
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Komik
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Chapter 33: When the Game Says, Fuck It

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 33: When the Game Says, Fuck It


The next two weeks repeated the pattern with very little deviation. I grew closer to my friends, romantically involved or not, and was making astounding progress in their training.

Sasuke reached a breakthrough in her mastery of the Sharingan and now was able to walk around with it activated for 18hours without feeling too much strain. This reduced to 12 if there was any combat during the day, however, so we were currently working on that.

Kiba began to try and get Sasuke's attention in a more boy-girl way, and while Sasuke had confided she was touched by his attention, she wasn't ready to be with anybody. I got Kiba to understand Sasuke's point of view, but also gave him the golden key to the broody girl's heart. Training. After that it wasn't rare to see Kiba and Sasuke sparring one-on-one or two-on-one with Akamaru.

Sakura blew Tsunade's expectations away with her impossibly fast progress in technical aspects the medical arts. We'd already let her know that Sakura was a brainiac and that she didn't need to worry about her having issues with the book-side of things. She very quickly became Tsunade's favorite and it showed.

Hinata was able to collaborate with Shizune and Tsunade to get an accurate x-ray map of Haku's chakra network and the surgery went by without a hitch. Myself and Shizune being the ones to perform the procedure while Tsunade supervised and Hinata made corrections as needed during each step in the process.

This earned Hinata a very high standing both in the hospital and in Tsunade's eyes. Tsunade was currently lobbying to get the Hyūga Clan drafted into the medical program. Her arguments with Hiashi about it were something to behold. Hiashi wasn't a bad guy, though. He was just more preoccupied with the Hyūga's welfare than anything.

I suggested Tsunade switch to talking about how this would irrevocably increase the clan's prestige and standing within the village, something she felt was underhanded since it ignored what she wanted to accomplish. She did eventually agree that this would be best, and posed the idea.

The results? Starting next month, all Hyūga interested in joining the medical core would be encouraged to do so. 'nuff said.

Ino then began to work with Tsunade in the creation of more potent poisons and antidotes for use in missions that required subtlety. She also collaborated in the creation of the medicine Haku would need to take for her recovery.

The medicine was designed to accelerate the reintegration of the 'new' portion of her chakra network with the rest of her body. She would be put back on active duty as a kunoichi at the end of the month if there were no complications.

My medical exploits, however, were more in the area of emergency treatments in situations where someone trained in the medical arts was either not available or had been incapacitated for any reason. Decreasing dependence on chakra for mortal wounds in combat environments where every scrap of it counted.

Several books now had my name on it and were being distributed among the high ranking doctors and medics in the hospital and reserve medical core. Tsunade was ecstatic at my contributions and fresh perspective. Shizune was sexy. I need not explain the rest.

Shikamaru and I began to have daily Shogi matches in his house while his dad spoke about the importance of strategic thinking in all areas of life; not just combat. He was a wealth of knowledge and experience that Shika and I tried to imitate through our Shogi matches. I won more consistently, but overall Shika was still king.

Choji looked like he'd been struggling to find his niche, but I suggested taking up a weapon, much like how Shino and I had discussed with him several years ago. He decided to take my advise this time and started to practice using a battle axe that could expand its size just like his father's staff.

Shino revealed that he took up the sword and ocarina to infuse with chakra for genjutsu after I asked if his clan had any genjutsu specialists. We'd had a long discussion about what skillsets would benefit him and his team if he or others were able to master them to a high enough degree. This was before graduation, mind you, but he'd kept it on the down-low since he was still experimenting.

I helped him learn the ocarina with my flute, different instruments, similar principle. I became much more comfortable showing off my musical talents and eventually even Kakashi had expressed interest in seeing if I could learn to infuse my powerful jutsu into my use of the flute and guitar. I started trying to practice this in my own time and had clones practicing the Rasengan.


Tsunade had also been convinced by the old man and Jiraiya to take the mantle of Hokage. How they managed it I haven't the foggiest, but I was happy that she didn't need to go through the whole previous ordeal. The old man became an advisor and started enjoying his time as a painter at his house. I had to give respect where it was do, the old man could paint.

She was currently in a trial period, but we all knew it was just a matter of time before she was officially announced. Shizune couldn't stop gushing over it, and Tenten was overjoyed at the thought of a female Hokage. Yes, the girl was indeed this world's version of a feminist. Thankfully, not a crazy one, but still, she was all for girl-power.

Tenten and I became official after I showed her my take on her Twin Rising Dragon's technique. It was similar, but mine had the benefit of trapping the target in place before going through with the barrage. I also had every weapon infused with wind-chakra and used much less in terms of quantity. I was going for precision with my technique. Most of the volume came in the form of shuriken shadow clones.

I also had explosive notes on every other weapon thrown, which seemed to be the icing on the cake for her, and she asked me to be her boyfriend. She was old enough for me to not feel weird about it, at a year younger instead of three, but we still kept things platonic for the most part. A kiss here or there, but nothing too crazy.

Anyway, today, I was walking my happy ass to the Hokage Tower after finally mastering the Rasengan, not just in one hand, in both, simultaneously. I had three versions of it that were still just the normal Rasengan, they just varied in size and effect.

The first, was the smaller version that was the result of following the training steps Jiraiya gave me. It was about the size of a grapefruit, and it basically sent the opponent flying in the direction of impact. The second, is the size of a volleyball and had the peculiarity that it had more spin than the other two but less overall penetrating power, comparatively, of course. These techniques would drill through anybody easily. The last was the basketball-sized version of the technique, that had all of the characteristics of the previous two and was extremely powerful and explosive after the initial impact.

I called them Rasengan 3, Rasengan 2, Rasengan 1, with 1 being the stronger version since I numbered it in order of deadliness. They were all deadly regardless, but two of them were more so.

Anyway, I got to the door and heard a ruckus from inside, and ignoring the fact that the door was locked and that I could sense Jiraiya and Tsunade's chakra inside, I burst through the door with my new toys and got ready for battle. Only to find Tsunade with her legs spread all the way in my direction with Jiraiya having the time of his life while clutching at her fun-bags. 

I froze like a statue, disbelieving. This was not something that I would've expected would happen. I then heard the old man rush in behind me.

"Naruto! What happened-?!" He looked in the same direction that I was and froze, much like I did.

Tsunade was hot, no doubt about it. I was jealous, truth be told, but I was happy for Jiraiya, after Madara, he was my second favorite character, followed by Kakashi and Itachi. So, seeing him make his dream of romance come true was a treat as both a fan and a student.

Tsunade seemed caught between shrieking at being seen or enjoying the admiring stares; if her expression was anything to go by. Jiraiya poked his head from behind her shoulder and gave us a cheeky grin. I love this man.

Next thing I know the third drops like a stone next to me and I go into medic mode. Tsunade got off Jiraiya and put on a coat to cover herself and took over the medical response. Jiraiya seemed at a loss in what to do, but he put on pants at least and got me and Tsunade anything we needed to treat the old man.

It was no use. The Lord Third Hokage was pronounced dead at 21:38 on the fifteenth day of the sixth moon. He died with a smile on his face. Tsunade didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or punch the old man's corpse into the moon. I did both of the former. Jiraiya began to laugh before crying with me, and eventually Tsunade did the same. It was sad, awkward, and hilarious. There was no right way to react to this.

Tsunade and Jiraiya later gave the news to the elders, and later the village, changing certain details of the events of course, and had a funeral for him the next day on the sixteenth day of the sixth moon. (June 16th)