
My Life Lesson

In our life there’s full of unknown, which they might change our life better or worst

Vix_Khong · perkotaan
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1 Chs

The eye that I will never forget

The clouds covered the bright blue sky, pouring rain from the sky. It should be summer, but it's drizzly. How strange the weather can be!

I was driving around the street, wandering in the rain. Some people run in the shower, some waiting for the rain to stop at a bus stop. Dogs hide under the roof, curl their body to keep warm.

When I was thinking about how nature can affect everyone, suddenly there's a big slam sound ahead of my car. I saw a black shadow flew in front of me and a bike fall in the middle of the road. "It must be another careless driver," I talked to myself.

I get down from my car and searching for the black shadow. By the time I found it, tears roll out from my eyes. I was panicked and sad about what I found.

On that muddy road, a black dog is lying on it. It's whining in pain; the eyes are full of tears just like mine. There's no one around this pity dog, and everyone is helping the man that fell from the bike. The dog is all alone here, and no one gives an eye on him.

I quickly ran to the dog and checked his breathing and heartbeat. There's no injuries on his skin or legs. When I was touching him, he keeps looking at me just like telling me, " Please help me; it hurts." That teary eyes, it's not like the usual puppy eye that dogs give us to have some fun.

While I look at him, I cried even harder. At that moment, I realized, humanity in this world only capable of its kind. They don't care who hurt the most, as long as the injured one is not human. As a human being, I feel ashamed about it.

I get frustrated, I immediately carry the badly injured dog, but he's way too heavy for me to move. He has internal injuries, and I do not dare to move him carelessly. I was so hopeless; I wish that someone can help us out! He must send to the hospital immediately!

I was shouting for help, but when they realized it was just a dog, there's not a single person stop by and give a hand. How pathetic a human can be! Animal deserve help from us as well!

I keep comfort the dog, try to make him less pain. But the tears keep coming out of his eyes; these are the saddest eyes I've ever seen. " It's Okay. Please stay awake! I will save you, don't fall asleep!" I keep telling him this.

I tried many times to carry him, but it's not working. Suddenly there's a man come by me and helped to bring him to my car. "Be careful of his neck; he got hit on his neck!" This guy told me after he put the dog in the back seat. I thanked him before enter my car; I was shocked by the moment I saw him. He's a Muslim; in my country, not many Muslims are willing to touch a dog. While I look around, suddenly there's a crowd around us. Most of them are non-Muslims, but they don't even help us when calling for help. Once again, I'm disappointed.

Without any hesitation, I jump in my car, start calling the nearest hospital and veterinarian. It was seven in the evening, all of them are closed. What I got from the phone is just a cold dead tone. I'm getting even panic. "Please stay with me! DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYE! WAKE UP! " I keep telling the dog, but his breathing is getting weaker and weaker.

I called one of my friends who's might able to help me, by the time I get to him, the dog is no longer there with me. His eye shut, there's no breathing and heartbeat. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I keep shouting at him, but I get no response from him. "I think he's gone." My friend put his hand on my shoulder. "No, no, no, we still have the chance to keep him alive! We must save him!" I shouted at my friend; I collapsed and cried severely.

"I promised that I would save him." My voice is trembling, hand was shaking, my heart aching, suddenly I feel like the world is fallen. Life slips away from my hand; death grabs life right in front of me.

I touch his dead body, comfort him one last time. "Now you are in a painless world. You are now in a peaceful place; there's no angry man will shout at you. There's much of your favorite food at your new home."

"Where do you want to bury him?" My friend asks me softly.

"Under the big tree in our neighborhood, may the tree will give him shelter and protect his body," I replied quietly and get back to the car.

I keep sobbing while I bury him. Even though I am a stranger to this dog, but there's a connection between us. It can't be seen, can't be touch.

After burying him, I sat there for a night to accompany him until I put out my last cigarettes.

"Let's be friends at our after-life." Before I left, I touch on the ground and tell him.

Death is just a matter of seconds; it will come anytime He wants. Appreciate and be kind to everyone, everything.

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