was..."

"...me."Olivia said.

I looked at her in shock as she continued,"I invited everyone in the most prestigious school I could find, Tommy's former school. He tried to stop me, but I went on with it and I'm sorry."

Mark looked at her with a serious yet calm expression on his face, then he said,"Well for doing that... you're grounded for six months, you will have to do all our laundry in that time and you will have to do half the work of the clean up crew."

She gladly accepted her punishment as Mark walked away, then she sighed, relieved.

I looked at her and said,"Don't think that this makes me your loyal slave again."

Then I walked away. She just went to start cleaning.

She went to the garage to sleep after that then she heard someone say,"Olivia, what are you doing here this late?"

She looked back to see Mark and lied,"I came to check out your car, it's super sweet."

He chuckled and said,"Don't lie to me Olivia, what are you doing here?"

She looked down and said,"Tommy said I have to sleep here from now on."

"He did what?"

He turned back and she begged him not to punish me, but he couldn't let me get off with a character like that so he went.

She felt sorry for me as Mark yelled at me.

I was to help her clean the mess I made and I looked at her then said,"So, you tattletaled on me, didn't you?"

"I didn't mean to, honest."

"You're a lying snake!"

I jumped on her and started pulling her hair, she screamed and Mark came to separate us.

"Tommy, what is wrong with you?!"He yelled.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you is a better question! You let this traitor into our home and fell for her sugar coated lies, again! You think I'm safe?! This is probably another plan from Oleh to get us killed!"

Mark had had it with my behaviour and lost control. His hand hit me in the cheek, hard and I tasted blood as I looked at his furious face with tears in my eyes.

I had fear, confusion and pain in my heart as Mark yelled,"This time, you crossed the line! Can't you see she saved your life?!"

I was punished even more, I had everything done in the smallest guest room. It was my new room until my grounding was over. I couldn't leave it.

I had my lessons in it, my food was brought to me in it and more.

I hated Mark and Olivia after that.

Olivia and Mark tried their best to connect with me but I shunned them, especially Olivia.