
Mysterious Man

When I met up with Amy Lee, she was having lunch with Adarna at a restaurant.

Both happily chatted, with Amy Lee showing Adarna her necklace.

"Hi Adarna. If I didn't know better, I would've thought you were mother and daughter," I said as I pulled out a chair at the table and joined them.

Adarna startled for a moment, then composed herself and excused herself to the washroom.

"Bobby has taken away the poison from Louise. Adarna should be safe for now. We'll just wait for him to lose his patience and show up," I briefed Amy Lee on the situation as I browsed through the lunch menu.

When Adarna came back, she had washed her face and rejoined us at the table.

"Well, Miss Amy Lee, I'm more than happy to sell the Valley Resort…" Before she could finish, Louise came at me, pushing me off the chair and starting to cuss at me.

"Wait, Mr. Louise, don't kill me!" I pretended to be scared, shaking and raising my arm to cover my head.