
CP9 Moving in the dark

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


'I wonder if Luffy reached sky island or not…' Yuki thought to himself before a greedy light flashed through his eyes… he wanted Enel's devil fruit so bad!

'I will ask him later' Yuki thought as he made his way through water seven, This island resembled a giant fortress, and it had a giant fountain in the middle, and the people here used a special canal system to go anywhere they wanted on the island using a type of transport called Yagara bulls which are a type of seahorse…

To avoid recognition, Yuki wore his devil mask, which served as a good tool to hide his presence since he didn't want to cause a commotion now that he was a warlord, but this also made him, Kayle, and Mashiro look like a bunch of normal humans and it slowly started attracting the wrong attention…

"Yuki-sama, would you like me to get rid of the trash following us?" Kayle spoke with a gentle smile on his face, so Mashiro didn't get what he meant but Yuki simply shrugged and said "Don't bother with them Kayle, if they are stupid enough to make a move against us, they will have only themselves to blame"

Hearing this, Kayle nodded with a calm smile. Meanwhile, Mashiro was enchanted by the weird design of the city so she nudged Yuki's shirt slightly to get his attention…

"Hmm? What's wrong Mashiro-chan?" Yuki asked with a slight smile but he saw Mashiro tilt her head and said with sparkling eyes "I want to draw this island!"

'Hm? I guess having Mashiro create maps for us similar to how Nami does it won't be a bad idea, but she will have a lot to learn… I will also need a navigator if I want to sail the sea on my own…' Yuki pondered slightly before he smiled and said "Sure, I will fly with you over the island later so that you can have a better view"

Mashiro held Yuki's shirt tighter before she smiled slightly and said "Umu"

'Ah, this level of cuteness is just too much' Yuki thought while Kayle shot Mashiro a weird look with his thoughts unknown.

However, as they were about to pass through a slightly dark alley, someone suddenly put a gun to Yuki's head and said "Give us all your money you damn pirate or this will be your end"

Mashiro froze slightly in fear at such a sight but Kayle's smile didn't falter at all while Yuki calmly said "Listen there weirdo, I don't know what you're blabbering about but you are not getting anything from me even if you kill me…"

"It seems like someone here doesn't value their life… Do you really think I wouldn't kill you?" The man was wearing goggles, gloves, and suspenders with stockings on his legs, quite the fashion choice.

However, to the shock of this man, Yuki simply turned to stare at him coldly, his devil mask giving him an even more eerie aura as he said "Here I was thinking how I should justify my future actions against your family, but now it seems like you decided to offer yourselves to me on a plate"

Mashiro stared with wide eyes as the gentle Yuki suddenly transformed into a devil and she could even feel like he was grinning underneath his mask despite the danger he was under…

Meanwhile, the man whose identity was exposed was slightly disturbed so he hurriedly asked without lowering his gun "Who are you?"

"Hehehe, we will have plenty of time to talk… Kayle, take out his hidden friends" Yuki spoke calmly before directly punching him in the stomach and almost knocking his soul out of his body.

Then, Kayle simply vanished like a shadow and started dismantling the other hidden members of this gang one after the other…

'The Franky family huh, a bunch of bounty hunters and dismantlers, yet these same goofy people are being run by the best shipwright on this Island… Someone who even inherited the blueprints for an ancient weapon!'

Yuki thought calmly while watching Kayle quickly dispose of the rest of the members before he dragged them deep into the dark alley and started questioning them…

Meanwhile, currently on Skypiea, Luffy and the Strawhats were having their most difficult fight, they were fighting someone that considered himself a god, all because he had unique powers compared to normal humans thanks to his devil fruit ability… The logia power of the Thunder Fruit that allowed him to turn into a lightning man and control lightning.

However, Enel never expected to run into someone like Luffy whose body was made of rubber and was basically his natural counter, so this impossible fight suddenly turned possible…

Meanwhile, Dariun, Emilia, and Maou attracted a lot of attention for they looked no different than two parents taking their son out with them… Especially when Dariun kept acting childishly and asking for food at every turn

"Oy, Emilia I want to try these skewers" Dariun said with drool coming out of his mouth and Emilia nodded happily and went to buy him some so Maou couldn't help but say "Can I have some as well?"

"Go die and rot away" Emilia replied to him coldly and the demon lord felt wronged "Oy, Yuki didn't give you the money to spend it however you want, we have a mission to do!"

"Hmph, I don't care" Emilia replied coldly before she smiled gently at Dariun and said "Let's go…"

However, Dariun felt bad for Maou so he handed him one of his skewers and said "Here, don't be sad ok?"

'I'm getting pitied by a brat now?' Maou felt slightly embarrassed although he still took the skewer shamelessly, and this made the people look at the adorable Dariun with a greater desire!

"Did you see that? He shared with his father"

"Ah, what a nice kid, I wish my kids turn out this nice"

The women being women instantly started chattering with not so low voices which made Emilia full of rage as she yelled "HE'S NOT MY HUSBAND" Before she grabbed Dariun and stormed away in anger…

"Wait Emilia, we aren't supposed to separate!" Maou tried to say but Emilia was already so far away while dragging poor Dariun with her…

"Sigh, that girl is crazy…" Maou muttered but someone suddenly approached him with a smile on his face and said "Girls are hard to understand right?"

Maou's raised his head slightly and stared at the guy speaking to him and it caused his blood-red eyes to flicker secretly before he replied "Indeed, it's simply impossible to reason with her or get anything through that thick head of hers…"

The man appeared slightly awkward after hearing this so he said "Well, I wish you the best buddy" Before he went on his way.

Meanwhile, Maou stared silently at this weird guy who has big black eyes with 3 eyelashes on top of them, and a long nose that was rectangular in shape, before he concluded 'Hm, danger level, High… His body is well trained, especially the legs, he must be extremely strong... Why did he approach me?'

This is what Maou concluded through his natural gift and he was right because that man was Kaku, one of the strongest CP9 agents currently stationed here in water 7 for a secret mission…

Maou was born with the ability to be able to decern and analyze anything instantly, no matter whether it is people, unknown powers, concepts, etc... Nothing could hide from his eyes, this was the gift of a demon lord that not even this world could suppress similar to how it did to his magical powers!

'I guess I should follow him and start gathering information as well, I'm sure Emilia can find a place for us to stay on her own, that's if she doesn't spend all the money to satisfy the endless appetite of that little monster…'

Then Maou casually followed after Kaku and asked "Sir, do you know where I can find a place for 10 people to stay?"

"Hmm… I'm not sure about that but I guess the boss can help you out" Kaku replied warmly and Maou couldn't help but ask "Boss?"

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Kaku, and I work at the Galley-la company that's run by the mayor of Water 7, Iceburg"

Hearing this, countless thoughts flashed through Maou's eyes before he bowed slightly and said "Sorry for bothering you…"

"Nah, it's nothing" Kaku replied with a smile, but Maou frowned slightly and thought 'This man has doubts about my identity, that's why he accepted to help me… Something is fishy here…'

So, with these doubts in mind, Maou started following after Kaku…


In a dimly lit secret room, a group of people were currently discussing among themselves

"So, this is the man that is said to have some relations to the Strawhats huh? we were told that he's a highly dangerous individual and we shouldn't make any careless moves against him…" Spoke a woman that was wearing glasses.

"He's not a warlord for nothing, keep your distance from him and just investigate the people that came with him for now, we might be able to use them against him in the future" Spoke a man that had long whiskers before he stabbed a knife into a photo that was laying on the table…

It was a recently taken picture of Yuki wearing his devil mask just as he arrived at water 7, as for the people currently discussing him, they were the government's secret organization, CP9…

"How loyal, you guys actually don't want to betray your leader Franky huh? this is quite interesting…" Yuki spoke with a slight smile, although it was hidden behind his devil mask, so he ordered Kayle calmly "Kayle untie them…"

"As you wish" then Kayle quickly cut off the ropes that were tying them and they all started running away so he asked "Are you sure about this?"

"They didn't want to tell us about their base, but now they will lead us right to it, these idiots…" Yuki spoke calmly before he held Mashiro's hand and said "Let's go"

Meanwhile, Kayle stared at Yuki's back silently and thought with a slight grin 'I'm glad you didn't change…'

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