
My Life In An Anime

Our protagonist reincarnates in an anime world, but as a woman....or something like that. Different anime franchises came together for the adventure of our protagonist and the question here is ..... how is he going to carry out his life with this.

Killer_Shiro · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs


In front of the amusement park.

Last chance, Shouko-chan.

If you are afraid of heights, you will not experience some high-rise projects today.

-I will not do.

well well.

Najimi was silent, but she had a smile.

Not only did he invite Shouko to the amusement park to play, but by discovering the latest, she gave him a purpose.

This is revenge against Shouko Komi.

Shouko always made fun of her and teased her, although he also ignored her most of the time, but that didn't matter to her.

Therefore, if Shouko said that she was afraid of heights, then she wouldn't say it on the surface and then she frantically urged him to try it in the next process.

He really wanted to see Shouko's terrified expression.

In that case, let's experience a few more high-rise projects later, since we finally got there in one fell swoop.

After successfully entering the amusement park, Najimi took Shouko directly to the roller coaster.

[How this place bores me].

With each step forward, Shouko wanted to refuse, but it would show her that he would understand that Najimi was right and that it would be something that would upset him, something that he cannot allow.

"Since you're not afraid of heights, we should go on a roller coaster first, right?" Najimi asked with a smile.

You know, even people who are not afraid of heights can get scared on a roller coaster.

Therefore, he still has a chance to see Shouko's terrified expression.

"Then, after the roller coaster ride, we'll play jumping machine, big pendulum, and rotating flying chair..."—Najimi one by one, organizing the entire itinerary.

"Do you have the complete list yet?" Shouko said upon seeing a sheet with the complete list of najimi's games.

I am always prepared.

Minutes later.

Already in line for the roller coaster.

"By the way, Shouko, won't you take off your glasses?" Najimi stared at his glasses and gently remembered.

"We're almost there."

"And why are you with that look?".

Shouko wore a mask, glasses, and the hair of a protagonist H.

So I go more unnoticed.

And indeed, yes, with the bangs, the glasses and the mask, he only showed his beautiful skin and his silky and shiny hair, but even if that gave him points, he seemed like an ordinary person or a little more than the average.

"It shows, even if I didn't know you, I would tell you that you look like an ordinary boy, you even changed gender, with that short hair."

Najimi was right since Shouko had cut his hair in the same style but smaller, since he had been a man all his life, he never got used to having long and well balanced hair, like Komi's.

He had his hair down, but in curlers and it was short, that's why he loves messy hair because if you take good care of it and put it in an exact position, it's a jewel.

And another thing, his chest under glass, which made him more camouflaged to look like a woman, although he is still a bit big, but the more he exercises, the percentage of fat will drop and the chest will decrease.

-It's hot, apart from that, long hair is uncomfortable.

"Well, well, well, come here..."

I looked confused at Najimi when he said that.

"I will not do anything bad to you, I will only accommodate you so that you enter the game well."

Shouko had no choice but to do that, since there was no mirror around here and he left all of her in Najimi's hands, but as if to annoy her, he crouched down slowly, to make her understand the difference in height.

Najimi obviously noticed that, but just rolled her eyes because she was used to this stuff from her.

The little najimi started to fix shouko's hair in a way, so that she could see her beauty and when she did, she took off her glasses.

Najimi's view of shouko was wonderful, she was face to face, and with that beautiful hair, with the plus of the mask, which when you put it on makes you more beautiful because it highlights your eyes, shouko's gaze towards her was completely superior to anything you've ever seen.

Najimi turned red and the calm she had a while ago was gone.

["I realize more and more how much you don't want to reveal his true appearance"].

Najimi always admitted and will always admit that Shouko is really beautiful and it left a deep impression on her.

Shouko noted from her that he was still on her tail, so he turned around again.

Seeing her turn around, Najimi planned to say something to continue the conversation.

But as soon as she spoke, her eyes caught her attention again.

Seeing how Najimi's words began, but she didn't say anything else, Shouko looked a bit confused.

[What's wrong with her?].

"Cough cough..."

Sensing Shouko looking at him, Najimi coughed twice and then silently looked away from her.

Najimi kept looking at Shouko, this was a woman who looked like a child and that charm whether or not she was playing a role right now.

But despite all that, she inevitably kept being drawn into Shouko's eyes.

After observing her for a while, she even had the illusion that she was not an eye, but a work of art.

Time passed quickly when she saw Shouko and without realizing it, it was her turn to enter the game.

Shouko followed the staff to sit on the roller coaster seat and use safety measures, she Shouko already knew all this procedure and she felt very bored.

Najimi, who was sitting with her, didn't pretend to be scared at all, but was watching her surroundings with interest from her.

Looking to Shouko's side, his eyes couldn't help but stop at her eyes.

After some time, after several notifications, the roller coaster was officially launched.

As the roller coaster went around several times, the slalom caused the other people on the coaster to scream.

On the other hand, Shouko remained expressionless.

Her experience with the amusement park is boring, it's like when you like a song and you listen to it so much that you hate it.

Well, as our protagonist was working on one, for almost 2 years, he would attend, clean and play these games, several times almost every day, while listening to music that was repeated every day and with shitty weather every day and See you later. night every day.

This place just bores you.

So when you go into one of these games, you don't experience emotions or anything.

But Shouko looked at Najimi who was next to her and she started screaming very early, she just didn't say anything and waited for the game to end.

I'm done with the roller coaster.

"It's so exciting, I really want to experience it again."

-Forget it, it's too troublesome to queue again.

"Yeah, you're right, let's switch to another game."

Najimi when she was on the roller coaster just now, she had never heard a scream from Shouko let alone felt afraid of it.

"So how about we go play bumper cars?"

After thinking about it, Najimi made a decision.

After seeing that Shouko didn't seem to be afraid of these high-rise games, he also stopped trying to scare Shouko by experiencing those exciting games many times.

For her sake, there is another main reason, as her legs are a bit weak now.

So, for his own sake, she had to play it safe.

-In agreement.

We started to get closer, to line up for the next game.

And Shouko began to draw attention and more from women at this time. Since they looked like those typical women who dress as men and look like men, but they are women.....yes, sorry, it's confusing, but surely they already have characters like that in mind.

So now Shouko next to Najimi looked like a date.

Najimi is not stupid and she realized the situation, but she was already used to the attention that Shouko gives her, so she continued alone.

// Minutes later //

After waiting in line for a while, it was soon her turn.

"It doesn't matter how you drive a bumper car, it doesn't matter if it hits another car, but that's what makes bumper cars interesting."

Najimi talked and talked.

The purpose of her visit to the amusement park today is to take revenge on Shouko and show no mercy.

No matter how beautiful, sexy, charming and... she looks like a work of art and... and.

Najimi shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside and focusing on the fact that he wanted revenge on Shouko for how he sometimes made fun of her.

As he spoke, the bumper car crew looked at them.

From the point of view of the staff, Shouko saw him as an excessively handsome man who looked like a woman, she was not very surprised, since this generation, handsome men, take more care of their skin than women, just like idols.

And from the way he dressed, his height, he deduced that he was one of those men.

So I thought, the man is handsome and the woman is beautiful and cute, the two of them move very close.

Years of work experience have allowed the staff to judge that the two are in a relationship, even if they are not.

After all, boys and girls come to the amusement park to play together, if it doesn't matter, he will never believe it.

So, after coming to that conclusion, I ask Shouko.

They are together?.


Shouko thought he was talking, if they were acquaintances, so he answered normally.

But saying that, the staff gave Shouko a look of, "You know".

Generally speaking, bumper cars are driven by one person.

But for safety reasons, there are also slightly larger cars for parents to play with their children.

Originally that was the idea, but later it was changed by the experience of the other amusement parks of this same company, they decided to make a bigger one so that it would be more like for couples.

Since that's how they make money and it's not bad.

So they told her that when they see boys and girls getting together, the staff take the initiative to ask them if they want to sit together.

Two people in one car can be less expensive than two people in two cars.

Shouko didn't notice the eyes of the staff.

Najimi's attention was drawn by the word "big car" and she paid no attention to what the staff said later.

In her opinion, a big car should be better than a small one!

"In agreement".

After getting a positive response, other staff members came over to show them the way.

The two were taken to the area where the cart was set up and staff pushed the cart in front of them.

"Get in the car."

Hearing that from the staff, Najimi walked over, got into the car and held the steering wheel.

Shouko, who was next to him, planned to wait for the second to appear, but noticing the staff looking at him and doing nothing else, Shouko looked very confused.

[Are the cars finished? and only the big ones remain].

With that doubt in mind he got into the car.

[Well, never mind, I don't want waiting in line to be a waste of time].

It's a shame that the space in this car isn't too big, since, after Shouko got in, the two's bodies were still stuck together through their clothes.

Looking at Shouko who was wearing her seat belt, she blinked in confusion.

["Why did he stand next to me?"].

Other pokemon fly in the sky... But I can walk!

Killer_Shirocreators' thoughts