
My Life in Naruto.

This is a story about an average dude who happened to love the anime "Naruto". He is a total fanboy though he wont show any tendencies outwardly. Mc wont be "evil" like every other common webnovel mc. He will just try to live out his life as he wishes.

GooseOfObesity · Komik
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5 Chs

Chapter: 003

Another day, another chapter.

Hey guys, fair warning, this chapter will have a shit ton of info dumping. Since your reading a Naruto fanfiction i assume you have already seen the show and understand all this. This is just to show character interaction and to show how naruto will learn.

Thanks for reading. Goose out.


Shihei walked out of the Hokage's office, very happy with how that turned out. Upon getting out of the Hokage mansion Shihei saw Naruto pacing infront of the building, probably waiting for him.

'He really is a kind soul, isn't he? Despite just meeting me, and the fact that he doesn't even know my name, or anything about me, he's this worried.' Shihei thought.

Shihei walked up to a pacing naruto and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, were you waiting for me?" Shihei asked.

"Oh! Um, yeah! How did the talk go? Are you punished? Are you free? A-" Naruto was asking a million questions a minute before Shihei held his hand up.

"It's cool Naruto. I'm not getting punished. The hokage even signed me up for Shinobi academy. Everything worked out all right."

*Phew~* Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. "Thats good. Wait! How do you know my name?"

"Oh, The hokage told me."

"Okay! Hey, what is your name?" Naruto asked.

"My name Is Shihei Akenori."

"Shihei, that's a nice name. Hey Shihei, what was that thing you did back there, against the old man?"

"Oh that? I don't really know myself. The Hokage said that was a Kekkei genkai used by a clan in the Hidden mist village."

"Huh? Whats a Kekkei genkai? Whats the Hidden mist village?"

*Smack* Shihei facepalmed himself.

"Naruto, from what I know you're already in school, didn't you learn this?"

"Ehh, Maybe? I don't pay attention because it's so boring!"

"Naruto, you've probably heard this a thousand times, but you need to pay attention! Shinobi are counted on to be powerful, and strong, like a wall to protect their comrades, or a weapon for the village to use against its enemies. But above all they must be knowledgeable. Do you understand?"


"Let me explain it simply while we walk Naruto. Pay attention!"

"Okay! I'll pay attention i promise!" Naruto exclaimed and stared at Shihei intently.

"Shinobi are Mercenaries. Do you know what a mercenary is?"


"Okay. A mercenary is a person who completes random jobs for money. Are ya with me so far?"


"Okay explain what i just said, back to me."

"A mer- mere-"


"A mercenary is a person who does random jobs for money."

"Good. A Shinobi, is a mercenary, but Shinobi are affiliated with a village, Mercenaries are not. Shinobi are expected to do thousands of different jobs for money. Understand?"

"Kinda... What does affiliated mean?"

"Affiliated means connected."

"Okay! Shinobi are Mercenaries but Shinobi are connected to a village!


"Now, because shinobi are expected to do so many different kinds of jobs, they are also expected to know lots of stuff to be able to do those jobs. Are ya with me so far?"

"I got it!"

"Very good! Now explain it back to me in your own way."

"Hmm." Naruto thought.

"Okay! Shinobi are people connected with a village, who are hired to do jobs for people and the village! To be able to do these jobs Shinobi need to be both strong and smart to do the jobs!" Naruto explained back to Shihei, excited to finally learn something that wasn't boring.

"Very good Naruto! Now, i expect you to pay attention in class bud. I know, I know it's so very boring, but you NEED to learn it, Understand? If it makes you feel any better, in a week i will be joining you in that boredom."

"But Shihei! It's hard to learn because it's so boring! I can't learn it because i just end up focusing on something else!"

"Hey, its cool, i'll be there. I want to see you paying attention in class from now on, if you still feel like you didn't learn anything come to me and i will teach it in a more interesting way.

Naruto, What is your favorite food?"


"Alright naruto, Every 10 days i see you paying attention in a row, i will buy you one bowl of ramen. I do not have that money now, but i will once i become a shinobi. If you pay attention for all that time, just think of how much ramen i will owe you. It will be so much ramen, that you wont even know what to do with it all." Shihei could immediately see the stars light up in his eyes.

The sad thing was though, is he practically had naruto eating out of the palm of his hand. The boy actually was eager to learn, if it was explained in a way he could understand. He pretty much gave up on Iruka teaching him in a way he could understand.

'It's scary what a little bit of Positive reinforcement could do to an attention-depraved person, isn't it?' Shihei thought sadly.

Shihei was volunteering himself to a long-ass commitment to teach and support naruto, because this was no longer just a game, or just an anime. This was Shihei's life now. He didn't have all the facts from the future so he needed to do everything he could to ensure he survived. He was unsure if he'd reincarnate again, so he needed to make the most of this life while he could, especially since he didn't get to do much his previous life.

Shihei resolved himself to teach naruto about the ways of life, how to be a functioning Shinobi, how to take care of himself, he would also teach him jutsu, chakra control, etc. Because nobody else would. Shihei planned to beef naruto up as much as possible to prepare for the coming war, and teaching him about all this would make naruto feel indebted to him. It was a secondary acceptable outcome. Naruto even helped those whom he had to connection to, he would definitely help Shihei if Shihei needed it.

(A.n do not worry, i will not make Shihei narutos slave. But Shihei will be the first person naruto runs to if he has a problem. I also will not show all the tutoring sessions, only some, and the main things i feel naruto needs or needed to learn.)

Shihei and naruto stopped at a park and sat down at a bench with a table attached.

"Okay Naruto. I remember before i explained what a Shinobi is to you, you had questions, about what a kekkei genkai is, and what the hidden mist village is. I'll explain them so remember to pay attention!"

"Okay Shihei!"

"We will start with a Kekkei Genkai. Naruto you know what jutsu is right? The cool flashy things shinobi can do?"

"Yeah! I wanna learn cool jutsu!"

"Good. Tell me what you know about jutsu naruto."

"Jutsu is the cool things shinobi can do!"

"Is that it?"

"Yeah...? What more is there about it?"

"Lots Naruto. So, Jutsu can be split up into three different categories, hmm. Hold on bud, ill be right back i need to grab something really quick, wait for me for a few minutes." Shihei figured naruto was more of a visual learner combined with an auditory learner. It would help magnitudes if he showed naruto aswell as told him, rather than just telling him.


Shihei walked out of the park and into an empty alleyway, after making sure there wasn't anyone to watch him with his sensory abilities he shifted to his private dimension.

Shihei grabbed a pencil and a notebook. He shifted back into the alley way and went back to the park naruto was in.

"Okay Naruto, i have paper to explain this better. So, Jutsu" He drew the word on the paper and circled it. Shihei drew three lines down and asked Naruto:

"Naruto, Jutsu can be split up into three categories, can you tell me what they are?"

Naruto racked his brain for the answer.

He drew Ninjutsu in the middle circle and replied: "I don't know any others," and he rubbed the back of his head embarrassedly.

"Thats okay. At least you know one." Shihei filled in the other two circles.

"Also naruto? I want you to tell me if this is getting to be too much for you to handle. We will stop and continue another day, okay?"


"Alright so, Jutsu can fall under three main categories. There are more, but they are more advanced, so lets start with the main three.

Left: Taijutsu

Middle: Ninjutsu

Right: Genjutsu.

Has this helped your memory at all Naruto?"

"Not really."

"Thats alright. So, Taijutsu. Taijutsu is hand to hand combat. Combat with weapons. Combat where you are trying to physically hurt the enemy. Understand?"

"Sorta. What does Physically mean?"

"Physically is a different form of the word Physical." Shihei touched Naruto's arm "I touched you, that is Physical. Understand?"

"I understand!"


Shihei went over to the Genjutsu.

"Genjutsu. These are the Mind arts. Genjutsu is basically Ninjutsu that isn't real. It is meant to attack your opponents mind and trick them, giving you an edge in battle. Understand?"

"Yes! If Taijutsu is Physical, Genjutsu is mental!"

"Great job naruto!"

"Ninjutsu. Under ninjutsu all sorts of things fall. The Bunshin no jutsu is a Ninjutsu. Henge no jutsu is a Ninjutsu. Kawarimi no jutsu is a Ninjutsu. Are ya following me so far Naruto?"

"Yeah so far."

"Good. Now, the main ninjutsu people can use is split up on to five types called Nature transformations." Shihei drew five lines down from the Ninjutsu category.






"These are the main five types of Ninjutsu i will explain more on them in a bit. Do you follow me so far naruto?"

"Yes i do!"

"Good, can you take a guess as to why i listed the Types this way?"

"Uhh, No?" Naruto thought for a few minutes then responded.

"Its because each type of Jutsu is strong against one element but weak against another. Get it?"


"Fire is strong against wind but weak to water.

Wind is weak to fire but strong against Lightning.

Lightning is weak to wind but strong against earth.

Earth is weak against lightning but strong against water.

Water is weak against earth but strong against fire. Understand? It makes a circle."

"OH! I get it!"

"Okay Naruto that's good. Now that we know how to classify jutsu into three main types we will move on to Kekkei genkai."


"It's best to open your mind Naruto or you will be confused. A Kekkei genkai, is a special type of jutsu that is only passed down through certain people. It can only be passed through them because they are special, and part of a clan. Do you understand?"

"I got it."

"There are many different types of Kekkei genkai, but i will give four examples.

The first hokage had a kekkei genkai called Wood release." Shihei said while drawing more lines.

"Wood release combines both water style, and earth style. This makes it a Ninjutsu type kekkei genkai. Understand?"

"Yeah! So if i can use both Water style and Earth style then i can use the First Hokage's jutsu?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"It doesn't work like that Naruto, sorry." Shihei said crushing the boys dreams of being a cool wood style user like Hashirama.

"Ya see, Ninjutsu type Kekkei genkai come from the ability to use two elements at the same time with each other. Combining the elements into something new."

"Okay." Naruto said Dejectedly.

"But fret not Naruto. Nobody can use wood release except Hashirama. Now there are other types of Kekkei genkai that are not Ninjutsu type Kekkei genkai. Like the Uchiha clans Sharingan, or the Hyuuga clans Byakugan. These Kekkei genkai give the user special abilities through a special type of chakra their clan members are born with. Understand?"

"Yeah." Naruto said getting more and more dejected at the fact that he didn't have a cool flashy Kekkei genkai.

"Now, my Kekkei genkai is also not a Ninjutsu type kekkei genkai. Humans are made up of flesh and bones. My Kekkei genkai allows me to make, destroy, and use my own bones." Shihei said and made a finger bone come out as an example.

"Shihei, can we stop for today. My head hurts."

"Yeah! Thats alright. You learned a lot today naruto. I am proud of you for lasting this long."

"Really? You're proud of me?" Naruto said with happiness soaking up his voice.

"Yeah Naruto. I am super proud of you. Now go home and take a rest. I will see you at the academy in a week. Bye!" Shihei said as Naruto walked off with a smile.

Shihei yet again went to an empty alleyway and Shifted into his personal dimension before collapsing onto his bed.

"Man, it's been a long day."


2177 words!

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