
My Little Agent wife : The Zillioneer Husband

* Bang bang* The deafen sound of gun shots rang in the air. A girl holding a gun pointing towards a fat middle aged man with tattoos all over his body. " It's better for you die." The girl spit does cold words to the man who slumped and fell to ground. " Zacky!" A man shouted from behind, making the girl to turn around. ... A man was standing behind the girl as he looked at the other man in front of her. " Who is this?" The other man asked. " Oh." The girl muttered as she grinned. " He is my personal bodygaurd.

M_Babe_qout · perkotaan
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90 Chs

Emily lier! (3)

What she saw shocked her to the core, she was about to search about Emily but her phone started ringing. When she checked it was her mother .

" Hey, mom. What's up?" Owen asked immediately she answered the call.

" Nothing's up, what is wrong with your voice?" Her mother noticed how low Owen's voice sounds.

" Nothing, just feeling tired." She answered.

" Owen, say the truth!." Her mother fumed.

" Ahhhhh!, Okay. I couldn't find that woman's son and also I feel like Emily has something to do with it." Owen told her mother.

" Owen, if you're going to say anything against that your nice looking sister, you better caught this call." Her mum retorted.

" Mum , I'm serious. I don't have any current evidence or solid prove yet but I am sure." Owen said.

Her mother sighed before saying " I trust you, Owen . But Emily, she just landed in Austin, Texas not too long ago." She ended the call still not believing Owen. She looked at her phone for a while before continuing with the search ,but she started feeling hungry and was too lazy warm her food .

So she decided to order pizza and beer. She left the phone to wash up, immediately she was done the pizza and beer arrived . Then she continued with the search.

' Ben flin' she read' A successful business man with a beautiful daughter Emily...huh . Ben Flin involved in a drug scandal now is a free man, Ben Flin was reported dead now found alive ' " Ha!, Walking dead ." ' Emily Flin, a beautiful and only daughter of the successful business man Ben Flin. Study Theatre arts in the University of oxford...'

" Wait , a minute . She told us that she had studied Medicine in the Yale University. She lied."

' My dad has only one wife and three children, even if he has any other children or wife they are just rubbish to me ,my dad and my family'

" Emily really, you think that we are just rubbish .Then why are you leaving with us?. What do you want to know about us?." Owen said to herself.

' The two successful sons of Ben Flin: Mike Flin and Dimitri Flin.'

" My step brothers, they hate dad just as much as I hate him .They had visited him once in ten years. Emily lier!" Owen said.

I hope you are liking it so far .

Creation is hard, cheer me up! .And also

QSPA: She will end up dating Robin but it won't last for long.

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