
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

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59 Chs


(Kirihime): "Good afternoon, Rin."

The soft voice of the 'Ice Queen' whispered me a greeting as it woke me back to the reality in front of me. It's finally the day of my date with Kirihime. The reason I'm here is because she won the art competition and picked me to go to the concert with her. As for why she picked me over someone like Sora, I have no clue.

It's been about a week since Envy first attacked us. Since then, everyone's been busy training hard in the pocket dimension so something like last time, or worse, doesn't happen again. Especially the kids who didn't get to participate this time. They keep on complaining that I don't give them any chances to fight and kept roasting me about how I make flags wherever I go, as a form of being petty.

Well, it's not like I can argue with them about those flags. My luck is bipolar like that.

As for the girls, Akane and Naneko have been taking their training to another level after seeing an emperor class fight first-hand. Both of them have been learning new techniques with their unique skills, and they've been using each other or me to practise them. I don't mind it since it's helping me think of better ways of reacting to battle situations, but I'm starting to feel a little drained from the constant battles.

Akane's even come up with a new move that she's fond of. She really loves that goddamn whip...

But I guess watching the fight with me against Yanno triggered their fighting spirits. Speaking of Yanno, he's been working on other abilities that he could extract from his bugs. As he's the demon king of insects son, we both figured that Yanno might have some kind of genetic composition skill, if that makes sense. Basically giving features to insects that they usually wouldn't have, like giving a praying mantis a pair of butterfly wings.

We've dubbed it his Frankenstein skill. At first, it was amazing for the endless possibilities, but Yanno started getting worried if his mentality would change from being exposed to this kind of ability. I can understand why he feels like that, that's why I've been making sure he gets enough time to interact with people and let him leave the pocket dimension whenever he wants to.

Fortunately, his research has been showing some fruition. So far he's been able to develop insects that are capable of causing emperor class demons like Envy to become numb when bitten. If he continues at this rate, he'd be an overpowered demon before I know it. It makes me feel like shedding tears of joy seeing the weak friend of mine grow up so much.

Oops, I digress again. If I'm being honest, I'm a little nervous about today's date. More nervous than when I went on one with Akane, but that's because I'm not really close to Kirihime nor do I know her personality much. If anything, I'm a little on edge about why she asked me out.

(Rin): "Afternoon, Kirihime."

I tried shaking off my nervousness as I attempted to give her a confident greeting before getting a better look at what she was wearing. She's wearing denim trousers, a black top with a brown electric guitar on it, a black leather jacket and a black sports cap. Honestly, it gives off the young rebellious look when put on Kirihime thanks to her short stature. She only goes up to my chest after all. Her outfit caught me off guard when I met her, It seems very unlike her.

Oh, I'm just wearing a random grey hoodie, a white t-shirt and some black trousers. I didn't put much thought into my clothes since I always just wear what's comfortable for me, but after seeing this maybe I should put in more effort the next time.

I say that as if a second date is guaranteed.

(Kirihime): "Nn. Call me Natsuno."

I got a little startled at the doll in punk clothes in front of me who said that with a small nod. First name bases already, huh. Yep, this situation is already weird and to top it all off I can't tell what she's thinking at all. I guess I just have to go with the flow and be prepared for whatever happens.

(Rin): "Alright, Natsuno."

I said weirdly as I tried getting used to calling her that. My nervousness is starting to get on my nerves. I'm only having them because I'm not sure what the hell to do. She isn't much of a talker so there's always an air of awkwardness between us, not to mention I have a hard time understanding her or her actions.

(Rin): "You look good with your outfit, though it wasn't what I expected. Did you choose the clothes yourself?"

I remembered the words of Akane telling me to compliment the clothes of a woman just before I left. She sounded like some kind of nosy mum when she was like that, but It felt weird having her seriously give me dating tips when she was just as inexperienced as me with this kind of stuff. Maybe she's using her manga knowledge?

(Natsuno): "Nn, nn. Sora picked it."

Natsuno slightly shocked her head to the sides in response to my question. Even her body language is limited huh.

Hmm, as if she's as rigid as ice.

(Rin): "Hmm, it does look like something she'd wear."

I thought to myself of the blue-haired tomboy wearing something like that. It fits her a little too well, but why did she give it to Natsuno? A sort of revenge?

(Rin): "Well, shall we head to the concert?"

After a small pause, I finally asked her if we could get going. We've been standing at the station for a while now so we might as well get a move on before the concert starts.

(Natsuno): "Yes please."

Natsuno says with a small nod before leaning over to wrap her arms around my right arm. I was a little shocked by her sudden act. I never expected her to be this comfortable around me. Definitely a little suspicious.

(Rin): "A little forward, huh."

I scratched my left cheek with my free hand as I looked at the silver-haired girl below me. Although it was subtle, I noticed a light shade of red on her unblemished white skin. So she can feel embarrassed a little.

(Natsuno): "Bothers you?"

Natsuno replies to my comment before releasing my arm and jumping back to the opposite side of the pathway. There's… really no point in walking back 10 feet from something like that. It makes it look like I creeped you out or something. You nearly hit a couple from doing that as well.

I stared at the confusing girl in front of me then recalled what Naneko said to me about Natsuno's lack of distance awareness. I think it's more of a brain issue rather than one with her eyes considering she doesn't wear any glasses or contacts.

(Rin): "What's not to enjoy? Let's look around before it's too late."

(Natsuno): "Okay."

I didn't let her antics bother me as I suggested to get going again. Soon after she wrapped her arms around mine again before walking ahead as if to drag me along.

Yep, she's a weird one alright but she's cute. I wonder what else I'll learn about her?

We met up at the station so the venue was a bit far away. We were walking to the venue with Natsuno dragging me along whilst gaining a bit of attention from the crowd. Though, considering Kirihime's height and childlike face, she would seem like an energetic child.

Though she's older than me, I feel like I'm looking after a younger sister or something. At least that might be what the people looking at us were thinking.

(Rin): "These venues are huge."

I said to myself as I looked around the concert. Unlike Nanekos' concert, this one had no seats at all, with people of all sizes everywhere. We just got in after going through the procedures.

"Is everybody ready!"

The singer spoke as the crowd cheered like crazy. The air was warm from all their cheering and moving around as everyone energetically jumped around and headbanged from the rock band. Unlike Naneko's Concert that only had a sole singer with a pre-recorded instrumentals and a ton of lights, I actually saw the people play their songs. I used this chance to focus on their techniques in how to hold and play their instruments but I mainly paid attention to their guitarist. Though that was near impossible with all the noises around, so I just listened to the music and enjoyed the vibe.

By the way, I used some of my aura to block out some of the sounds. My ears are too sensitive but even then I enjoyed the atmosphere this place gave off, though the people are the types I'd rather avoid.

While I was immersed in these thoughts while the crowd were raving, I looked over to Natsuno to see if she was enjoying it as well, but I was an idiot and forgot that she was as tall as a middle school girl.

(Rin): "Get on."

I wordlessly stood in front of her and went down to piggyback her. It was so loud so even if I spoke she'd barely hear me so it was an awkward few seconds before she understood what my actions meant. We were at the back of the concert cause we were late so no one will mind the extra obstacle.

I just hope she can see them even when she's given support like this.

(Rin): "You got a better view now?"

I asked while looking at the pale-skinned beauty to my left. The distance between our faces is a little too close but I didn't mind it. Her face was a little red though.

(Natsuno): "Yes… I'm not too heavy, am I?"

(Rin): "Nope, light as a feather."

I said with a smile as the crowds cheering started getting even more intense, but that didn't stop me from seeing Kirihimes' lips curve slightly. Let's make that my aim during this date. To get her to make a big smile.


(Natsuno): "This way."

After the band finished playing their songs and their latest hit album, the crowd didn't die down even after the band members left the stage. Natsuno tapped on my shoulder once they left to get off before she hugged my arm and dragged me off to another site. She doesn't look like it, but she seems excited cause her steps felt like they had more energy to them. If she was like Akane or Naneko then her tail probably would've been swaying around right now.

(Natsuno): "Nn."

Natsuno didn't stop dragging me even after we went past the shops so I figured she wanted to get to the train to head back without saying a word. I felt a little bad that the date was gonna end with just that, but luckily that wasn't the case as she looked at a restaurant sign with intent before looking at the sign a little too close again.

(Rin): "Haah, wanna grab some dinner?"

I sighed at the sight of her sticking her face to the sign as I made the suggestion. It's cute to an extent, but the looks everyone's giving us is annoying.

(Natsuno): "Uh-huh."

Natsuno nodded without looking back as I saw a small saliva trail leave from her mouth. Ooo, another side I didn't know she had. I've only seen her at my lunch shop a few times and every time she always stares at me cooking intently

(Rin): "Sure, it'll be my tre-."

(Natsuno): "I'll pay for mine. Thanks."

I tried giving an offer but I got hit by a cold reply on return. First Akane and now Natsuno refusing my offer. I guess it's not bad for them to pay for their stuff.

I had such thoughts before getting dragged by Natsuno again and got taken to a nearby table for just the two of us. We ordered our meals and soon I realised why she didn't want me to pay for the meal.

(Rin): "Where do you store all of that food?."

It started with us ordering simple food, but soon enough that food escalated as the number of ramen bowls alone reached 4. Let's not mention the number of side dishes she's had, I didn't bother counting after the tenth dish. The reactions of the nearby customers were funny though as they looked at her in amazement, probably thinking "How the hell does she store that much food!?". Gotta love anime logic.

(Natsuno): "It's embarrassing to say. I eat a lot."

Natsuno said so whilst blushing and tried hiding it by cleaning her face with a napkin. She is human, right? Else her metabolism's extraordinarily high. She doesn't even have a bulge on her stomach from all of that.

(Rin): "Nothing's wrong with eating a tonne as long as you do something to burn those calories. Here, have some more."

I said so whilst teasingly waving a tempura in front of her. Natsuno's eyes were locked onto it as if she found her next target, but didn't know what to do with my taunting. She really is a cute little glutton

(Natsuno): "I-uh-Thank you."

Natsuno quickly says as she eats the tempura before covering her face again. Oh? Looks like I made her blush harder. If I can't get her to smile during the date I'll let that blush count instead.

I ended up getting carried away with feeding Natsuno and ordering more food in the process, so our tab increased by a lot. I forgot Sushi is expensive as hell.

(Waiter): "That'd be 20,000 yen please."

As soon as the waiter said those words, Natsuno fell to her hands and knees in gloom as if she's hit despair. The scene startled both me and the waiter as we look at each other and give each other a wry smile. She's definitely a cute weirdo.

(Natsuno): "How… did it increase so much…?"

Looks like she doesn't have enough money and that this feast is gonna make her struggle for the rest of the month. Poor Tsuno.

(Rin): "Haha, I think I got too carried away when I was feeding you."

I laughed at the little drama queen here before turning to the waiter and giving him the money for both of us. Well, it was my fault technically since I kept ordering food, but more than half of them entered Kirihimes' bottomless stomach. How does she still have such a flat stomach even after all that? I wanna touch it to confirm if it has a slight bump, to be honest.

(Rin): "This'll be enough, right?"

(Waiter): "It is, thank you for coming here. Have a nice day."

(Rin): "You too."

I said with a smile as I helped the depressed Natsuno get up. Seeing her make an expression for once is refreshing, though I wish it'd just be smiles or even a blush. Seeing her gloomy like this isn't something that suits her.

(Kirihime): "You didn't have to pay. I could've…"

After we left the restaurant and walked forward a little bit, Natsuno had a sullen face the whole time. I felt a little bad but I felt like paying him if she was gonna react like that. Plus it was mainly my fault.

(Rin): "You could've done what?"

I say that as I gently slam my arm against the wall to block Natsuno from walking. Because she's so short, it was a little awkward but it somehow worked. I did it because she wasn't looking at me at all.

(Natsuno): "I could've…"

Natsuno's face went red again from my sudden action as she fumbled with her words. I guess I was a little too aggressive with this huh.

(Rin): "If you feel bad about it then make it up during the date. We still have time till curfew, and I can bring us back home quickly so let's make the most out of it."

I said that as I gave her a head pat and a smile. It's cute that you feel bad, but don't take it to heart. We still got time, after all, to make up for it.

Plus I still wanna know what that ice thing and that voice I heard at the art contest was about.

(Rin): "Hmm?"

When I turned around, to show Natsuno we should carry on walking, I suddenly felt small hands on my hips and something leaning on my back. Seriously…?

(Rin): "You really lack distance awareness…"

I said with a sigh before continuing walking whilst Natsuno was hugging my waist instead of my arm this time. Isn't it supposed to be the girl tugging on the shirt or sleeve of the main character when they get embarrassed? Well, I can't keep using my manga knowledge for this kind of stuff.

(Natsuno): "Mn…"

Natsuno agreed to what I said but didn't break the hug. It wasn't uncomfortable while I was walking so I didn't say anything about it and looked for a spot for us to visit. Maybe a clothing shop? That's what girls like, right?

After a little while of walking and looking around, Kirihime nudged on my shirt again before pointing in a direction.

(Rin): "Hmm? An arcade?"

It wasn't a huge arcade or anything, but inside it, I could see a ton of lights and games to play along with some people here and there. Looks like a decent place to hang out with mates. Looking behind me, I could see Natsuno looking at the arcade with interest.

(Rin): "Sure, I've never been to one before."

I said as we walked towards the arcade. This time she finally let go of me and hugged my arm again. I'm starting to think she likes hugs. Well, I'm the same I guess.

(Natsuno): "Never?"

Natsuno says that as she looks up to me with eyes of intrigue.

(Rin): "Yep, I used to live in a monastery, we weren't the richest so I wouldn't buy things like toys, much less go to an arcade."

Well, we had toys at the elementary school we went to so it wasn't all bad. I don't remember playing with toys in my past life though. I guess I was too young and the trauma made me forget it. My memory, while my grandparents were alive, is a little hazy too.

For some reason, Natsuno's eyes turned a little sharp before dragging me to the first floor. Unlike the ground floor that had all the retro style arcade machines, the top floor had more sports-inspired games like shooting basketballs into a hoop, how hard can you punch and other games. The one Natsuno brought me to is...

(Rin): "Air hockey?"

I asked with curiosity. Why'd she bring me here? I wonder if this is her forte?

(Natsuno): "Mn, nn."

(Rin): "Alright. Go easy on me, okay?"

I said with a wry smile as we began playing. When we got to our sides of the table, the puck was already standing at the centre meaning it's a first come first serve situation. I had a feeling Natsuno was really good at this game so it might be a bad idea to focus on offence instead of defence. By the way, Natsuno is using a stool to help her up a little, otherwise, she could barely reach.


I placed my striker in front of my goal as I watched Natsuno's hand movement. There was an awkward standstill between us before she finally made the first move. Fast! It caught me off guard but I managed to block it as the puck went to her side again.


I heard a loud skid on the table as Natsuno missed the puck. What the? How did you even make that noise?

(Natsuno): "..."

(Rin): "I guess I got lucky."

I say that whilst scratching my head as I remembered something important. She can't tell distance…

I had thoughts like that as Natsuno wordlessly serves the puck. I guess losers of the round start first.


(Natsuno): "..."

Natsuno glares at me as she starts again.


(Natsuno): "Next."

This time her voice had a slight cold feel to it.


(Natsuno): "Next."

Is the AC on? I can feel a chill.


(Natsuno): "Are you sure this is your first time in the arcade!"

Natsuno screams with a red face as she slams her hands on the hockey table. Well, I say scream but it's just slightly louder than the average voice. She looks angry, but for some reason, I have the urge to tease her.

(Rin): "I'm just a fast learner, this is nothing for me. It's how I won against Sora."

I say that idiotic phrase with a wink whilst sticking my tongue out. Natsuno's ice expression was long gone as she made a cute annoyed face. So cute.

After having my fun teasing her and playing some more games with her like the shooter basketball and such, I gave her another head pat in victory before buying her ice cream to help cool her down. She's like a little kid.

(Natsuno): "What's your opinion of Sora?"

We sat at the nearest bench in the arcade as we dig down on our ice creams before Natsuno asked that questions. She was looking at me with eyes of intrigue as she was licking on her ice cream. No, you horny bastards, she's having a tub of cookie dough ice cream. The way she eats is like a cat though.

(Rin): "Hmm, she's a fun girl to hang around with. She's funny, caring and even teaches a clumsy demon like me how to manage my strength."

I let my thoughts out on Sora as I recall the light blue-haired girl. She gives off a weird vibe in my opinion. She's really athletic, to the point that it's sorta scary how a human can move like her. Then again my experience with other exorcists is really limited. Shura was able to jump super high when she first got introduced in the series, but I wonder if that's just because of her training or her bloodline?

I wanna witness an exorcist, other than my brother, in action but I think that's unlikely. I guess I just wait till the Kyoto arc happens.

(Rin): "Though I can tell she's holding herself back for some weird reason. Like not getting too close to people, but not too far to be lonely."

I've noticed that she hardly talks about herself at all. I'm not talking about things at her home or anything, but what she does for a hobby and stuff. I can understand that she doesn't want to talk about herself to make a conversation but it feels like she tries hard to avoid those subjects.

(Natsuno): "Sora… has her issues…"

(Rin): "That so… Let's head to the vending machine. I wanna grab a snack."

I said as I noticed the awkwardness in the air before walking ahead of Natsuno. Everyone has their issues regardless of the world. I can only assume Natsuno has her issues too.

We walked towards the vending machine as I was thinking more of that question. Obviously, I'd try helping both of them out if I could, but I need a better reason to get involved. If they were in my organisation, it'd make it easier for me to impose myself onto their issues after all.

(Natsuno): "…"

While we walked, Kirihime suddenly stopped to look over at the game machines. Oh? Looks like she's staring at the crane claw game. The prizes are white rabbits but I can see a little light blue rabbit in that pile. Looks like she has her sights on it. I did hear she likes animals from Sora, looks like she wants one for her collection?

(Rin): "Are you interested?"

(Natsuno): "Yes."

Natsuno replies before wordlessly walking to the crane and immediately sticking her face to the machine. I didn't get surprised this time as I just stood by at the side to give her some space. After giving the machine an intense stare that lasted for about a minute, she finally made her move. The machine made a rusty noise as the crane moved at the light blue rabbit. The rabbit's ear got caught by the crane as it slowly picked it up.

Natsuno's face looked even more expressionless than before, but this time her breathing was paused. Her heart was beating intensely as it looked like her expression was about to break.


When we both thought the victory was secured, the machine suddenly made a weird noise before dropping the special bunny right where it was originally.

The machines are such scams huh. I looked at the crane thinking of its design as I tried thinking of a better way to get the rabbit. While this was happening Natsuno tried again but this time it ended with the rabbit slightly free from its brethren.

(Rin): "Lemme try."

Since she was keen on getting the rabbit, I wanted to get it for her. Her seriousness with this was cute after all. This would be a good gift for our date too.

(Natsuno): "Missed…"

Natsuno says as she sees the blue rabbit gets caught by the crane again but still unable to leave the huge pile of rabbits. Looks like I missed this one too, but at least now the bunny should be easier to get.

(Rin): "Let's try one last time."

I say that with a wink as I get a nod from Natsuno as approval. I could probably cheat by using my flames but cheating like that wouldn't sit well for me. More importantly, I'm not comfortable enough with Natsuno to use them in front of her, to begin with.

I moved the crane above the blue rabbit once again but this time the label's sticking out a little. It was hiding under the other rabbits but this time it's seen the light of day again as the crane descends once again. I could hear Natsuno's heart beating for every second the crane was descending, she even grabbed my waist again in anticipation.

With the increasing strength of her hug, the crane finally went near the label and unsteadily lifts it up from the rest of its herd, but we didn't celebrate just yet in case it falls again from our voice or movement. The final journey to make it out of the machine had Natsuno's heart pounding as I can feel her heartbeat from my back. She's not gonna go to cardiac arrest, will she?

And finally:

(Natsuno): "Yes!"

Natsuno "yells" as she digs her face into my chest as the rabbit's successfully grabbed. I returned the hug too as we celebrated the victory like idiots.

(Rin): "Phew, that was more stressful than I thought."

I say that I grab the blue rabbit, playing around with it a little before getting on one knee to present the bunny.

(Rin): "A snow bunny for M'lady Ice Queen."

I say with a grin as Natsuno paused for a minute before hugging me. I had a little pause again before mentally sighing at the girl. She really loves getting physical. Not that I'm complaining.

(Natsuno): "Ice Queen?"

Natsuno breaks the hug with her arms still around my neck as she questions me with the same cool face.

(Rin): "It's the nickname everyone calls you in the school."

(Natsuno): "Is that so…?"

Natsuno seemed to have a thoughtful thought as she stared at me like a doll again. Is she not aware of what everyone says about her and the clubroom?

(Natsuno): "Then I assume you'll be the ice king."

Eh? Ice king?

(Rin): "What makes you think that?"

Am I being hit on by Natsuno? I could feel my face heat up a little from her bluntness as I was confused about what to do. It's funny how she calls me the ice king even though our powers are the opposite of each other. Fire and ice.

(Natsuno): "You give off the same atmosphere as Vep."

(Rin): "Vep?"

Now that was a name I never heard of. Sounds like a nickname to someone she's close to, but how do we give off the same vibe?

(Natsuno): "No never mind. Thank you. Drink?"

(Rin): "Yeah sure."

Natsuno shakes her head as she takes the rabbit and hugs it. By now there was a small crowd by the arcade so I didn't mind her breaking the hug.

I've noticed, I feel like no matter where Kirihime goes, she'll always have eyes attracted to her. Not that it's a bad thing. If It was my old self, I would've hated everyone looking at me.

Now that I think about it, most of the girls I know are like that. Maybe they're all secretly attention seekers?

(Rin): "Ahh, that hits the spot. You sure you're fine with strawberry Ribena?"

(Natsuno): "Yes. My favourite."

(Rin): "Fair enough."

We both left the arcade and went to a nearby park for the vending machine. Both of us got embarrassed by the mini crowd after all. When we sat down to have our drinks, Natsuno glued herself back to my arm again and drank without care. I got myself a can of sprite.

(Rin): "I've been wondering… Why did you invite me to the concert? Couldn't you have gone with Sora or someone else?"

I ask in curiosity about her sudden interest in me. I doubt it's because she had a crush on me. This may be an anime world, but I rather not mix anime and irl up. Her being like this feels weird to me.

(Natsuno): "I had a few questions for you."

Natsuno says that as she stopped drinking from her straw as she puts her hand on my chest. My cheeks were on fire from this action until I heard her first question.

(Natsuno): "What exactly are you?"

The weirdness of the question caught me off guard. I don't think it has anything to do with being Satan's son, so what could it be about?

(Rin): "Hmm? I'm your friendly neighbourhood Demon called Rin Okumura. What else am I?"

I said while giving off my usual goofy smile, but Natsuno shook her head in refute to my answer.

(Natsuno): "No, I mean you are an anomaly."

(Rin): "An anomaly?"

Ouch, is that her calling me a weirdo? Though why did she phrase it like that?

(Natsuno): "You're soul power… it's different from other Demons…"

Natsuno says that before giving off a sigh. Eh? Soul power? How's mine different from others too?

Before I could even question it, I felt a spike of miasma behind me. I pushed Natsuno to the side before dodging an attack aimed at me.

(Rin): "Haaah, why do most of my friendships require me to fight them if they're a demon?"

I said as I wait for the dust to settle in front of us. Seriously, Yanno, Akane and Naneko are demons, and I had to fight them before we became close. Now it's Natsuno's turn it seems.

I think that as I stare at her golden eyes, waiting for a response.

(A/N: Alternative Title: "Rin's a natural gamer", "Temporary return of Sj", "Natsuno's top ten anime betrayals")

A/N: Hmm, that week off took longer than I thought. Welp, some good news, I passed my first year of university without a problem or creating any flags!

Comment below if you have any ideas for the story!

S_jaycreators' thoughts